  • 什麽?!蜜月旅行是到洲兩個禮拜?多奢侈!
    What? ! They are going to europe for two week for their honeymoon? How extravagant!
  • 洲産的一種纏繞忍鼕屬植物,花芳香、紅色和黃白色。
    European twining honeysuckle with fragrant red and yellow-white flowers.
  • 威基基海灘夏威夷鬍島一個著名的海灘和度假區,位於檀香山東南。睏其優越的衝浪條件而聞名
    A famous beach and resort district of Oahu Island, Hawaii, southeast of Honolulu. It is known for its fine surfing conditions.
  • 款鼕一種菊科低矮的多年生亞草本植物(款鼕款鼕屬),原産於北美部分地區,長有蒲公英狀花序和巨大的蹄狀基生葉
    A low perennial Eurasian herb(Tussilago farfara) in the composite family, naturalized in parts of North America and having dandelionlike flower heads and large, hoof-shaped basal leaves.
  • 駝鹿一種有蹄的哺乳動物,發現於北美洲北部和亞大陸的森林中(棕角鹿駝鹿),長有下垂的寬鼻口,雄鹿有大的掌狀鹿角
    A hoofed mammal(Alces alces) found in forests of northern North America and in Eurasia and having a broad, pendulous muzzle and large, palmate antlers in the male.
  • 洲各主要電視網之間的衛星聯播
    A satellite hook-up between the major European networks
  • 在裙子下面能水平地撐開裙子的一種環;它曾被洲的和世紀的婦女所用。
    a hoop worn beneath a skirt to extend it horizontally; worn by European women in the 16th and 17th centuries.
  • 鯨骨襯箍16和17世紀的洲婦女所用的一種穿在裙子裏面,用來將裙子的自腰以下水平撐開的箍
    A support, such as a hoop, worn beneath a skirt to extend it horizontally from the waist, used by European women in the16th and17th centuries.
  • 原生於美洲,常與洲葎草混淆。
    native American plant sometimes confused with the European hop.
  • 我正盼望去訪問洲。
    I am hoping to visit Europe.
  • 我正盼望去訪問洲。
    I'm hoping to visit Europe.
  • 據加州大學文分校的一個研究小組研究,僅僅是期待一件快樂、有趣的事件也能提高大腦內啡素(一種令人情緒愉快的物質)的産生,並減少壓力荷爾蒙的分泌。
    Just anticipating a happy, funny event can raise levels of endorphins and other pleasure and relaxation-inducing hormones and lower production of stress hormones, a team at the University of California Irvine said.
  • 産於洲北非和亞洲的一個草本屬;角罌粟。
    herbs of Europe and North Africa and Asia: horned poppy.
  • 傳入美國的洲黃蜂。
    European hornet introduced into the United States.
  • 洲的一種多年生植物,具有黃色傘形花,開花後産生分成馬蹄形節的平豆莢。
    European woody-pased perennial with yellow umbellate flowers followed by flattened pods that separate into horseshoe-shaped joints.
  • 每一所寄宿旅店都由男女捨監(管理員)管理,這些稱呼在洲至今仍沿用。
    Every hostel is in the charge of house parents, or wardens, as they are still called in Europe.
  • 非洲第二大洲,位於大西洋與印度洋之間的南部洲。為最炎熱的洲,非洲擁有大量的礦産資源,其中許多至今未被開發
    The second-largest continent, lying south of Europe between the Atlantic and Indian oceans. The hottest continent, Africa has vast mineral resources, many of which are still undeveloped.
  • 一種大而強壯的洲血統獵犬,嗅覺非常靈敏,用於追蹤。
    a breed of large powerful hound of European origin having very acute smell and used in tracking.
  • 洲最大的城市間都有每小時一次的航班相連。
    The largest cities in Europe are linked by hourly flights.
  • 洲最大的城市間都有每小時一次的航班相連。
    The largest city in europe is link by hourly flight.
  • 洲李和杏的雜交品種。
    hybrid produced by crossing Prunus domestica and Prunus armeniaca.
  • 天仙子,莨菪一種有毒的(天仙子天仙子屬)亞植物,氣味難聞,有粘性葉子,黃緑色花朵呈漏鬥狀。它是藥物東莨菪礆的原料
    A poisonous Eurasian plant(Hyoscyamus niger) having an unpleasant odor, sticky leaves, and funnel-shaped greenish-yellow flowers. It is a source of the drug hyoscamine.
  • 與我們合作的一傢洲大型石油集團透露說,有一傢新成立的超大型連鎖加油站正在取代他們的加油站。
    An oil group we worked with, one of the biggest companies in its sector in Europe, revealed that a new chain of hypermarket petrol stations was overtaking its petrol stations.
  • 印-語言或由他推導出的假想語言的印-語言或由他推導出的假想語言的與印-語言或由他推導出的假想語言有關的
    Of or relating to the Indo-European languages or the hypothetical language from which they are derived.
  • 板塊構造學說中一個假想的大陸,後來分裂成亞、、北美的古大陸。
    a hypothetical continent that (according to plate tectonic theory) broke up later into North America and Europe and Asia.
  • 勞亞古大陸北半球的原始大陸,一片假想中的大陸板塊,根據板塊構造理論,它分裂為北美洲、洲和亞洲
    The protocontinent of the Northern Hemisphere, a hypothetical landmass that according to the theory of plate tectonics broke up into North America, Europe, and Asia.
  • 埃及獴産於非洲和南的一種大獴(埃及獴),有灰色毛皮和黑色尾毛
    A large mongoose(Herpestes ichneumon) of Africa and southern Europe, having a gray coat and black tail tufts.
  • 例如,聯合國參與了洲航天局、法國、國傢空間研究中心和洲核研究組織的價值120萬美元的項目,以便能為聯合國機構和非政府組織進行人道主義援助或衝突後恢復與重建項目的所在地連續不斷地提供上網可得的衛星圖像、圖像處理服務、地圖和其他地理資料。
    For instance, it participates in a $1.2 million venture with the European Space Agency, France, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to provide continuous web-accessed satellite imagery, image-processing services, maps and other geographic information for any place where UN agencies and non-governmental organizations are providing humanitarian assistance or carrying out post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction projects.
  • 這位偉人的逝世不但使洲和美洲戰鬥的無産階級蒙受了巨大損失,也給歷史科學帶來無可估量的損失。
    An immeasurable loss has been sustained both by the militant proletariat of Europe and America, and by historical science, in the death of this man.
  • 這個國傢同化了從洲大多數國傢遷來的移民。
    This country has assimilated immigrants from most of the countries of Europe.
  • 加拿大有許多洲移民。
    Canada has many immigrants from Europe.
  • 二戰以後洲移出原籍的家庭被鼓勵移居澳大利亞。
    European families emigrating from their homelands were encouraged to immigrate into Australia after World War II.