  • (作动词用)表示把一个经过多次修改过的文件恢复到原先的状态,这种恢复的过程从时间顺序上看,与原先修改文件的过程相反,依次把各次修改的内清除掉。
    To restore a file to a previous condition by removing changes in the reverse chronological order from which the changes were originally made.
  • 西藏各级各部门共收藏纸质、缣帛和木、金属、石、叶等质地的档案400余万卷,除90%多的藏文外,还有汉、满、蒙、印地、梵、尼泊尔、英、俄等10余种文字,档案内上起元朝,下迄当代,是一个时代体系完整的历史档案宝库。
    The government institutions at all levels in Tibet have collected over four million volumes of archives on paper, silk, wood, metal, stone and Pattra leaf. Among them, more than 90 percent are in Tibetan, and the others in a variety of languages such as Han Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Nepalese, English and Russian. These archives, which date from the Yuan Dynasty to contemporary times, constitute a treasure-house of chronologically complete historical records.
  • 那对我来说太易了。
    That's a cinch for me.
  • 在这个城市卖洗衣机是很易的。
    Selling washing-machines in this city is a lead-pipe cinch.
  • 导演和电影摄影师好不易才对好了拍摄角度。
    The director sweated out a camera angle with the cinematographer.
  • 锅炉,汽锅一种封闭的器,可对热水或蒸气在此加热或进行循环,以获取热量或动力
    An enclosed vessel in which water is heated and circulated, either as hot water or as steam, for heating or power.
  • 属于或关于血量下降。
    of or relating to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood.
  • 美国美国系统管理网络和安全研究院(sans)报告称,“红色代码”电脑病毒的一个新变体已经在互联网上被发现,这种新变体可能比原来的“红色代码”更厉害,它的破坏力在于可以使感染该病毒的电脑失去防毒能力,而更易被其他病毒侵袭。
    A new and possibly more virulent version of the "Code Red" computer worm was detected circulating the Internet over the weekend, attacking machines and leaving them vulnerable to other intruders, The Systems Administration, Networking and Security Institute (SANS) reported.
  • 大桶;大盆;缸一种大器,如大盆、水箱或大桶,用来装或贮存液体
    A large vessel, such as a tub, cistern, or barrel, used to hold or store liquids.
  • 养鱼舱渔船船舱中的排孔的,为了保持鱼活着的
    A cistern with a perforated bottom in the hold of a fishing vessel for keeping fish alive.
  • 拿bodyshop(宝蒂店)来说吧,有一名记者近日指责该公司在美产品的测试上缺乏整体性,该公司公开利用其公司品牌求助于公众,在公众的心目中它已同关系到动物权利的道德标准息息相关。
    Consider the Body Shop.When a journalist recently accused the company of lacking integrity in its testing of beauty products,the company overtly appealed to the public by citing its corporate brand,which was firmly associated in People's minds with strong ethical standards concerning animal rights.
  • 瑞士人去到世界上哪一个国家居住,都能保留自己的国籍,因为瑞士许双重国籍。
    Swiss living in any country in the world can retain their Swiss citizenship because Switzerland allows for dual citizenship.
  • 瑞士人去到世界上哪一个国家居住,都能保留自己的国籍,因为瑞士许双重国籍。
    The Swiss people are always proud of being Swiss. Swiss living in any country in the world can retain their Swiss citizenship because Switzerland allows for dual citizenship.
  • 第十四条 编制城市规划应当注意保护和改善城市生态环境,防止污染和其他公害,加强城市绿化建设和市环境卫生建设,保护历史文化遗产、城市传统风貌、地方特色和自然景观。
    Article 14 In the compilation of the plan for a city, attention shall be paid to the protection and improvement of the city's ecological environment, the prevention of pollution and other public hazards, the development of greenery and afforestation, the improvement of the appearance and environmental sanitation of urban areas, the preservation of historic and cultural sites, the traditional cityscape, the local characteristics and the natural landscape.
  • 地方上也有可以纳的行业。
    Or they can be employed in some civilian trades and professions in the localities.
  • 英文报章这么形这个文明古国,令人耳目一新。
    It is truly refreshing to read the English-language daily describe a country with an ancient civilisation as “hip”.
  • 当一个人熟悉这个地方的语言和习俗,要欣赏别人的文化和文明是比较易的事。
    It is a truism that one can best imbibe and appreciate a country's culture and civilisation if one is familiar with its language and customs.
  • 这些阴谋家,在西班牙问题上,在中国问题上,在奥地利和捷克的问题上,不但并无丝毫制止侵略的意思,而且相反,纵侵略,挑拨战争,使人为鹬蚌,己为渔人,美其名曰“不干涉”,实则是“坐山观虎斗”。
    These crafty politicians were not the least bit interested in checking aggression against Spain, against China, or against Austria and Czechoslovakia; on the contrary, they connived at aggression and instigated war, playing the proverbial role of the fisherman who set the snipe and clam at each other and then took advantage of both. They euphemistically described their actions as "non-intervention", but what they actually did was to "sit on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight".
  • 他攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还易。
    It was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk.
  • 说即使最后一次钟声已经消失,消失的再也没有潮水冲刷的映在落日余晖里的海上最后一块无用礁石之旁时,还会有一个声音,人类微弱的、不断的说话声,这也很易。
    that from the last ding-dong of doom and clang had faded from the last worthless rock hanging tireless in the last red and dying evening, that even then, there will be one more sound, that of his puny and inexhaustible voice still talking.
  • 注脚的解释使这一难句易明了。
    The explanation in the footnote -fied the difficult sentence.
  • 阐明使清楚或易,尤指通过解释;使明晰
    To make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify.
  • 今后值得注意的,就是要利用各种机会,把上述那些简单的口号,内渐渐充实,意义渐渐明了起来。
    From now on care should be taken to use every opportunity gradually to enrich the content and clarify the meaning of those simple slogans.
  • 现代教育有三大内-古典文学、现代历史和文学、以及自然科学。
    There are three great constituents of modern education- the classics, modern history and literature, and science.
  • 易对其归类也没有引人注意方面的人。
    a person is not easily classified and not very interesting.
  • 用於形词或副词之後,引导让步从句
    used after anadjioradvito introduce a clause of concession
  • 这与联合国人权文书和公约的有关内是一致的。
    This is in conformity with the relevant clauses of the UN documents and conventions on human rights.
  • 这演说很动听,可是没什么内
    It's a clever speech, but there was no real meat in it.
  • 一旦你打开帮助,无论何时你想要返回开始屏幕,都可以单击内按钮。
    Once you open help, you can click the contents button whenever you want to return to the opening screen.
  • 我们很易地从悬崖边上爬下来了。
    We easily climbed down the side of the cliff.
  • "在一位有经验的猎人的带领下,我们很易地从悬崖边上爬下了山。"
    "Under the guidance of the experienced hunter, we easily climbed down the side of the cliff."
  • 猫爬树往往是爬上去比爬下来易些。
    Cats often find it easier to climb up a tree than to climb down.