Chinese English Sentence:
  • 摆出不悦的面孔
    Made a wry face.
  • 切平面在一颗宝石的顶部切的平面
    A flat facet cut across the top of a precious stone.
  • 蒙特牌戏一种纸牌游戏,从四张牌面朝上的牌中抽两张,参加游戏者打赌其中哪一张会比另一张先与发牌人的牌成为同花顺
    A card game in which two cards are chosen from four laid out faceup and a player bets that one of the two will be matched in suit by the dealer before the other one.
  • 对一复杂的问题提肤浅的解决建议
    Proposed a facile solution to a complex problem.
  • 在这方面,他是类拔萃的,使其他的竞争者望尘莫及。
    In this field he is facile princeps, and has left all competitors behind.
  • 我喜欢我的学校,它以优良的设备名。
    I like my school, which is famous for its excellent facilities.
  • 11.有哪些城市提申请举办2008年奥运会?
    It has well-established cultural and exhibition facilities.
  • 书或其他版物对折的两页。
    two facing pages of a book or other publication.
  • 我们还需要更多的精确资料才能制定详细计画。
    Before we make detailed plans, we need some more facts and figures.
  • 这些年来,我们军队现了一个新的大问题,就是闹派性,有的单位派性还很严重。
    In recent years, our army has been confronted with a major new problem, factionalism, which is quite serious in some units.
  • 我们现在对于人们的思想状况、政治状况比较清楚,能够看来哪些人是拥护党的路线的,哪些人是不搞派性、讲党性的。
    We are pretty clear now about the thinking and political stand of different people and we can tell who supports the Party's line, has strong Party spirit and steers clear of factionalism.
  • 我们要按照毛泽东同志提的“团结——批评——团结”的公式,来解决群众中的派性问题,从团结的愿望发,经过批评,达到团结的目的。
    We should correct factionalism among the masses according to the formula of "unity -- criticism -- unity" put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong, that is, we should start from the desire for unity and arrive at unity through criticism.
  • 决定的基本因素。
    the grassroots factor in making the decision.
  • 劳动力从制造领域的转也是原因之一。
    The shift away from manufacturing is also a factor.
  • 孟德尔还正确地说,每个因子存在两个复制品,一个遗传因子可以较另一个为显性。
    Mendel also correctly stated that two copies of every factor exist and that one factor of inheritance could be dominant over another.
  • 我们打断他的话,指许多事实细节方面的错误。
    We caught him up on a number of factual details.
  • 通过对提的事实和问题的分析和宣判。
    judgment rendered through analysis and adjudication of the factual issues presented.
  • 他们指老师在一些事实细节上的错误。
    They caught the teacher up on a number of factual details.
  • 法庭通过自己提供的事实做的不偏袒任何一方的判决。
    a verdict rendered on certain specific factual issues posed by the court without finding for one party or the other.
  • 通过这些野孩子的故事,无论是真实的还是虚构的,人们可能会得另一种看法:这些萦绕在人们心头的支离破碎的故事是人类一直无法摆脱自身野性的结果。
    Through the stories, factual and fictional, of the feral children, there emerges, perhaps, another narrative: the fragmented and haunting story of our continuing relationship with the savage image of ourselves.
  • 巧妙地提到退的问题
    Raised the problem of dropouts with the faculty.
  • 看得清的;辨别得的可辨知的,如通过眼力或智力
    Perceptible, as by the faculty of vision or the intellect.
  • 新加坡人的“5分钟热度”是了名的,然而,晚晴园不是吉蒂猫,不是电子宠物,更不是流行时装,它应当有历久不衰的魅力。
    The memorial hall is no Hello Kitty, electronic pets or a passing fad - it should have an appeal that can stand the test of time.
  • 一些大公司为了保住自己的垄断地位,常常放一些假象,小公司往往被误导而争先恐后地去跟风,最后陷入困境,幸运的被合并,倒楣的破产。
    To maintain their monopolies, some big companies create smoke screens to lure small companies into developing the latest faddish products. These small companies often land themselves in deep trouble. Those that are lucky get absorbed by bigger companies, while the unlucky ones go under.
  • 淡入淡出
    fade in, fade out
  • 使场景渐渐现出来
    Fade a scene in
  • 如此一来,贵公司的货问题将可迎刃而解了。
    Then your delivery problems will fade out.
  • 股价是有可能在瞬息间大起大落的,经验不多的投资者若在高价时买入而没来得及卖,就会被套牢。
    Huge price fluctuations can occur and fade very quickly leaving naive investors stranded and holding on to stocks purchased at high prices.
  • 到最后我说不话来了。
    Words failed me at the last minute.
  • 由於没有买主,他把农场租。
    Failing a purchaser, he rented the farm.
  • 机器系统出毛病了。
    There's a systems failure.
  • 正常的发育过程没有现的现象。
    failure of normal development to occur.