Chinese English Sentence:
  • 塑料从细孔挤压来形成纤维。
    Plastic material is extruded through very small holes to form fibres.
  • 把牙膏从管里挤出来
    extrude toothpaste from the tube
  • 汗从毛孔中渗出.
    Sweat exudes through the pores.
  • 渗出,发出
    To give off; exude.
  • 渗出;泻出
    To ooze forth; exude.
  • 使植物发散水蒸气。
    exude water vapor; of plants.
  • ,流液体,如植物的液汁
    To exude a fluid such as sap.
  • ;滴下以点滴或少量形式落下或排
    To fall or exude in drops or small quantities.
  • 使挤;使滴下以点滴或少量的渗或排(物质)
    To exude or give off(matter) in drops or small quantities.
  • 当威吓敌方时会从腿的关节处渗一种油状物质的各种甲虫。
    any of various beetles that exude an oily substance from the leg joints that deters enemies.
  • 任何从植物中流的物质(可溶于水),潮湿时呈凝胶状,干燥后变硬。
    any of various substances (soluble in water) that exude from certain plants; they are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying.
  • 高喊,欢呼因狂喜或激动发的大声叫喊
    A loud cry of exultation or excitement.
  • 险境先别欢呼;别高兴得太早。
    Do not show premature signs of exultation.
  • 狂喜或者兴奋发的大叫。
    a loud hooting cry of exultation or excitement.
  • 通货危机是现今不应发生的事。谈到这件事就令人想到往昔的新闻影片,政府大员头戴高顶礼帽,表情沉重,从礼宾车里来,声音沙哑而低沉地促请民众冷静。可是现在突然间欧洲通货危机已迫在眉睫。
    A currency crisis is something that is not supposed to happen these days. The very idea evokes images form old newsreels, with grave statesmen in top hast emerging from limousines to urge calm in gravelly voices. But suddenly Europe is up to its eyebrows in one.
  • 利用没有针眼的直针或机器在一系列连在一起的线圈中隔行穿线而编制来的。
    created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine.
  • 我双眸充满眼泪,随时都会夺眶而
    Tears stung at the back of my eyelids and threatened to spill over at any moment.
  • 眼皮脖子或后背长黄色节结的一种皮肤问题
    a skin problem marked by the development (on the eyelids and neck and back) of irregular yellow nodules
  • 我可以从她的眼睛里看她的喜悦。
    I can see her gladness in her eyes.
  • 眼睛里射出仇恨的光
    Eyes that blazed hatred.
  • 他的眼里露出笑意。
    His eyes are laughing.
  • 海因茨现之前不久,西尔夫妇已经注意到特克斯的视力越来越弱。
    Not, long before Heinz showed up, the Seals had noticed that Tex appeared to be losing his eyesight.
  • 手伸进口袋,拿了一盒火柴;无法提供犯罪的目击证人
    Reached into a pocket and produced a packet of matches; failed to produce an eyewitness to the crime.
  • 癌症病人常常情绪低落,所以每次回家他一看到妻子心情不好时,总是没等珍妮特提去迪那多(她最爱去的饭馆),就已经把她让上车。
    He’d come home, and she’d be in one of the moods cancer patients get l ost in, and he’d have her in the car faster than you can say DiNardo’s, her fa vorite restaurant.
  • 各种生活在非洲、亚洲和澳大利亚的热带食肉大型蜥蜴;传说中鳄鱼现的警告。
    any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards of Africa Asia and Australia; fabled to warn of crocodiles.
  • 独角兽,麒麟一种虚构的代表童贞的动物,通常表示为一匹马,有直螺旋状的独角从它的额部突
    A fabled creature symbolic of virginity and usually represented as a horse with a single straight spiraled horn projecting from its forehead.
  • 他提的缺席理由显然是瞎编的。
    The reason he give for his absence is obviously fabricate.
  • 他提的缺席理由显然是瞎编的。
    The reason he gave for his absence is obviously fabricated.
  • 宏伟的外观、雄伟的建筑、威严的人、突的个性
    An imposing facade, building, person, personality
  • 小丑扮了可笑的鬼脸。
    The clowns pulled funny faces.
  • 整个村庄呈现一片宁静。
    The whole village presented a face placid.
  • "我冲办公室,面对面地碰上了老板。"
    I rashed out of the office and found myself face-to-face with the boss.