  • 这个国家好几个月来有些偏,他们为什么还犹豫不决,不下手整顿。
    The country has been in a bending posture for months, why do they hesitate to deliver the forty whacks?
  • 测量两极势的仪器。
    measures the potential difference between two points.
  • 波特:你不想住镇上最豪华的住宅吗?不想给你太太买许多漂亮衣服吗?不想一年去纽约出几次吗?或者间或去欧洲看看。
    Potter: You wouldn’t mind living in the nicest house in town,buying your wife a lot of fine clothes,a couple of business trips to New York a year,maybe once in a while Europe.
  • 主考人喜欢抓住这一类因粗心造成的错而大做文章。
    This is the kind of careless mistake on which examiners love to pounce.
  • 打字员即使出了最微小的错,老板也立即抓住不放。
    The boss was ready to pounce on the typist when she made the slightest mistake.
  • 我到达时,他已不多吃完饭了。practically的这一用法,有时被认为是非正式的,但在许多名著中我们却经常看到这一用法
    He had practically finished his meal when I arrived.This use of practically, sometimes considered informal, is widely encountered in reputable writing.
  • 假期不多过完了,只剩一天了。
    The holidays are practically over; there's only one day left.
  • 我饿坏了,我们的午餐休息时间不多过了一半了。
    I am starving. We are practically halfway through our lunch break already.
  • 感恩节会餐在全美国不多都一样。
    In the United States,thanksgiving dinner is practically the same all over the country.
  • 我出以前需要练习一下意大利语
    I need to practise my Italian before my business trip
  • 他们把食品投到那些遭到震灾的村庄,可组织工作很,毁了整个行动。
    They were supposed to drop the food to the earthquake-stricken villages, but the organization was poor and they pranced up the whole operation.
  • 我认为无论在哪里,预防措施都是不多的。
    So I think all precautions are universal wherever you are at.
  • 警长门肯昨天在112分局举行的记者招待会上说:星期五下午8点45分,第112分局的两位均有四年年资的警员海因斯与克拉姆利,拦住了希可曼先生,因为他与所描绘的嫌疑犯一丝不
    "On Friday at 8:45 p.m., Officers Steven Haynes and Eric Crumbley of the 112th Precinct, who have been police officers for four years each, stopped Mr. Hickman because he fit the suspect's description to a T", Chief Menken said at a news conference yesterday in the 112th Precinct station house.
  • 奥瑞是一名铁腕都市警探,为了执法,他不惜采取一些过火行动。奥瑞被派到该市最糟糕的城区做苦
    A tough urban detective who pushed the law too far in order to serve it,Orin has been sent downtown to do time in the city's worst precinct.
  • 目前的这个在位人和他的前任相比远了。
    The present holder of the position is quite small beer compared with his predecessor.
  • 根据一名反对种族优先的人士、哈佛大学的斯蒂芬·塞恩斯托姆的说法,由于最好的大学不再录取那些学习能力较的学生,新政策确保了少数民族学生较高的毕业率。
    According to Harvard's Stephan Thernstrom, an opponent of racial preferences, the new system ensures a higher minority graduation rate by not accepting students incapable of doing well at the best colleges.
  • 迎接政府高级官员来访的准备工作不多已全部完成。
    Preparation for the top government officers' visit are almost complete.
  • 语文错的违反规定的读写、说话规则的
    Violating prescribed standards of speech or writing.
  • 象这样一个有缺点的国家同一个充分发展的国家对照时,在生产力上相的决不仅仅是一半;同那个健全国家相形之下,它拥有的土地和人口也许相等,或者还远远超过,但就所能获致的物质财富来说,恐怕还不能及到那个国家的五分之一,或者甚至十分之一。
    A nation thus imperfect will not only be merely half as productive as a perfect nation, but with an equal or even with a much larger territory,with an equal or a much larger population, it will perhaps scarcely obtain a fifth, probably scarcely a tenth, part of that material wealth which a perfect nation is able to procure;
  • 我们应把产品的质量放在第一位,产品与其数量多而质量,不如数量少而质量好。
    We should place the product quality in the first place. We would rather have fewer products with high quality than a large number of products with low quality.
  • 行业分析可将它们的别表现暴露无遗,也让我们辨别它们到底盈利与否。
    Industry analyses will uncover these performance differences and help identify both unprofitable and profitable opportunities.
  • 行业分析可将它们的别表现暴露无遗,也让我们辨别它们到底盈利与否。
    Industry analyses will uncover these performance differences and help identify both unprofitable and profitable opportunities (situations).
  • 别很大;深刻的洞察力;深奥的书;深刻的见解。
    the differences are profound; a profound insight; a profound book; a profound mind; profound contempt; profound regret.
  • 1-4-7-10-13是一个等级数的开始部分。
    1-4-7-10-13- is the start of an arithmetic progression.
  • 有人说它以前是作为步行街设计的,但是,现在街道两边的发展已经有了很大的异。
    Some say it was designed as a promenade but its two sides have developed quite separately.
  • 海岬尤指高地并有大幅度落的伸入一片水域的土地的一点;岬
    A point of land, usually high and with a sheer drop, extending out into a body of water; a promontory.
  • 人们疲劳时更容易出错。
    People are more prone to make mistakes when they are tired.
  • 注意不要让校样中出现错。
    Be careful not to let errors slip into the proofs.
  • 别的比例、结构或外观无变化的
    Showing or having no variance in proportion, structure, or appearance.
  • 两者的不同在于幽默与忧伤比例上的异。
    It's just that the proportions are different.
  • 酸和碱通过相一个质子而相互关联的
    Pertaining to an acid and a base that are related by the difference of a proton.
  • 富国和穷国间可叹的距;这个公认的穷画家住在顶楼。
    deplored the gap between rich and poor countries; the proverbial poor artist living in a garret.