  • 阿力克斯步他母亲的后尘也成为一教师。
    Alex will follow in his mother's footsteps and become a teacher.
  • 亚历山德拉是一个俄罗斯女孩,她在文章中称赞林肯是一位“心胸宽厚、不牟私利和体贴入微”的人。她长大成人后嫁给了沃纳先生,改亚历山德拉·沃纳,成为一位毕生向善,助人为乐的纽约人。
    Alexandra, a Russian girl whose essay praised Lincoln as "Kind, unselfish and thoughtful," grew up to become Alex Werner, a compassionate New Yorker who lived to give.
  • 利西麦克斯亚历山大大帝帐下一马其顿将军,在287到286年期间统治马其顿
    Macedonian general under Alexander the Great. He ruled Macedonia from287 to286.
  • 源于他人的字(真的或想象的)比如‘亚历山大’来自于其创始人;亚历山大大帝。
    a name derived from the name of person (real or imaginary) as the name of Alexandria is derived from the name of its founder: Alexander the Great.
  • 我很欣赏艾尔弗雷德·苏泽的一段言。
    One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred Souza.
  • 维也纳」位著的心理学家「阿得洛」,写过一本书,书叫「生活对你的意义」。
    Alfred Adler, the famous Viennese psychologist, wrote a book entitled What Life Should Mean to You.
  • 基辛格的原叫海因茨·阿尔弗雷德·基辛格。他的童年是在德国的小城镇菲尔特度过的。
    Heinz Alfred Kissinger(his real name)spent the first years of his life in the German town of Fuerth.
  • 数字签——使用一个加密的单向哈希(hash)算法,即使只有一个字符被修改过都可能在接收端检测到。
    Digital Signatures – using an encrypted oneway hash algorithm, it is possible to detect at the receiving end even if a single character has been changed.
  • 那个叫米克・克拉克的罪犯有[使用]好几个化.
    The criminal Mick Clark has/uses several aliases.
  • 这小偷的真是约翰史密斯,化叫爱德华鲍尔。
    The thief's real name was John Smith, alias Edward Ball.
  • 他的真是约翰逊,但是他常常用化史密斯。
    His real name was Johnson, but he often went by the alias of Smith.
  • 威廉。约翰逊,又詹姆斯。杰克逊。
    William Johnson, alias James Jackson.
  • 该骗子用了几个化
    The confidence trickster used several alias.
  • 史密斯先生,又拉斐尔先生。
    Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette.
  • apxaliascellnumber5)(aliascsno)该字段表示另一个系统内某个小区的autoplex系统别小区号。
    APX Alias Cell Number 5) (aliascsno) This field represents the AUTOPLEX system alias cell number for a cell in another system.
  • 指同一个对象具有多个字,其中每一个字即是该对象的别
    Referring to multiple naming of an object, when each name may be regarded as an alias of the object.
  • 因为其他运营商小区基站的有效范围为0-65535,而autoplex系统小区基站必须使用1-222的数字,这个别允许autoplex系统引用其他运营商的小区。
    Since the valid range of other vendor誷 cell sites is 0-65535, but AUTOPLEX system cell sites must be numbered 1-222, this alias allows the AUTOPLEX system to refer to cells of other vendors.
  • 诈骗犯用不同的化行骗
    The swindler worked under various aliases.
  • 近来委员会主席缪里斯正频频与媒体巨头会面,希望他们能做到行业内的自我规范。缪里斯认为市场上虚假的减肥广告数量有增无减,相比之下,法律法规的贯彻不足以与之抗衡。因为有许多广告是美国境外人士推出的,有些则采用匿或中间人的方式发行。
    FTC Chairman Timothy J. Muris has been meeting with media industry leaders to encourage self-regulation, saying that law enforcement can't keep up with the growing number of phony weight-loss schemes - many run by people outside the United States or hiding behind aliases or middlemen.
  • 1.方法调用中的别处理
    1.Aliasing during method calls
  • 将一个对象传递到方法内部时,也会产生别现象。
    Aliasing will also occur when you pass an object into a method:
  • 但假若不愿意在这种情况下出现别,又该怎么操作呢?
    But what if you don’t want aliasing to occur in this case?
  • 这种特殊的现象通常也叫作“别”,是java操作对象的一种基本方式。
    This phenomenon is often called aliasing and it’s a fundamental way that Java works with objects.
  • 由于这并非一个简单的话题,所以留待第12章详细论述,那一章是专门讨论别的。
    This is a nontrivial topic, so it is left for Appendix A, which is devoted to aliasing.
  • 和它的对策是非常复杂的一个问题。尽管必须等至第12章才可获得所有答案,但从现在开始就应加以重视,以便提早发现它的缺点。
    Aliasing and its solution is a complex issue and, although you must wait until Appendix A for all the answers, you should be aware of it at this point so you can watch for pitfalls.
  • 他的字叫alien,你可能觉得他很可笑。
    You might want to laugh at him. He calls himself Alien.
  • alien不是唯一的例子。对了,听过别人的反映后,他后来把字改成edwin。
    Alien, who - by the way - has changed his name to Edwin based on feedback from outsiders, isn’t alone.
  • 我们地方的荷花又在这陌生的水上开了花,放出同样的清香,只是字换了。
    The same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness, under another name.
  • 国际奥委会主席夏克·罗吉向五万五千观众说:“我们为你们的公平竞争精神和兄弟情谊而感动。让这火焰长久不灭。在你们的国家宣传奥运梦想。你们才是传播运会价值的是真正使者。”
    "We were thrilled by your spirit of fair play and brotherhood," International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge told the crowd of 55,000. "Keep this flame alight. Promote the Olympic dream in your countries You are the true ambassadors of the Olympic values"
  • 伯恩:不过作为一专家,我觉得你的报价与市场的主流价格不太相符。
    But as an expert, I don't think your offer is in alignment with the prevailing price in the market.
  • 二十世纪初以后,极少数新疆分裂分子和宗教极端分子,受国际上宗教极端主义和民族沙文主义思潮的影响,根据老殖民主义者炮制的说法,将不规范的地理词“东突厥斯坦”政治化,编造了一套所谓的“东突厥斯坦独立”的“思想理论体系”。
    In the early 20th century and later, a small number of separatists and religious extremists in Xinjiang, influenced by the international trend of religious extremism and national chauvinism, politicized the unstandardized geographical term “East Turkistan,” and fabricated an “ideological and theoretical system” on the so-called “independence of East Turkistan” on the basis of the allegation cooked up by the old colonialists.
  • 由於报上一篇文章声称他曾逃税,他的誉受到损害。
    His reputation is blemish by a newspaper article allege he'd evade his taxes.