  • 格兰品种,黑色和棕色皮毛。
    a Scottish breed with a black-and-tan coat.
  • 陶璐娜、李对红和陈颖共得了1,768分,将前联1989年创下的记录提高了4分。
    Tao Luna, Li Duihong and chen ying scored 1,768 points, improving the then-Soviet Union 1989 mark by four points.
  • 我已经叫给您带去几盘通俗歌曲盒带,因为她说您家里有一台录音机。
    I asked Sue to bring you several pop music tapes, as she said you have a tape recorder at home.
  • 彩格呢披风一种格兰高地人穿的搭于左肩上的彩色格子图案的长方形羊毛呢披风
    A rectangular woolen scarf of a tartan pattern worn over the left shoulder by Scottish Highlanders.
  • 我的窗帘上有蓝色的流
    There are blue tassels on my curtains.
  • 土耳其帽一种通常为红色的、顶部有垂下的黑色流的、平顶的圆筒形男式毡帽,主要在地中海东部地区佩戴
    A man's felt cap in the shape of a flat-topped cone, usually red with a black tassel hanging from the crown, worn chiefly in the eastern Mediterranean region.
  • 要是黄金百斤尽,黑貂之裘也破了,她就是一个十足的太太。
    If you should return with all your wealth spent and your fur coat in tatters, she will ignore you and be every inch like the wife of Su Qin.
  • 法夫格兰东部一地区,位于福斯湾和泰湾之间。曾是皮科特王国的土地
    A region of eastern Scotland between the Firths of Forth and Tay. It was once a Pict kingdom.
  • 特德邀请珊去看戏,但珊想在作出回答之前先摸一下他的情况。
    Ted invited Susan to the theatre, but she was measuring him up before giving an answer.
  • 古老的格兰品种,通常是有直立的尾巴和耳朵的黑色猎犬。
    old Scottish breed of small long-haired usually black terrier with erect tail and ears.
  • 他们自己去苏澳。
    They went to Suao by themselves.
  • 獾广泛地分布在英国各地,西南部最为普遍,英格兰东部和格兰地区只有少量分布。
    Badgers are widespread in Britain but are most common in the South West, rare in East Anglia and thinly distributed in Scotland.
  • 审汤米,这是苏茜。
    This is Tommy and this is Susie.
  • 花极其美丽,有精致的线状流,花头被薄的白色或粉色的边花围绕;生长在美国和加拿大。
    especially pretty plant having a delicate fringe of threadlike rays around flower heads having very slender white or pink rays; United States and Canada.
  • 不期收到你送的亚麻织品,我和bill非常不安。珊,你送来的台布特别漂亮。
    And a thrill I'll never forget.
  • 珊,你送来的台布特别漂亮。
    Your tea cloth is especially lovely, Susan. and a thrill I'll never forget.
  • 珊被紧紧地挤在一角,动都不能动。
    Susan is wedged in the corner so tightly that she can not move.
  • 汤姆,这是苏茜。
    Tom, this is Susi.
  • 您去那里时,我能替您照顾汤米和茜吗?
    Can I take care of Tommy and Suise for you while you're there?
  • 您去那里时,我能替您照顾汤米和茜吗?
    Can I take care of Tommy and Suise for you while you're there?
  • 珊班里的同学们还用鞋盒子做成复活节礼筐,里面装上糖果、玩具、牙膏、肥皂、牙刷和洗发液等。
    Susan's class made Easter baskets from shoe-boxes and filled them with candy and toys as well as toothpaste,soap,toothbrushes and shampoo.
  • 费耶特维尔美国北卡罗来纳州中南部的一个城市,位于罗利西南部偏南。1739年由格兰殖民者建成,在美国独立战争期间为亲英分子的中心。人口75,695
    A city of south-central North Carolina south-southwest of Raleigh. Founded by Scottish colonists in1739, it was a Tory center during the American Revolution. Population,75, 695.
  • 他们正在格兰各地旅行。
    They are touring Scotland.
  • 国家版权局查处了福建、广东等地十几家工艺美术品厂仿制外国公司玩具造型案、江一家电子工业公司翻版生产激光唱盘案。
    The State Copyright Administration investigated and then dealt with a series of cases in which a dozen odd arts and crafts factories in Fujian and Guangdong had manufactured pirated toys copying several foreign companies' toy designs, and a case in which an electronics enterprise in Jiangsu was illegally producing compact discs.
  • 苏州戏曲博物馆
    Suzhou Museum of Traditional Operas
  • 看到到处是垃圾很苦恼。
    Sue was troubled to see trash everywhere.
  • 他正从格兰出发南下伦敦。
    He's travelling down to London from Scotland.
  • 威尔士与格兰订立了一项条约。
    Wales concluded a treaty with Scotland.
  • 世界上都在说、美、中“大三角”。
    People around the world are talking about the big triangle composed of the Soviet Union, the United States and China.
  • 加州对外州人的引诱力并非从来不可抗拒。在最近另两次不景气时期——70及80年代初——迁来加州的人潮降为零星点滴。后来经济复人潮大量回升。
    The lure of California has not always been irresistible to other Americans. During two other recent recessions, in the early 1970's and early 1980's, the flood of migrants narrowed to a trickle and then rebounded with a vengeance when the economy improved.
  • 一种扭曲的丝带或细绳的装饰品形成的饰物,通常用于帽上
    A decorative trimming of twisted ribbon or cord, used especially on hats.
  • 目前,北京、天津、河北、山西、江等十多个省、直辖市以及深圳、大连等城市已建立了地区性劳动关系三方协调机制。
    So far, a dozen provinces and municipalities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and Jiangsu, and the two cities of Shenzhen and Dalian have set up regional tripartite coordination mechanisms for labor relations.