  • 丈夫面包师,妻子腹睡。
    She goes to sleep hungry, although her husband is a baker.
  • 倒立脚在中由手来保持平衡的动作
    The act of balancing on the hands with one's feet in the air.
  • 开球区台球桌的橡皮边和阻碍线之间的间之一
    One of the spaces between the cushion and the balk line on a billiard table.
  • 然而以相同形状和材料制造的一架f-117战斗机却于1999年在巴尔干半岛上被击落。
    However, in 1999,an F-117,which also has a stealthy shape and materials, was blasted out of the sky over the Balkans.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少间豪华公寓,都不可能填补人类心灵的虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化修养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Chen, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast to be cultured.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少间豪华公寓,都不可能填补人类心灵的虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化修养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Tan, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast (counterweight) to be cultured.
  • 香港对数个时下问题尤为积极参与,包括船舶造成气污染的管制措施、微生物寄存压舱水中所造成的污染、《国际海上人命安全公约》其中一章有关防火的重大修订和诠释、《高速船安全守则》的修订、船舶安全管理系统和散装货轮安全等。这些问题对香港注册船舶和香港公司所拥有或管理的船舶会有长远影响。
    Hong Kong was particularly active on several issues, including measures to control air pollution from ships, contamination by transport of aquatic organisms in ballast water, major revision and interpretation of a chapter on fire prevention within the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, revision of the High Speed Craft Code, safety management systems for ships and bulk carrier safety, which will have long-term effects on Hong Kong registered ships as well as ships owned or managed by Hong Kong companies.
  • 气弹道学特指导弹在气中的弹道学
    Ballistics, especially of missiles, in the atmosphere.
  • 那个气球飘浮升空。
    The balloon floated up into the air.
  • 有一个气球悬在中。
    There was a balloon suspended in mid-air.
  • 一个测风气球被放入中。
    A pilot balloon was sent to the air.
  • 气球中存放气的包。
    the bag containing the gas in a balloon.
  • 气球冉冉升入天空。
    The balloon rose up slowly into the air.
  • 气球气外逸而缓缓下降.
    The balloon descended gradually as the air came out.
  • 1783年10月,两兄弟的另一只气球升上了天
    In October 1783, the brothers' another balloon went up.
  • 荡荡的舞厅里洞的脚步声。
    the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom.
  • 舞会后,满是垃圾、无一人的舞厅发出洞的回声。
    after the dance the littered and lifeless ballroom echoed hollowly.
  • 这天可爱的阳光和清爽的气使我精神振奋。
    The day cheer me by the loveliness of its sunshine and the balminess of the air.
  • 然而,贝尼特斯和他的同行、巴尔的摩太探测科学研究所的赫苏斯·迈斯-阿佩利亚尼斯认为,200万年前至少有两颗超新星在地球附近爆炸。
    However, Bení tez and his colleague,Dr Jesús Maíz-Apellániz, of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, now believe that at least two supernovae occurred near Earth two million years ago.
  • 空洞无聊的话或文章
    Speech or writing deemed banal or foolish.
  • 也许是由于厌倦了地球上的平常的事物或是因为受到了那些勇敢者,如美国第一个太人艾伦·谢菲尔德和第一个进行太旅行的美国富翁丹尼斯·蒂托的鼓舞,调查结果显示有7%的美国富人愿意花2千万美元参加为期两周的太轨道环绕旅行。还有19%的人愿意掏10万美元参加另一种只有15分钟的太飞行。
    Possibly bored by the banal baubles of mundane Mother Earth or inspired by the dashing derring-do of such pioneers as first American in space Alan Shepard and first millionaire in space Dennis Tito, the poll says 7 percent of rich Americans would pay $20 million for a two-week orbital flight and 19 percent would pay $100,000 for 15-minute sub-orbital flight.
  • 屋子里的东西被匪徒们洗劫一
    The bandits made off with everything in the house.
  • 甚至在拉斯维加斯的航终点站,都有大批的吃角子老虎。
    Even the airport terminal in Las Vegas is full of one-armed bandits.
  • 旅游协会又与旅游同业,例如各酒店及航公司,定期在海外合办多项推广活动,包括在曼谷、新加坡、吉隆坡、雅加达及马尼拉等城市举行东南亚巡回访问团,以及组织旅游业考察团到台湾、韩国和印度访问,以及在日本36个城市举行城市巡回宣传。
    Regular joint promotions with travel industry partners such as hotels and airlines were also conducted overseas. These included a South-East Asia Road show to Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Manila; travel trade missions to Taiwan, Korea and India; and a City Blitz of 36cities in Japan.
  • 储水池的水渐渐流了。
    The bank gradually emptied.
  • 我的银行帐户有50英镑的亏.
    My bank account is 50 in the red.
  • 旗帜在空中飞舞
    The banner flourished in the wind.
  • 我们讲高举马列主义、毛泽东思想的旗帜,不就成了说话吗?
    In that case, won't our call to hold high the banner of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought be so many empty words?
  • 时,西边天有一道红晖
    A baptismal name, font
  • 如果你周日有,我们想请你们俩来吃烧烤。
    If you're not busy Sunday, we'd love to have you both over for a barbecue.
  • 光墙壁;橱柜是的。
    the bare walls; the cupboard was bare.
  • 空言不能成交易。
    Bare words, no bargain.