  • 她对任何新奇事物皆十怀疑。
    She have a deep mistrust of anything new or strange.
  • 我们在时间方面意见稍有歧。
    We had a slight misunderstanding over the time.
  • 他从未听说过他们之间发生过任何歧。
    He has never heard of any misunderstanding between them.
  • 也许我误解了,你十肯定合同中没有问题吗?
    Perhaps I misunderstood, but are you quite sure there is no problem in the contract?
  • 不过在重新划选区之后,若有三个月时间让所有有意参与竞选的人有时间研究及准备,才不会被误解为“怕输”。
    But to avoid being misunderstood as “kiasu”, the ruling party should give people who are keen to join the political fray three months to study the changes and make preparations.
  • 因为忽视而衰退或者部崩溃。
    bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin by neglect or misuse.
  • 纺锤极细胞在有丝裂中形成的纺锤体两端的任一端
    Either end of the spindle formed in a cell during mitosis.
  • 胚细胞样转变小淋巴细胞向使其能经历有丝裂的无差别的较大细胞的转变
    The transformation of small lymphocytes into larger undifferentiated cells that are capable of undergoing mitosis.
  • 中心体由九个三联体微管组成的两个圆柱体细胞组织之一,在有丝裂中形成星状体
    One of two cylindrical cellular structures that are composed of nine triplet microtubules and form the asters during mitosis.
  • 卵裂,卵割由一组有丝裂细胞从受精卵中生成的囊胚,是复杂有机体中多细胞的主要成
    The series of mitotic cell divisions that produces a blastula from a fertilized ovum. It is the basis of the multicellularity of complex organisms.
  • 你老是辨不出我和我的孪生哥哥。
    You are always mixing me up with my twin brother.
  • 等一下,就等我几钟,我已经站起身来了。
    “Half a mo. Stay a few minutes.” But I was already on my feet.
  • 由于耳朵皮肉较嫩,绳子又细,眼看着参赛者的耳朵部位由红变紫,其面部表情痛苦万,直至一方忍受不了这种“折磨”而呻吟倒地,比赛才宣告结束。
    Since the skin and flesh of the ears are delicate and the rope is thin, the participants' ears turn purple and their facial expressions are extremely bitter. Until one party can not endure this kind of "torture" and falls to the ground moaning is the match thus concluded.
  • 赛马在大部赛程中都跑在一起,直到最后才有一匹马跑到了前面。
    The horses remained together for moat of the race, until a leader at last came to the front.
  • 在一九九四年,政府及一私营机构别成立环保基金,总额达一亿元,以资助有利香港环境的教育、研究及社区行动计划与活动,提高市民大众的环保意识,并推广环保工作。
    The government and a private organization launched parallel 'green' funds, totalling $100 million in 1994, to fund educational, research and community action projects and activities which will benefit the environment of Hong Kong, increase public environmental awareness and mobilise the community to act for the environment.
  • 中国军队要胜利,必须在广阔的战场上进行高度的运动战,迅速地前进和迅速地后退,迅速地集中和迅速地散。
    To achieve success, the Chinese troops must conduct their warfare with a high degree of mobility on extensive battlefields, making swift advances and withdrawals, swift concentrations and dispersals.
  • 中国上升的离婚率可以,至少部可以归结为婚姻的不和谐,受教育水平的差异,变化的社会看法以及年轻一代不断增强的上进心。
    The rising divorce rate in China can , at least in part , be attributed to spousal incompatibility , disparities in education levels , changing social attitudes and the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation.
  • 这些财力和物力的投资,加上这个国家的幅员辽阔和科学家们充的自由交往和自由流动,使美国在本世纪第三个25年期间在许多科学领域内成就非凡。
    These resources coupled with the size of the country and the total freedom of interaction and mobility of scientists, has brought American science to preeminence in many fields of science during the third quarter of this century.
  • 我们要在党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领的指引下,继续坚持和完善公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度,坚持和完善社会主义市场经济体制,坚持和完善按劳配为主体的多种配方式,坚持和完善对外开放;
    We must , under the guidance of the Party's basic theories , basic line and basic program, stick to and improve the basic economic system with public ownership as the main body and the common development of multiple sectors ; we must persist in and improve the socialist market system ; we must hold on to and improve the multiple ways of distribution with the distribution of "to each according to work done" as the main distribution modality; we must continue to improve our opening-up program ;
  • 由于实行改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济,我国社会经济成、组织形式、就业方式、利益关系和配方式日益多样化。
    With progress in the reform, opening-up and development of a socialist market economy, the social fabrics, economic composition, forms of organization, means of employment, interests of different sectors, and modalities of distribution have increasingly diversified.
  • 要按照总揽全局、协调各方的原则,进一步加强和完善党的领导体制,改进党的领导方式和执政方式,既保证党委的领导核心作用,又充发挥人大、政府、政协以及人民团体和其他方面的职能作用。
    We should strengthen and improve the leadership system of the Party and come up with better leadership and governance modalities in accordance with the principles of stressing the overall interests while coordinating those of all quarters concerned. The purpose is to ensure the core leadership of Party committees while giving full scope to the functions of the people's congresses, central and local governments, the CPPCC, non-governmental organizations and others.
  • 婚后与父母开住非常流行。
    Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode today.
  • 在isdnmodem上需10分钟;
    about 10 minutes over an ISDN modem;
  • 一种与它一起操作的设备开的调制解调器。同externalmodem。
    A modem that is separate from the unit with which it operates.
  • 会议在这个问题上有歧,但在最后的投票中温和派占了统治地位。
    The meeting was divided about the issue but at the final vote the moderates held sway.
  • 为了促进业务,我们把该项产品的价格定得十公道。
    We price this product quite moderately with a view to promote business.
  • "他对人们对他人格的攻击,作了十温和的回答,从而表现出极大的节制。"
    He showed great moderation in answering so gently the attacks made on his character.
  • 掌握寸是一种受珍视的理念,对英国人来说意义非同一般。
    Moderation--a treasured ideal--means a lot to the English.
  • 即使在爱情方面,也只能关起门来表露感情,否则就有伤大雅了。即使关着门,也还要有寸。
    Even in affairs of the heart,it is considered unseemly to show one's feelings except behind closed doors,and even then with moderation.
  • 那座现代的办公楼直挺挺地竖在那片旧建筑物群中十扎眼.
    The modern office block sticks out like a sore thumb among the old buildings in the area.
  • "在城市的这一部,你可以看到古代和现代建筑相映成趣。"
    "In this part of the city, you can see ancient and modern buildings next to each other."
  • 理由十简单:如果香港在「一个国家,两种制度」下取得成果,就可以为中国的现代化进程作出贡献。
    The reason is simple : if Hong Kong succeeds under "one country, two systems", we can contribute towards China's modernisation goals.