  • 羅剋斯普林斯美國俄明州西南部一城市,位於美國猶他州邊境以北。在19世紀60年代是貿易站和俄勒岡小道上的馬車驛站。人口19,050
    A city of southwest Wyoming north of the Utah border. It was a trading post and stagecoach station on the Oregon Trail in the1860's. Population,19, 050.
  • 會議開到中途時,他對我的觀點表示疑,結果我犯了一個因魯莽行事而惹災禍的錯誤,於是他便證明了從上次討論以來我完全改變了態度。
    Halfway through the meeting he questioned my point of view and I made the mistake of leading with my chin, where upon he was able to demonstrate that I had totally reversed my stance since the last discussion.
  • 但研討會的發言者之一,斯坦福大學的凱特琳·奧康納·羅德威爾疑,包括犀牛、獅子和大象在內的衆多大型陸棲哺乳動物也利用地面的振動作為交流的方式。
    But Caitlin O'Connell-Rodwell of Stanford University, who is one of the speakers at the symposium, suspects that a number of large terrestrial mammals, including rhinos, lions and elephants also use vibration as a means of communication.
  • 她以疑的眼光註視着我.
    She stared at me with unbelieving eyes.
  • 我們疑那個男孩子偷東西。
    We suspected the boy of stealing.
  • 這麽一來,他真的浸潤在他的文學情人的抱中,而由這些書籍中獲得他的靈魂的食糧。
    Thus he truly steeps himself in his literary lover and derives from these books sustenance for his soul.
  • 我們很多人因一場爭論、一次誤解或某一痛苦的經歷便對他人心存芥蒂,耿耿於
    So many of us hold on to little resentments that may have stemmed from an argument,a misunderstanding,or some other painful event.
  • 所以在演出結束,當我的名字與頌舞演員們的名字一同被點到,裏擁滿玫瑰時,那是多麽令人吃驚。
    So it was a surprise to have my name called out at the end of the show along wit h the lead dances and to find my arms full of long?stemmed red roses.
  • 特:讓我們上這臺階吧!
    Let's go up these steps!
  • 該片嚮觀衆介紹說這位婦女被警察得知未經許可就了第二胎時,她被迫墮胎,還給她做了絶育手術。
    It said that when the police were informed that a certain woman was pregnant with her second child (without having obtained prior permission), she was forced to have an abortion and a sterilization operation.
  • j·斯蒂芬·特(1984-1991年)
    J. Steven White' (1984 - 1991)
  • 你好。我想我們以前還沒有見過面。我的名字叫斯蒂芬特。
    How do you do? I do not think we have met. My name's Steven White.
  • 你好。我想我們以前還沒有見過面。我的名字叫斯蒂芬特。
    How do you do? I do not think we have met. My name is Steven White.
  • 你好?我想我們以前還沒有見過面。我的名字叫斯蒂芬·特。
    How do you do? I don't think we've met.My name's Steven White.
  • 他太高了,我疑他踩着高蹺。
    he was so tall I thought he was on stilts.
  • 你聽說貯藏室被竊之事嗎?真是一件不幸的事,結果人人受到疑。
    Did you hear about the thefts from the storeroom? It's a bad business, and everybody is suspect.
  • 特太太總是一開口就滔滔不絶。
    Mrs White always talks a blue streak.
  • 達納,詹姆斯·德特1813-1895美國科學家,他的教科書為他成為那個時代一流的地質學家奠定了基礎
    American newspaperman who as owner-editor of the New York Sun(after1868) promoted a lively, readable style and stressed human-interest stories.
  • 教育不是為了教會青年人謀生,而是教會他們創造生活。(特)
    In education we are striving not to teach youth to make a living, but to make a life.( W. A. White)
  • 暴民們把他們疑的兇手吊死了幾個。
    The mob strung up several of the men whom they suspected of murder.
  • 但是另有許多人,並非亡國論者,他們是愛國志士,卻對時局抱甚深的憂慮。
    But there are many people who do not subscribe to this theory; They are honest patriots, who are nevertheless deeply worried about the present situation.
  • 後來的事實表明他的疑有道理.
    Subsequent events vindicatedhis suspicions.
  • 我對他能否成功有些疑。
    I have some doubts about his succeeding.
  • 我不懷疑你會成功。
    I make no doubt of your succeeding.
  • 我指派特先生做我的接班人。
    I appointed Mr. White as my successor.
  • 我必須一提的是,當時大傢都興高采烈。女人中間雖有很多人是死者生前的熟人,但這會兒似乎對死者毫無念之情。
    Suffice it to say that everyone was in the highest spirits and that, of all the women there, many had known the dead girl and gave no sign that they remembered her.
  • 發展福利服務的主導原則,是建設一個充滿愛心與關的社會,人人可以自給自足,過着有尊嚴、和洽共處、幸福美滿的生活。
    The guiding principle in developing welfare services is to build a caring community in which there is self-sufficiency, dignity, harmony and happiness.
  • 對自己有奇特的優越感
    Fantastic ideas about her own superiority.
  • 我不疑這個新方法較舊方法為優
    I do not doubt the superiority of the new method over the old one
  • 在部分上,遊擊戰是主要的,運動戰是輔助的”這個提法,表示疑。
    With regard to the parts, guerrilla warfare is primary and mobile warfare supplementary."
  • 確定的事實;不容疑的至高無上的地位。
    unchallengeable facts; a position of unchallengeable supremacy.
  • 他是這次謀殺案的主要疑對象
    He's a prime suspect in the murder case.