  • 一种卡克克尔人说的马雅语。
    the Mayan language spoken by the Cakchiquel people.
  • 诗人可以把平淡无的语言变成富有意义和感染力的作品。
    A poet is one who can transform ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing.
  • 他的戏剧与众不同之处就是平凡得出.
    His plays are distinguished only by their stunning mediocrity.
  • 老诗人抨击了现代文体的平庸无
    The old poet decried the mediocrity of today's writing.
  • 剧式的事件(或言行)有通俗闹剧之特征的行为或事件
    Behavior or occurrences having melodramatic characteristics.
  • 这个不寻常的怪物引起了我全部的好心-赫而曼·梅尔维尔;不寻常的景象。
    such a portentous...monster raised all my curiosity- Herman Melville; a prodigious vision.
  • 花明楼刘少同志纪念馆
    Comrade Liu Shaoqi Memorial, Huaminglou
  • 嘿,牧师先生,真怪,您是在修路吧;但看来这不像是登上天堂的大道嘛。
    Well, doctor, I wonder your are mending the way; but it seems it is not the Way to Heaven.
  • 商业账簿;鼓吹商业性的和军事性的爱国主义——约翰·巴;唯利是图的企业;唯利是图的商店。
    a commercial book; preached a mercantile and militant patriotism- John Buchan; a mercenary enterprise; a moneymaking business.
  • 流星及流星颗粒与大气层摩擦产生的炽热将流星团熔化,它们纷纷向地球坠落,呈现出光芒四射、五彩缤纷的观。
    The friction produced when the meteors and the meteor particles rub against the atmospheric air incinerates the swarms, and they fall towards the earth in a brilliant display of light.
  • 仲夏下雪是非常怪的自然现象选
    A freak of nature produced the midsummer snow.
  • 由于他的伟大才智与神力量,才无一遗漏。
    Because of His great power and mighty strength,not one of them is missing."
  • 他的讲话平淡无毫无意义。
    His speech was nothing but milk and water.
  • 因此,踏进二十一世纪,我们可以看到的,并非亚洲迹的破灭,而是亚洲经济的复苏。
    Hence, we are not seeing the end of the Asian miracle but the beginning of the Asian recovery in the new millennium.
  • 菲尔德明尼苏达州东南部的一城市,明尼阿波利斯的近郊住宅区。人口35,710
    A city of southeast Minnesota, a residential suburb of Minneapolis. Population,35, 710.
  • 敏妮带她走进前屋后,她的目光便投向了窗外灯火通明的马路,对于大城市的各种声音,各种活动和向方圆几英里弥漫的嗡嗡声不由感到新惊讶。
    She gazed into the lighted street when Minnie brought her into the front room, and wondered at the sounds, the movement, the murmur of the vast city which stretched for miles and miles in every direction.
  • 老爱莫和守财奴一样吝啬,他留下百万英镑的遗产不足为
    Old Amons is as mean as a miser but it wouldn't surprise me if he cut up for a million pounds.
  • 他们具有发现秘密的异本领。
    They have strange ability for smelling out a misery.
  • 他用疑虑的眼光看看他碟子上怪的食物。
    He looked with misgiving at the strange food on his plate.
  • 他怀疑地望著眼前这怪的人
    He looks with misgiving at the strange man in front of him.
  • 公司负债毫不怪它的经营管理一直很不得法。
    It's not surprising the company's in debt--it's been completely mismanaged.
  • 形怪状或被损坏的外貌。
    an appearance that has been spoiled or is misshapen.
  • 他伸出他那象馅饼盘一样大的手掌,上面有一只小小的、长得形怪状的小猫。
    He held out a hand the size of a pie plate, in which lay a tiny, misshapen kitten.
  • 欧扎克斯湖密苏里州中部的一个湖,由欧赛河上的巴格贝尔坝(1931年完工)形成的
    A lake of central Missouri formed by Bagnell Dam(completed1931) on the Osage River.
  • 她对任何新事物皆十分怀疑
    She has a deep mistrust of anything new or strange
  • 他对任何新的事物都极不信任。
    He had a strong mistrust of anything new and strange.
  • 她对任何新事物皆十分怀疑。
    She have a deep mistrust of anything new or strange.
  • 今日当你在多雾的天气中眺望时,你会看见那个幻的岛屿好象是由水中浮起来似的,柳树的影儿反映于水中,打破湖面的单调,同时又与湖面调和。
    And today as you stand looking at it on a misty day, the magic island seems to rise out of the water, and the willow trees cast their reflections in the water, breaking the monotony of the lake's surface and harmonizing with it.
  • 你对我产生误会,我并不怪。
    I'm not surprised at your misunderstanding me.
  • 袭原则在所有战争原则中是用的最多的和错用最多的-h.h.阿诺德&i.c.艾克。
    the principle of surprise is the most used and misused of all the principles of war- H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker.
  • 惯于取笑、戏弄和逗惹(如通过愚弄或激起好心)的人。
    someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity).
  • 莎士比亚正如莫里哀一样,身为演员而写出戏剧杰作,这是不怪的。相反,我们倒不妨请问,假如是在别的行业.他有可能写出那些作品吗?
    Rather than be surprised that Shakespeare, like Moliere, was an actor and yet wrote plays which were masterpieces, we might well ask if it would have been possible for him to write them in any other walk of life.