  • 他伸出手,接我他的镰刀。
    He reached out his hand for the sickle I offered him.
  • 我俯视街道,又看见一列灰色或退色的红砖的墙壁,墙壁上有成列的、千篇一律的、阴暗的小窗,窗门一半开着,一半阴影掩蔽着,窗槛上也许有一瓶牛乳,其他的窗槛上有几盆细小的病态的花儿。
    And looking down into a street, I see again a stretch of gray or discolored red brick walls, with tiny, dark, uniform windows in uniform rows, half open and half hidden by shades, with perhaps a bottle of milk standing on a windowsill and a few pots of tiny, sickly flowers on some others.
  • 牛能把疾病传染人类。
    Cows can give sickness to human beings.
  • 袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位,把政权交了他。
    Yuan Shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.
  • 让位给某人
    abdicate the throne in sb.'s favour
  • 他走到餐具柜边,自己倒了一杯威士忌酒。
    He go to the sideboard and pour himself a whisky.
  • 艾比,我他的钱是银行信用贷款,下月即将到期。他令我简直不知如何是好。我实在需要他欠我的这笔钱,可是他当我不再存在。你看我该怎么办?
    Abby, the money I gave him was from my line of credit at the bank and payment is due next month. He has put me in a terrible bind. I really need the money he owes me, but he acts like I no longer exist. Any suggestions?
  • 这位老人结了冰的人行道撒上了沙子。
    The old man sprinkled sand on the icy sidewalk.
  • 他父亲的死讯了他非常沉重的打击。
    The news of his father's death knocked him sideways.
  • 他鬼鬼祟祟地向着那个陌生人挨近,想把偷来的戒指卖他。
    He sidled up to the stranger and tried to sell him the stolen ring.
  • 他偷偷走到街上那个陌生人跟前想把偷来的那个戒指卖他。
    He sidled up to the stranger in the street and tried to sell him the stolen ring.
  • 在多伦多的谢拉法律保护基金会主管律师斯图尔德·a·g·埃尔吉说:“这就像一个医院,让病人挂了号,但不他们治疗。
    "It's like a hospital that registers its patients but doesn't treat them," said Stewart A.G. Elgie, managing lawyer for the Sierra Legal Defense Fund in Toronto.
  • 引导或观光者讲解的向导。
    a guide who conducts and informs sightseers.
  • 医生了他某种药,以减弱那剧烈的疼痛。
    The doctor gave him some medicine to abate the powerful pain.
  • 裁判员的职责是出"成功"或"失败"的信号。
    A referee is responsible for signaling "good lift" or "no lift".
  • 印度尼西亚是缔约国之一,其中六种海龟就生活在那里。但在岛上的商人游说之后,印尼政府却予巴厘岛特殊照顾──每年5,000只海龟的配额。
    Indonesia, which is home to six of the seven species, was one of the signatories, but the government gave special dispensation to Bali--a 5,000 animal annual quo ta ?? after lobbying from traders on the island.
  • 他把自己的签名字样银行。
    He gives the bank his signature.
  • “我要是咬着了,我可要在这咬人的东西上打上我的印记呢。”
    `If I had been, I would have set my signet on the biter.'
  • 我上了重要的一课。
    She gave me a significant lesson.
  • 生病几乎就像死亡一样人不祥的感觉(而且要昂贵得多)。
    Getting sick is in almost as bad taste as dying (and significantly more expensive).
  • 但是我们认为政治经济,或者象萨依所说的“公共经济”,也应当科学地加以发展;可是我们还认为对事物应当以正确的名称,这样总比使用意义相反的名称要好些。
    we are, however, of opinion that political economy, or as Say calls it '閏onomie publique,' should also be developed scientifically, and that it is always better to call things by their proper names than to give them significations which stand opposed to the true import of words.
  • 路标指我们应走的路。
    A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.
  • 安吉拉默默地递我一些纸巾、把米莉从我身上抱走。
    Silently. Angeta hands me some tissues and takes Millie from me.
  • 我看一下那几块丝手帕好吗?
    May I see these silk handkerchiefs?
  • 英国所付出的“礼物”仅仅是交换价值,而法国所偿付的高昂代价却是力量的丧失,这种礼物就好象是土耳其皇帝惯于送他的帕夏(paslia)的那种珍贵的“丝绳”一样。
    The English 'present' in mere value would be dearly paid for in loss of power;it would seem like the present which the Sultan is wont to make to his pashas by sending them valuable silken cords.
  • 政府为少数民族的传统节日规定了假日,专门拨一定数量的金银和其他原料,组织生产少数民族所特殊需要的绸缎、靴帽、珠宝、玉器和金银饰品等生活用品。
    Gold, silver and other raw materials are allotted in certain amounts by the government to the minority peoples for the production of the daily necessities or luxury articles including silks, satins, shoes, hats, jewelry, jade artifacts and gold or silver ornaments.
  • 政府为少数民族的传统节日规定了假日,专门拨一定数量的金银和其他原料,组织生产少数民族所特殊需要的绸缎、靴帽、珠宝、玉器和金银饰品等生活用品。
    People from minority areas can take holidays on their own traditional festivals. Gold, silver and other raw materials are allotted in certain amounts by the government to the minority peoples for the production of the daily necessities or luxury articles including silks, satins, shoes, hats, jewelry, jade artifacts and gold or silver ornaments.
  • 我订两张去纽约的美航104班机的头等舱机票。
    Book me two first class seats on AA Flight 104 to New York.
  • 我换成钞票和大银币。
    Notes and large silver, please.
  • 这个旧的镀银器皿重新镀银。
    He plated the old silver again.
  • 工匠给铜镀银。
    The craftsman plated copper with silver.
  • 这儿我们要您介绍的是一位能够同时兼做两份ceo工作的才华出能人。
    Here's a guy with enough savvy and brainpower to effectively hold down two CEO jobs at once--and do a pretty amazing job at both.