  • 这种脑化结果会导致疯颠。
    This softening of the brain would ended in madness.
  • 为德莱克斯勒的纳米技术所吸引,由件巨头所创办的zyvex公司已认识到制造纳米级的机器人将是多么困难。
    Zyvex, a company started by a software magnate enticed by Drexierian nanotechnology, has recognized how difficult it will be to create robots at the nanometer scale;
  • 衔铁一片连接磁极的
    A piece of soft iron connecting the poles of a magnet.
  • 软磁材料测量
    measurement of soft magnetic material
  • 果皮上满是刺的、果肉酸甜的、鲜红色、椭圆形马来水果。
    pleasantly acid bright red oval Malayan fruit covered with soft spines.
  • 由于件故障,数据丢失。
    The date is lost due to a software malfunction.
  • 由于件故障,数据丢失。
    The date was lost due to a software malfunction.
  • 一种且可延展的灰色金属元素,类似锡,但暴露于空气中会退色,有剧毒,用于制啮齿动物和昆虫毒药,见于闪锌矿和一些铁矿石中。
    a soft gray malleable metallic element that resembles tin but discolors on exposure to air; it is highly toxic and is used in rodent and insect poisons; occurs in zinc blende and some iron ores.
  • 人将火花移向燃料,燃料就点着了,靠燃烧中所产生的力烹调食品,熔化或化铁,把麦芽或甘蔗汁转化为啤酒或糖,而这些东西都是他事先移到此处的。
    He moves aspark to fuel, and it ignites, and by the force generated in combustion it cooks the food, melts or softens the iron, converts into beer or sugar the malt or cane-juice, which he has previously moved to the spot.
  • 南美洲金色的猴子,毛发长而形成鬃毛。
    golden South American monkey with long soft hair forming a mane.
  • 锰矿一种的,黑色至灰黑色的矿物质,mno2,是最普通最重要的锰矿
    A soft, black to dark gray mineral, MnO2, the commonest and most important secondary ore of manganese.
  • 紧张症以昏迷、痴呆、癫狂以及肢体的僵硬或极度疲等不同状况为特征的不正常状态。它常伴随有精神分裂症
    An abnormal condition variously characterized by stupor, stereotypy, mania, and either rigidity or extreme flexibility of the limbs. It is most often associated with schizophrenia.
  • netscape和微5.x版本的浏览器都能识别xml,能有效地吸收和管理xml数据。
    Both Netscape's and Microsoft's version 5.x browsers are XML-aware, and can absorb and manipulate XML data effectively.
  • 弱的男子,懦夫缺乏勇气和其它所谓男人品质的男人
    A man lacking courage and other qualities deemed manly.
  • 外套膜体动物、腕足类动物或鸟的套膜
    The mantle of a mollusk, brachiopod, or bird.
  • 板块缓慢连续地在流圈上移动,该流圈是指地幔中炽热柔层。
    The plates move slowly and continuously on the atmosphere, a layer of hot, soft rock in the mantle.
  • 安全管理、访问控制、数据管理和存储管理等传统的件功能,将映射到存储区域网的体系结构中,而且工作方式与以往不同。
    The traditional software functions of security management, access control, data management and storage management will be mapped into the SAN architecture and performed differently than they have been in the past.
  • 把1/4磅化黄油或者烹饪油厚厚的洒在整个表面上;我们正在拜访边远郊区的一座城墙厚厚的、可爱的小镇子。
    spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface; we were visiting a small, thickly walled and lovely town with straggling outskirt.
  • 然而,微的现行台式环境只与windows95或nt一起工作,而constellation能在任何平台上工作,它是一组基于html的、瞄准公司市场的工作流和传信产品。
    However, while Microsoft's active desktop works only with Windows 95 or NT, Constellation works on any platform, a suite of HTML-based workflow and messaging products aiming at the corporate marketplace.
  • 支持多种不同的设备和协议——首先,无线件平台应该能够支持多种不同的设备,其中的每一设备支持不同的标记语言、不同的微型浏览器和不同的通信协议。
    ? Support a Broad Variety of Devices and Protocols – First, the wireless software platform should be able to support a broad variety of wireless devices each of which supports a different markup language, a different microbrowser, and a different communication protocol.
  • 当他们准备过湿地时,他们的鞋子陷进了柔的地里。
    When they tried to cross the marsh, their shoes sank into the soft ground.
  • 泥炭土之上湿或被淹没的植被之下、排水性差的土壤。
    poorly drained soils on top of peat and under marsh or swamp vegetation.
  • 最大的麝香鹿;产于非洲西部的湿的地区。
    largest chevrotain; of marshy areas of west Africa.
  • 蛛网膜包围脊髓或脑的精细膜,位于脑脊膜及硬膜之间
    A delicate membrane that encloses the spinal cord and brain, and lies between the pia mater and dura mater.
  • 这床垫太松软。
    This mattress gives too much.
  • 床垫必须牢固,这也是为了防止婴儿的脸埋进松的垫子里。
    The mattress should be firm, again so baby faces don't get stuck in soft pockets.
  • 液化成熟的过程中变成液体或变得柔,如某种真菌类
    To become fluid or soft on maturing, as certain fungi.
  • 中国国防科技工业利用军工技术和设备,研制许多产品与项目包括生产了运五、运七、运八、运十二民用飞机;与外国企业合作生产了md—82、md—90等大型客机;自行研制了10亿次银河ii型巨型计算机及应用件;
    China enterprises have used military facilities and technology to bring many products and projects from the drawing board to production including the Yun-5, Yun-7, Yun-8 and Yun-12 civil aircraft, the MD-82 and MD-90 large passenger airplanes (produced in cooperation with a foreign partner), the Galaxy-11 supercomputer capable of handling I billion operations per second and its application software;
  • 醇厚甜的声音;芳醇的葡萄酒
    A mellow sound; a mellow wine.
  • 由于科技产业的泡沫逐渐走向破灭,他所持的微股份也难逃贬值的厄运,从2000年到现在,他的总资产共损失了200亿。
    He now has lost $20 billion since the tech meltdown began in 2000, due largely to the drop in value of his Microsoft shares.
  • 看到这情景,她的心化了。
    Her heart melted at this sight.
  • 他的恳求使她心下来。
    His pleading melted her.