  • xiāo fáng duì yuán zhè zhì hūn de niàn cóng rán shāo zhe de fáng jiù liǎo chū lái
    The fireman bore the fainting girl out of the burning house.
  • zhōng guó chū kǒu shāng pǐn jiāo huìguǎng jiāo huì
    China Export Commodities Fair(Guangzhou Fair)
  • zhè chū rén liào de xiāo shǐ wéi zhèn jīng
    The unexpected news fairly knocked her down.
  • ān : zhǐ yòu zhè yàng cái néng chōng fēn xiàn chū gōng zhèng xuǎn shǒu de zhēn shí shuǐ píng huì zhì máimò rén cái
    Annie: Only in this way can the fairness and levels of the athletes be displayed. The talents will not be suppressed neglected.
  • nián jìng chù gèng róng huò shēn zhuān yuán jiā jiǎng biǎo yáng jìng chù zài zhì gǎi shàn zhì jìn gōng gòng xíng zhèng gōng píng fāng miàn yòu chū de biǎo xiàn
    Last year, the Department was granted the Ombudsman Award in recognition of its outstanding performance in improving the quality of services and promoting fairness in public administration.
  • xué yuàn de nán · āi zài suǒ zhù deměi shēng cúnměi de xué shū zhōng rèn wéinán rén men huān jīn shì yīn wéi men de bái hěn xiāng pèi héng héng zhè yàng róng kàn chū men yīn xìng dòng 'ér hóng rùn de liǎn shǐ men kàn shàng gèng fēng mǎn
    In Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty, for example, Nancy Etcoff of the Harvard Medical School argues that gentlemen prefer blonds for the fairness of their skin which makes it easier to detect the flush of sexual excitement,making them appear more fertile.
  • nán hái men dài zhe liè yīng chū liè liǎo
    The boys went hunting with their falcon.
  • xiàn zàiqíng kuàng zhōng yòu liǎo hǎo zhuǎnjiā zhōu jùn zhèng de zhī chū biǎo shàng duō liǎo xiàng kōng zhōng " " de zhī chū -- zhè jiù shì jiǔ jīng xùn liànjiāng lún fān shàng zhèn gǎn hǎi 'ōu de liè yīng
    But now, the Orange county has added four flying weapons to its payroll - trained falcons that will take turns patrolling the skies in an attempt to scare the sea gulls away.
  • chū kǒu mào jiǎn shǎo liǎo
    Export trade is falling off.
  • chū kǒu mào jiǎn shǎo liǎo
    Export trade was falling off.
  • yuē hàn xiě wán shàng běn shū hòu xiàn xiǎng chū shénme xīn de gòu de nǎo zài xiū
    When John had finished his last book, he found that no new ideas would come; his brain seemed to be lying fallow.
  • zěn me néng shuō chū zhè zhǒng huǎng yán
    How can you utter such falsehoods?
  • zuó tiān wǎn shàng men kàn liǎo yīcháng fēi cháng jīng cǎi de yǎn chū
    We watched a fantastic play yesterday evening.
  • jiāzhǎng hái dōuzài shì zhōng jìn qíng huàn xiǎng men gòng tóng tàn tǎo zhè xiē shì zhōng chū de xiē zhòng wèn
    "Just as both parents and children can enjoy escapism and fantasy, these stories also raise important issues that they can talk about together.
  • néng shēng huó zài huàn xiǎng shì jiè lín shuō,“ qīng chǔ men zhǐ shì suǒ yòu de shì shí nòng shuǐ luò shí chū 。”
    "She could be living in a fantasy world." Mr.Heflin said, "I don't know. We're just trying to get to the bottom of all of these facts."
  •   2000 nián 11 yuèzhōu jié lún xíng liǎo zhāng zhuān ji "jay"。 suí zhe hòu liǎng zhāng zhuān jifàn kōng jiānde tuī chū de yīnyuè zhú jiàn tǒng zhì liǎo zhōu liú xíng yuètán
    Chou released his first album "Jay" in November 2000, and with two follow-up albums - "Fantasy" and "Eight Dimensions" - his music has come to rule the Asian pop world.
  • zhè duàn huá de huàn xiǎng tuī chū liǎo qún xiǎo shēng , men jiāng zài běn jiè shì jiè bēi de jué sài shàng yíng zào chū zhǒng de fēn wéi shì jiǎng shù liǎo liǎng táo de tài kōng shí dài de nián qīng rénzài qián wǎng hán guó běn guān kàn sài zhōng de xiǎn
    The comic fantasy presents a family of little creatures who set out to help create a special atmosphere at the World Cup finals,and recounts the adventures of two mischievous space-age youngsters on their way to the matches in Korea and Japan.
  • men de tán pàn jiǎn zhí jiù shì yīcháng huāng táng de xiào yīn wéi men de lǐng dǎo men zǎo jiù zuò chū jué dìng liǎo
    Their negotiations were a farce since their leaders had already made the decision.
  • " zhè xiē shěn pàn jiǎn zhí shì nào , yīn wéi gēn běn méi yòu guān chū 。 "
    The trials were a mere farce since no judges were present at all.
  • chū shēng zài nóng chǎng
    She was born on a farm.
  • qiú fàn zuò wéi láo dòng chū gěi rén
    Farm out the prisoners to private families
  • nóng mín cóng shān shàng chū kuài yán shí
    The farmer dislodged a rock from the hill.
  • zài zhè chū bàn yǎn nóng yòu bàn yǎn kuàng gōng
    He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner.
  • duì cǎi zuì chū de shí yàn jiù shì liè yuē 30 huā huì de huì huà zuò pǐnduì zhè zhǒng chuàng zuò de liàn zhí bàn dào shēng mìng de zuì hòu
    Among his most prominent experiments with colour were a series of some 30flower paintings,a fascination which stayed with him until his death.
  • duì cǎi zuì chū de shí yàn jiù shì liè yuē 30 huā huì de huì huà zuò pǐnduì zhè zhǒng chuàng zuò de liàn zhí bàn dào shēng mìng de zuì hòu
    Among his most prominent experiments with colour were a series of some 30 flower paintings, a fascination which stayed with him until his death.
  • biǎo xiàn chū xiàng bǎo shǒu zhù zhě
    Comes on as an old-fashioned reactionary.
  • zuò chū liǎo huò shēng de jué dìngjià gěi hēng
    She took the fatal decision to marry Henry.
  • mìng zhōng zhù dìng kuài zhù dìng chū xiàn zài kěn de 'àn shā xiàn chǎng
    doomed to unhappiness; fated to be the scene of Kennedy's assassination.
  • xiǎng xiàng chū xiē qīn bān de zhōng gào
    I'd like to give you some fatherly advice.
  • chū xiàn zài hóu lóng shàng de rèn bìng zhēng shì jìng luán zhì téng tòng
    any disease of the throat or fauces marked by spasmodic attacks of intense suffocative pain.
  • shuǐ zhèng cóng shuǐ lóng tóu liú chū
    Water was falling from the faucet.
  • zhè xiē yīnyuè jiā zuò liǎo yīcháng jué duì wán měi de yǎn chū
    These musicians gave an absolutely faultless performance.