  • 一旦你达到你设定的小小目标——5钟内成功地保持了耐心——你会开始意识到你的确有能力做到有耐心,哪怕时间长些你也能做到。渐渐地你便可以成为一个富有耐心的人。
    Once you reach little milestone--five minutes of successful patience--you'll begin to see that you do, indeed, have the capacity to be patient, even for longer periods of time over time, you may even become a patient person.
  • 一九九八年对香港保险界来说,也是十重要的一年。这不单因为保险界首次在立法会有代表议席,而且也因为有关强积金的法例已通过,在香港的历史上立下重要的里程碑。
    '98 is a very important year for the insurance industry, not only because you will, for the first time, be represented in the legislature but also it is really a milestone with the passing of the legislation on the MPF.
  • 她嫁给一个演员後,与自己原来的生活环境大不相同,初时觉得这种生活十陌生.
    Coming from another milieu, she found life as an actor's wife very strange at first.
  • 在二十世纪六十年代,一些富于战斗精神的团体声称这违背了政教离的原则。
    In the 1960s militant groups proclaimed this a violation of the doctrine of separation of church and state.
  • 如果说中日关系有点问题,那就是中国人民担心日本有很少很少一部人,其中可能有的是有政治影响的人,存在复活军国主义的倾向。
    If there is anything the matter in Sino-Japanese relations, it is the possibility that a handful of people in Japan, some of whom probably have political influence, may revive militarism there -- that is what the Chinese are concerned about.
  • 这个出言强硬的军国主义者一直是所谓“极端右翼子”的领导人。
    The rough-talking militarist has been a standard-bearer for the so-called"radical right".
  • 这个出言强硬的军国主义者一直是所谓“极端右翼子”的领导人。
    The rough-talking militarist has been a standard-bearer for the so-called "radical right".
  • 民兵为基干民兵和普通民兵。
    The militia has two categories: the primary and the ordinary.
  • 民兵是国家武装力量的组成部
    The militia is a component of the state's armed forces.
  • 〔16〕“挨户团”是当时湖南农村武装的一种,它常备队和非常备队两部
    [16] The "standing household militia" was one of the various kinds of armed forces in the countryside.
  • 基干民兵单独编组,在县级行政区内的民兵军事训练基地集中进行军事训练,目前编有应急队和高炮、高机、便携式防空导弹、地炮、通信、防化、工兵、侦察等专业技术队。
    Primary militiamen are separately organized for concentrated military training in militia military training bases of administrative areas at the county level. Currently, there are emergency detachments, and such specialized technical detachments as anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft machineguns, portable air defense missiles, ground artillery, communications, chemical defense, engineering and reconnaissance detachments.
  • 产乳汁的象某些植物或昆虫那样泌或产生出一种乳状汁液的
    Secreting or yielding a milky juice, as certain plants and insects.
  • 植物的乳状泌液,遇空气而凝结。
    a milky exudate from certain plants that coagulates on exposure to air.
  • 广泛布的草本和灌木科属于龙胆目;大多数有乳汁。
    widely distributed family of herbs and shrubs of the order Gentianales; most with milky juice.
  • 微软公司在一篇表明其见解的论文中勾划出“千年世纪项目”布式操作系统的目标。
    Microsoft has outlined in a position paper its goals for a distributed OS, called Project Millennium.
  • 公元一千年发源于中亚的印-欧语系的一个支。
    a branch of the Indo-European language family that originated in central Asia during the first millennium A.D..
  • 高加索苏联欧洲部东南部的地区,位于黑海与里海之间。公元前2000年前便有人居住,它是上演了无数次在太平盛世遭受侵略的舞台。该地区丰富的石油资源是二次大战中德国的一个主要目标
    A region of southeast European U.S.S.R. between the Black and Caspian seas. Inhabited before2000 b.c., it was the scene of countless invasions over the millenniums. The region's vast oil resources were a major German objective in World War II.
  • 通过对感知的散的事实的细致析而进行(g.a.米勒)。
    proceed by more and more detailed analysis to the molecular facts of perception (G.A. Miller).
  • 有的是水利贷款,今年修渠贷款即达四五万元,工人全系灾民,每人每天三斤小米的工资,可以节余一部养家。
    Loans have also been granted for water conservation projects. This year they amount to between 40,000 and 50,000 yuan. The workers are all drought victims. Every day each worker earns 1.5 kg of millet in wages and he can save some of this for his family.
  • 2001年,市区大气中二氧化硫(so2)、氮氧化物(nox)、总悬浮颗粒物(tsp)、一氧化碳(co)年日均值别为0.064、0.127、0.370、2.6毫克/立方米,比"九五"期间大气污染最严重的1998年别降低了47%、16%、2%和21%。
    In 2001, the annual averages of SO2, NOX, TSP and CO in urban air decreased to 0.064, 0.127, 0.370 and 2.6 milligram per cubic meter respectively, about 47%, 16%, 2% and 21% down compared with 1998 when the pollution was most serious.
  • 微米等于千之一(10-3)毫米的长度单位或一米的百万之一(10-6)
    A unit of length equal to one thousandth(10-3) of a millimeter or one millionth(10-6)of a meter.
  • 密耳长度单位,等于一英寸的千之一(10-3)(0。0254毫米),如用来标明电线的直径或按页出售的材料的厚度
    A unit of length equal to one thousandth(10-3) of an inch(0.0254 millimeter), used, for example, to specify the diameter of wire or the thickness of materials sold in sheets.
  • 每根单线直径5毫米,并被成61股,每股又含有434根细线。
    Each wires is five millimeters diameter which is comprised of sixty-one strands. Each strand contains four-hundred and thirty-four wires.
  • 可测出直径几之一毫米的精密仪器
    Precision instruments which can gauge the diameter to a fraction of a millimetre
  • 百万之一一百万等份中的一份
    One of a million equal parts.
  • 为尽量减少漏水及流失食水,当局现正计划在20年内阶段更换约3050公里的水管。
    To minimise leakage and unaccounted-for water, a 20-year programme for the replacement of some 3050 kilometres of watermains was under planning.
  • 这些防鲨网的作用,只是把泳客与鲨鱼隔,并尽量避免困扰其他海洋生物。
    These are deployed in such a way as to minimise the possibility of trapping marine lives and serve only to keep bathers and sharks apart.
  • 极地探险者十小心谨慎,以便使旅途的危险性减少到最小。
    The polar explorers took every precaution to minimize the dangers of their trip.
  • 将某人的收入至四年从而使税赋降至最小程度
    Average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate.
  • 使重要性最小化抖去;珍妮把她的股票下降三个百点的消息搁置一旁。
    minimize the importance of, brush aside; Jane shrugged off the news that her stock had fallen 3 points..
  • 联邦通信委员会(fcc)为各种通信应用配频率,以达到合理的频谱割并使用户间的干扰减至最小。
    The assignments of frequencies by the FCC for various communications uses to achieve a fair division of the available spectrum and to minimize interference among users.
  • 考试的最低及格数是100中答对60
    The minimum pass mark in the examination is 60 out of 100.