  • 巴那塞斯山希腊中部一座海拔约2,458米(8,060尺)的山,位于科林斯海湾的北边,古时候是阿波罗,狄俄尼索和缪斯的圣地,特尔裴就在此山脚下
    A mountain, about2, 458 m(8, 060 ft) high, of central Greece north of the Gulf of Corinth. In ancient times it was sacred to Apollo, Dionysus, and the Muses. Delphi was at the foot of the mountain.
  • 药衡中的容量或体积单位等于液体两。
    a unit of capacity or volume in the apothecary system equal to one eighth of a fluid ounce.
  • 医生来检查了病人的症状,说她是重伤风(其实这也是可想而知的),他嘱咐她们要尽力当心,又劝吉上床去睡觉,并且给她开了几样药。
    The apothecary came, and having examined his patient, said, as might be supposed, that she had caught a violent cold, and that they must endeavour to get the better of it; advised her to return to bed, and promised her some draughts.
  • 阿巴拉契亚山贯穿的新格兰洲、纽约洲,以及东南部的佛罗里达洲的大部分地区和路易斯安那洲南部。
    in New England, NY and PA through the Appalachians; in the Southeast, most of Florida and southern Louisiana.
  • 他们忍受着恶劣天气的煎熬,表现了国人典型的坚忍不拔的精神.
    They reacted to the appalling weather with typical British stoicism.
  • 继承国王位的男子。
    the male heir apparent of the British sovereign.
  • 蔑视王权罪国法律中因求助于或遵从于外国法庭或权威而冒犯国王统治权所构成的违法行为
    The offense under English law of appealing to or obeying a foreign court or authority, thus challenging the supremacy of the Crown.
  • 使在外观上像国人。
    make English in appearance.
  • 大量雄人物出现了。
    Numerously heroic figure has appeared.
  • 张伯伦,(约瑟夫)奥斯特1863-1937国政治家,因协助签订《洛迦诺公约》获1925年诺贝尔和平奖
    British politician and prime minister(1937-1940) who advocated a policy of appeasement toward the fascist regimes of Europe. He was forced to declare war on Germany after its invasion of Poland in1939.
  • 流利的语使他在其他求职者中占了很大优势。
    His fluent english give him a big advantage over the other applicant.
  • 彼得去年申请了国国籍。
    Peter applied for British citizenship last year.
  • 国)一个对被任命者的蔑称。
    (British) a disparaging term for an appointee.
  • 你可以阅读欣赏拉丁语,法语,语的文学作品。
    You can read Latin, French, and English literature with appreciation.
  • 新加坡眼前面对的挑战,是如何培养出新一代欣赏与热爱自身文化,并为它感到自豪的华文文化精(同时也培养马来文化与印度文化精),却避免出现沙文主义。
    For Singapore, the challenge ahead is to cultivate a new generation of Chinese elite (and Malay and Indian elite, for that matter) to be confident, appreciative and passionate of one's own culture without being chauvinistic.
  • 讲华语运动及培养华文知识分子与文化精,明显是为了使华族新加坡人热爱及欣赏自己的文化传统,对自己的语言、文化传统与价值观充满自豪,可是,他们这种对中华文化的认同必须经过理性思考与批判,并以开放与包容态度对待其他种族文化。
    It is obvious the campaign and the measures to cultivate a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite aim to make the Chinese Singaporean feel proud, passionate, and appreciative of their cultural heritage - their own language, culture, traditions, and values.This, however, should be achieved through a process of critical and rational assessment of the Chinese culture, and with an open mind to the merits and values of other cultures.
  • 讲华语运动及培养华文知识分子与文化精,明显是为了使华族新加坡人热爱及欣赏自己的文化传统,对自己的语言、文化传统与价值观充满自豪,可是,他们这种对中华文化的认同必须经过理性思考与批判,并以开放与包容态度对待其他种族文化。
    It is obvious the campaign and the measures to cultivate a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite aim to make the Chinese Singaporean feel proud, passionate, and appreciative of their cultural heritage - their own language, culture, traditions, and values. This, however, should be achieved through a process of critical and rational assessment of the Chinese culture, and with an open mind to the merits and values of other cultures.
  • 学徒期满后,詹姆士为国最伟大的造枪巨子及其所在时代的一个传奇人物乔·曼顿工作。但是他并不愿意沾任何人的光。
    After his apprenticeship he worked for Joe Manton, the greatest gunsmith in England and a legend in his own lifetime. But James was not content to bask in anyone's reflected glory.
  • 拥有或者表现出与雄一样的品质。
    having or displaying qualities appropriate for heroes.
  • 价钱大约是300镑--我记不清了。
    It cost approximately 300I can't remember exactly.
  • 四月在空中飞行30,000
    Logged30, 000 air miles in April.
  • 1956年4月,赫鲁晓夫和布尔加宁访问国。
    In April 1956, Khruschev and Bulganin visited Britain.
  • [6]洛克、爱尔维休和狄德罗都相信所有的人都有相同的天赋,并且相信在约束大智才的活动的法则之下,有些人所能完成的,其他的人在相似的环境下,致力于相似的追求,也准是力所能及的。
    [6] Locke, Helvetius, and Diderot believed that all men have an equal aptitude for genius, and that what some are able to effect, under the laws which regulate the operations of the intellect, must also be within the reach of others who, under like circumstances, apply themselves to like pursuits.
  • 阿拉伯半岛被国人瓜分了。
    The Arab peninsula was partitioned by the British.
  • 这次进攻激起阿拉伯人民的勇抵抗。
    This attack roused the Arab people to courageous resistance.
  • 道蒂,查尔斯·蒙塔古1843-1926国旅行家和作家,以其阿拉伯沙漠旅行记(1888年)而著名
    British traveler and writer best known for Travels in Arabia Deserta(1888).
  • 亚丁以前为国的殖民地及阿拉伯半岛南部的一个保护国,1967年以后是南也门(现也门)的一部分
    A former British colony and protectorate of southern Arabia, part of Southern Yemen(now Yemen) since1967.
  • 里恩,戴维生于1908国电影制片人,他的作品包括桂河大桥(1957年)和阿拉伯的劳伦斯(1962年),两片均获得学院奖
    British filmmaker. His works include The Bridge on the River Kwai(1957) and Lawrence of Arabia(1962), both of which won Academy Awards.
  • 他说阿拉伯语和语都一样自如.
    He speaks Arabic and English with equal ease.
  • 语(法语,德语,俄语,西班牙语,日语,阿拉伯语,世界语,物理)
    study English(French, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Esperanto, physics)
  • weidner提供了把语翻译成法语,西班牙语,德语,葡萄牙语和阿拉伯语的直接法翻译系统
    Weidner offers direct - method system that translate English into French, Spanis, German, Portuguese and Arabic
  • 国以前的法庭,因其独断的方式和严厉的制裁而声名狼籍。
    a former English court that became notorious for its arbitrary methods and severe punishments.