  • 能被吸附或附于固体的表面。
    capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid.
  • 学生自觉地遵守纪律,可以经常看到红领巾拿喇叭,维持交通秩序。
    Students and pupils willingly observed discipline. Young Pioneers wearing red scarves could frequently be seen holding megaphones and helping to direct traffic.
  • 原来,随伊朗政府对社会风俗的宗教限制逐渐放松,一些伊朗妇女穿起了长裤和只长及膝盖的紧身袍子,而且还可以将秀发从那些五颜六色的头巾下面解放出一部分了。
    In a sign of a gradual relaxation of Iran's social restrictions, some Iranian women wear long trousers and knee-length tight robes, and allow part of their hair to spill out from under colorful scarves.
  • 时间的过去定期性的积聚。
    periodically accumulated over time.
  • 最初,火车喷火花在田野间轰隆而过,把许多人吓坏了。
    In its first days, the iron horse frightened many people as it roared across country scattering sparks.
  • 一种户外游戏;兔子顺一条长路跑并分散一些纸片(或味道)并且猎犬尽力。
    an outdoor game; the hares start off on a long run scattering bits of paper (the scent) and the hounds try to catch them before they reach a designated spot.
  • 血色素沉(症),血色病一种影响铁的新陈代谢的遗传性疾病,大量多余的铁淤积在体内组织中。此疾病的特征是糖尿病、肝机能障碍及皮肤黄褐色色素沉
    A hereditary disorder affecting iron metabolism in which excessive amounts of iron accumulate in the body tissues. The disorder is characterized by diabetes mellitus, liver dysfunction, and a bronze pigmentation of the skin.
  • 狗追着气味走
    The dog picked up the scent.
  • 循着气味追踪
    To pursue by following a scent.
  • 猎犬沿强烈的臭迹追踪一只狼。
    Hounds follow a wolf upon a burning scent.
  • 警察沿脚印跟踪追捕。
    The footprints put the police on the scent.
  • 威尔逊医生以为他在治疗癌症方面找到些线索,但其他人则认为他是在沿错误的线索开展工作。
    Dr Wilson thinks he’s on the scent of a cure for cancer, but others think he’s following a false scent.
  • 太空飞船按计划陆了
    The spacecraft touched down on schedule.
  • 我正静候手累积这笔钱的计划,而五,我将在接受计划的同时,遵照计划行事。”
    I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that plan, when it is received."
  • 但是这条14岁、模样邋遢、有关节炎的混种狗,瘸腿进了我们家院子,跟我们的纯正刚毛犬,10岁老处女海迪亲密了一番。
    But at age fourteen,this scruffy,arthritic mongrel hobbled into our yard for a tê te-a- tê te with our blue blooded schnauzer,Heidi,who was a ten year Old Maid.
  • 那些卡片好象许多面小旗点缀教室。我们是何等专心啊!
    They seemed like so many little flags dotted about the schoolroom. How we worked!
  • 这未必属实,但围绕列奥纳多这样的传奇人物,这类故事总是越来越多。
    This is unlikely, but stories like this accumulate around a legendary figure like Leonardo.
  • 男孩和女孩们正在校园里玩
    Boys and girls were playing in the schoolyard.
  • 具有能力或趋势吸附或者导致附在一个表面。
    having capacity or tendency to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface.
  • 缺乏吸附能力或缺乏导致附于表面的能力。
    lacking a capacity to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface.
  • 别那么瞪眼望老师,你是该骂的。
    Don't glare at your teacher like that. You deserved the scolding.
  • 急,你会在场上看到他的。我听说他是巴西队的一个得分手。
    Don't worry,you'll find out him in the game,I hear he' one of key scorers of the Brazillian Team.
  • 她撅个嘴,露出一付不屑一顾的样子。
    Her scorn is shown by the curl of the lips.
  • 急流沿山坡冲出了一条沟。
    The torrent scoured a channel down the hillside.
  • 侦察员用左手对敌人的哨兵一拳打过去。
    The scout let drive at the enemy sentry with his left first.
  • 侦察员勒缰下马,带情报朝我们跑过来。
    The scout reined in his horse, dismounted, and ran towards us with his message.
  • 基尔夫在信上这样写:「有一天,我需要找个人帮忙,原因是欧洲将举行一次童子军大露营;我要请美国一家大公司,资助我一个童子军的旅费。
    “One day I found I needed a favor,” wrote Mr. Chalif.“A big Scout jamboree was coming off in Europe, and I wanted the president of one of the largest corporations in America to pay the expenses of one of my boys for the trip.
  • 教导所为所员提供半天课堂学习和半天职业训练,此外还藉童军训练、香港青年奖励计划的活动和外展训练,让所员接受个性发展培训。
    They attend half-day educational classes and receive half-day vocational training. They also receive character development training in the form of scouting/guiding, Hong Kong Young People Award activities and Outward Bound training.
  • 侦察兵先涉过浅滩,战士们跟安然渡过。
    The soldier rode out of the ford with the scouts in advance.
  • 无论他们有多坏的脾气,也不可能每天脸上都带怒容吧。
    and it was impossible, however ill-tempered they might be, that the universal scowl they wore was their everyday countenance.
  • 不要大声嚷嚷,不要在吧台面上敲击钱币,不要叭叭地弹手指,不要像快淹死的人那样挥动手臂,不要绷脸,不要唉声叹气,不要翻动眼珠。
    Do not call out tap coins on the counter, snap your finger or wave like a drowning swimmer. Do not scowl or sigh or roll your eyes.
  • 那囚犯满面怒容地看法官。
    The prisoner scowled at the judge.