  • 这两个国家的通商协定告结束。
    The trade pact between those two countries come to an end.
  • 我们的方针,就在于在全国范围内一切有共产党组织的地方,极力扩大反对汪精卫卖国协定的传。
    Our policy is to spare no effort in extending the propaganda campaign against Wang Ching-wei's traitorous pact in all parts of the country having Communist Party organizations.
  • 当瑞士各家银行布它们已与瑞士国家银行签署了一项五年协定,对于许多人来说,这简直是个晴天霹雳。
    To many, it came like a bolt out of the blue, when the Swiss banks announced they bad signed a 5-year pact with the Swiss National Bank.
  • 五领纸,六只毛笔。
    Five pads of Xuan paper and six inkbrushes.
  • 一、表演活动的组织者,不应只是生硬刻板地布禁令,要人关闭手机或传呼机,而应当使规定更具创意,吁请人们发挥公民的责任心,体谅艺人的感受,不要干扰旁人欣赏表演。
    1、In place of a cold and stereotyped announcement requesting people to switch off hand phones or pagers, organizers, should come up with a more creative approach that would appeal to their civic responsibility, consideration for the artistes and the uninterrupted enjoyment of everyone.
  • 在韦罗基奥的画室中,列奥纳多学会了传统绘画、雕塑和设计的所有技法,并试验他自己创造的其他技法。他绘制的圣母玛丽亚以及告基督降生的天使后来影响了整个意大利画坛。
    In Verrochio's workshop Leonardo learnt all the conventional techniques of painting, sculpture and design and experimented with others of his own invention, lie painted Annunciations and Madonnas that influenced all subsequent Italian painting.
  • 消息宣布後一片混乱.
    There was pandemonium when the news was announced.
  • 我们正在搞推销平装书的特别传活动。
    We are doing a special promotion of our paperback list.
  • 我们正在搞推销平装书的特别传活动。
    We do a special promotion of our paperback list.
  • 王平:在法国世界杯前,他竟公开布他要竞选巴拉圭总统。
    Wang Ping: Before the French World Cup, he even publicly de-clared that he would run for the Presidency of Paraguay.
  • 此外,该会亦提供家庭生活教育与性教育,并举办外展活动及传运动,推广“计划生育,克尽亲职”的观念。
    The association also offers training in family life education and sex education, and organises outreaching activities and publicity campaigns to promote family planning and responsible parenthood.
  • 该会亦推行家庭生活教育和性教育,并透过外展工作及传运动推广"计划生育,克尽亲职"的观念。
    It also conducts training in family life education and sex education in addition to outreaching programmes and publicity campaigns to promote family planning and responsible parenthood for the community.
  • 叙部以这种风格出现的那一段
    A passage rendered in this style.
  • 在取得专利权以前,他的发明一直秘而不
    He kept his invention under cover until it was patented.
  • (二)加强民族的爱国的传教育。
    2) To improve propaganda and education in national patriotism.
  • 做点广告传会大大促进贵方产品的销售,这一点您肯定会同意吧。
    Surely you'll agree that a small advertising campaign will go far in paving the way for your product.
  • 战争结束时,教堂发出了响亮的钟声,布胜利。
    The church bells pealed out at the end of the war, to declare victory.
  • 至于去年环绕行人安全、佩戴后座安全带及酒后驾驶的传也继续推行。
    Last year's themes on pedestrian safety, wearing rear seat belts and drink driving also remained as the side themes in 1998.
  • “青春期的意思是,”佩吉布:“一个女孩能忍受孩子的最早年龄。”
    "Puberty means," announced Peggy,"the earliest age at which a girl is able to bear children."
  • 鹈鹕先生的大名被扬得太过头了。
    Much play was made with Mr Pelican's name.
  • 在1941年,正式告盘尼西林可以安全地用于治疗人体疾病,并进行大批量生产,从而降低了成本。
    In 1941 penicillin was declared safe for use on humans, and it was produced in quantity and became cheaper.
  • 使做伪证使某人犯有在誓后故意提供假证据的罪责
    To render(oneself) guilty of perjury by deliberately testifying falsely under oath.
  • 对一句话真实性的誓言;誓后说谎容易因伪证被起诉。
    swearing to the truth of a statement; to lie under oath is to become subject to prosecution for perjury.
  • 蒋的言表示了他要继续抗战,但是他没有强调全国必须加强团结,没有提到任何坚持抗战和进步的方针;而没有这种方针,便无法坚持抗战。
    In his message, Chiang Kai-shek states that he will carry on the War of Resistance, but he does not stress the need to strengthen national unity, nor does he mention any policy for persevering in resistance and progress, without which it would be impossible to persist in the war.
  • 警察已布要对继续违章超速的司机采取措施。
    The police have declared war on drivers who persistently exceed the speed limit.
  •  (二)未经许可,在广告或者其他传材料中使用他人的专利号,使人将所涉及的技术误认为是他人的专利技术;
    without authorization, using the patent number of another person in the advertisement or in any other promotional materials of his or its product, so as to mislead other persons to regard the technology concerned as the patented technology of another person;
  • 该大使在被布为不受欢迎者后48小时之内离开了那个国家。
    The ambassador left the country within 48 hours after he was declared persona non grata.
  • 我们决定布他们为不受欢迎的人。
    We decided to declare them personae non grata.
  • 几十年前,一些广为传的研究表明快节奏即“a型”人最易患心脏病及其他与压力有关的疾病。
    Several decades ago, some highly publicized studies indicated that fast?track, “Type A” personalities were the ones most at risk for heart disease and other stress?related illnesses.
  • 宣布法庭人员名单
    Set out the personnel of a tribunal
  • 他们以谎言和传扰乱良好的社会秩序。
    They perturb good social order with their lie and propaganda.
  • 许多小资产阶级作家并没有找到过光明,他们的作品就只是暴露黑暗,被称为“暴露文学”,还有简直是专门传悲观厌世的。
    Many petty-bourgeois writers have never discovered the bright side. Their works only expose the dark and are known as the "literature of exposure". Some of their works simply specialize in preaching pessimism and world-weariness.