  • "她把那事件描述得活靈活現,我幾乎象是能夠親眼目睹了。"
    She described the events so graphically that I could almost see them.
  • 安靜,好讓他能睡覺。
    Be quiet, so he can sleep.
  • 特製隔板可以吸音。
    These specially-made partitions soak up sound.
  • 放上一液體,讓它自然地滲入。
    Put some liquid on and let it soak in naturally.
  • 理論他還沒有完全融會貫通。
    The theories haven't soaked into his head.
  • 衛星正在遠離地球大氣層的上空飛翔。
    The satellites are soaring far above the earth atmosphere.
  • 孩子常哭泣着睡着了。
    Some children often sob themselves to sleep.
  • 給她一清咖啡--讓她清醒清醒。
    Give her some black coffee that'll help to sober her up.
  • 他需要過一時間才能清醒過來。
    He'll need some time to sober up.
  • 我希望那鬧哄哄的孩子們靜下來。
    I wish those noisy children would sober down.
  • 人需要一鎮定劑使自己鎮靜下來。
    The patient needs some sedatives to sober down.
  • 咖啡後他很快就會清醒的。
    He'll soon sober up when he has some coffee.
  • 請嚴肅點,我有一重要消息要告訴你們。
    Please sober down a bit ; I have got some important news for you.
  • 我想一次撞車和兩次險相撞會使大多數人嚴肅起來的。
    I suppose one bad crash and two near misses would sober most people down.
  • 興奮的人們冷靜下來了。
    The excited people sobered down.
  • 我們應該冷靜地考慮這問題,使他們團结起來,不要再打冤傢。
    We should study these problems soberly and persuade them to unite and stop fighting each other.
  • 湯姆:那在你心目中的足球運動的傳奇巨星應該是哪呢?
    Tom:What are the legends of soccer on your mind?
  • 至於對付另外一不是球迷的罪犯,就沒有那麽寬容了。
    But criminals who are not soccer fans are not safe.
  • 為了增加居民碰面的機會,該局正考慮在樓高40層的組屋的一樓層(比如第20層)設闢社交空間,讓居民不須下到地面層就可與鄰居們溝通交流。
    To help people meet one another, the Board is considering the idea of mid-level void decks in the forthcoming 40-storey blocks. With the special space on the 20th floor, fellow flat-dwellers are expected to socialise with their neighbours more easily.
  • 會不會衝擊我們的社會主義呢?
    Will they undermine our socialism?
  • 她的觀點頗有一社會主義傾嚮。
    Some of her views are rather socialistic.
  • 社會主義的資産者願意要現代社會的生存條件,但是不要由這條件必然産生的鬥爭和危險。
    The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom.
  • 它給這小市民的每一種醜行都加上奧秘的、高尚的、社會主義的意義,使之變成完全相反的東西。
    To every villainous meanness of this model man it gave a hidden, higher, Socialistic interpretation, the exact contrary of its real character.
  • 4月23日的一項調查結果表明,如今在英國大多數手機短信衹是用來傳達無關緊要的事情和進行社會交往,但是一經理人認為,如果能夠做到明白易懂,手機短信對於商業還是有很大用途的。
    While most mobile phone text messages sent in Britain are about gossip and socializing, some managers think they can be useful for business -- if they could read them, a survey on Tuesday showed.
  • 成果標志着中國在相關領域進入了世界先進行列,具有重要的科研價值和社會經濟效益。
    These achievements, with important scientific value and socioeconomic benefits, indicate that China has entered advanced ranks in these areas.
  • 因此,它在最初階段就存在着一社會學與社會語言學上的矛盾。
    As such, the campaign during its initial period left a number of sociological and sociolinguistic questions unanswered.
  • 我想有社會學家會懷疑這種情況對於人類是否也是相同的。
    I think some sociologists wonder whether it might not be the same for men.
  • 社會學家極力主張充分就業。
    The sociologists beat the drum for full employment.
  • 社會學家認為氣溫的升高往往引起侵犯行為和暴力犯罪的增加。
    Some sociologists believe that rising temperature is generally accompanied with increases in aggression and violent crime.
  • 對於去年下半年銷售額下降了6%的廚房小用具行業來說,這新發明也許是件好事。然而,除此以外,從社會學家到汽車銷售,幾乎所有人都認為這個主意很糟糕。
    But while the new gizmos may be a bright spot for the struggling small-kitchen-appliance industry, which saw sales fall 6% in the second half of last year, everyone from sociologists to car detailers say they're a bad idea.
  • 那些短襪是誰的?
    Whose sock is those?
  • 別講了,你那無聊的笑話我聽膩了。
    Put a sock in it! I'm tired of your silly jokes.