  • 增加了一戰爭的場面,影片更加激動人心了。
    The movie is juiced up by adding some battle scenes.
  • 當風颳得猛時,池溏裏起了漣漪。
    There were ripples on the pool as the wind grew stronger.
  • 看不見的手,如懶懶的微風似的,正在我的心上奏着潺潺的樂聲。
    Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.
  • 當然,我不是說所有的高級幹部都是這樣,我們的許多高級幹部是很艱苦樸素的,但確實有人特殊化比較厲害。
    Of course, I'm not saying that all senior cadres are like that.Many, in fact, live very simply.However, there are indeed some whose addiction to personal privileges is rather serious.
  • 非醫學原因(通常對於改變心的效應來說)服用的一種藥;藥物濫用能導致身體和精神損害(用一物質)甚至産生依賴、上癮。
    a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects); drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addiction.
  • 美沙酮一種有效的合成麻醉藥,c21h27no不象嗎啡或海洛因那樣容易讓人上癮,在戒毒治療中被用作這毒藥的替代品
    A potent synthetic narcotic drug, C21H27NO, that is less addictive than morphine or heroin and is used as a substitute for these drugs in addiction treatment programs.
  • 在一次為期10天的跟蹤調查中,剋洛發現早起者聲稱肌肉疼痛、傷風感冒和頭疼的人要多一--值得註意的是,他們的情緒比較憂鬱煩躁。
    In a 10-week follow-up study, Clow found that early risers reported more muscle aches, cold symptoms and headaches----and significantly worse moods.
  • 從頭到尾都充滿了玩笑和各種醜態的可笑影片;有趣的傢夥;滑稽的帽子;驚訝、滑稽的表情;讓所有人都笑起來了的有趣故事;非常有趣的作者;如果傷害不大的話,這會很好笑;快樂的經歷;法庭上一可笑的古怪動作。
    an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls; an amusing fellow; a comic hat; a comical look of surprise; funny stories that made everybody laugh; a very funny writer; it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much; a mirthful experience; risible courtroom antics.
  • 史密斯夫人教那快五歲的兒童。
    Mrs Smith teaches the rising fives.
  • 因此,低風險的資産組合不必僅僅包括具有很小風險的獨立的資産,有時一個人可以在一項資産組合中通過增加某能抵消別的資産風險的高風險資産來減小整個投資組合的風險。
    Hence a low-risk portfolio need not contain only assets that individually have little risk; sometimes one reduces the risking of a portfolio by adding some high-risk assets that offset the risks of other assets in it.
  • 我决定不再考慮這風險。
    I decide to discount the risk.
  • 感冒天下之大不韙者將會面臨處罰甚至鞭笞的酷刑。
    Violators risk being fined or lashed.
  • 無論水漬險還是平安險都不註明包括哪險別或不包括哪險別。
    Neither the wpa nor the fpa mention the risk covered or the risk exclude.
  • 在南美的一風險投機中他損失了所有錢財。
    He loses all his money in some risky venture in South America.
  • 通常通過一儀式接受青年人到社會。
    accept young people into society, usually with some rite.
  • 斯特拉文斯基寫過一很著名的芭蕾舞麯,如《火鳥》、《彼得魯什卡》和《春之祭》。
    Stravinsky wrote some of his best-known music for ballets: The Firebird, Petrushka, and The Rite of Spring.
  • 那匹熱門馬一開始就跑在前面,此後雖有兩匹馬險趕上,但它仍然領先到達終點。
    The favo(u) rite horse opened an early lead and hung on to win as two other horses almost passed him in the final stretch.
  • 在那地區,人們吸毒成癮,他們需要錢來買毒品,他們會破門入戶行竊,如此等等。
    And in those areas,people are addicted to drugs.They need money to buy drugs,so they may break into houses,etc.
  • 人如此嗜誇張成癮,致使他們不撒謊就說不出真話來。
    There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can not tell the truth without lying.
  • 人如此嗜誇張成癮,至使他們不撒謊就說不出真話來。
    There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying.
  • 新教各教派之間的一差異與宗教儀式有關。
    Some of the differences between Protestant denominations have to do with ritual.
  • 凡是皆有分工,壞事亦燃;有人慣於動壞腦筋,另一人則慣於行動。
    There is a division of labor, even in vice; some persons addict themselves to the speculation only, others to the practice.
  • 超級市場之間的競爭可謂你死我活。
    There is cut-throat rivalry among the supermarkets.
  • 非常年青的吸毒者是人們所見到的最可悲的一幕。
    The most tragical sight of all is the very young addict.
  • 這些數字你沒加過。
    You haven't added the figures up right.
  • 不是必要但有幫助的額外的東西。
    something added that is nonessential but helpful.
  • 修改後的語句到原文裏。
    added amendatory phrases to the text.
  • 它已經被加上一新東西。
    Something new had been added.
  • 比方說,一名加州的少數民族學生按原先的照顧少數民族學生的政策可能被加州大學的伯剋利分校錄取,而現在卻衹能進入裏弗賽得分校,而後者是一所較容易考進的差一的大學。
    For instance, a minority student in California who would have been admitted to Berkeley under the old system may now end up at Riverside, a less selective college.
  • 他往石灰裏加了水。
    He added some water into the lime.
  • 他往土裏摻了沙子以提高滲水性能。
    He added sand to the soil to make it more porous.
  • 他演講完又補充說了一最新數字。
    He added a brief postscript to his speech, giving the latest figures.