  • 公制长度单位等于十亿之一米。
    a metric unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter.
  • 公制长度单位等于百万之一米。
    a metric unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter.
  • 公制长度单位等于十之一米。
    a metric unit of length equal to one tenth of a meter.
  • 公制长度单位等于千之一米。
    a metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter.
  • 公制长度单位等于一米的万亿之一。
    a metric unit of length equal to one trillionth of a meter.
  • 米长度的公制单位之一,等于十之一(10-1)米
    A metric unit of length equal to one-tenth(10-1) of a meter.
  • 析诗歌的音节音律。
    analysis of verse into metrical patterns.
  • (诗歌)在韵律完整的诗歌的结束部或者一个韵脚的结束部有额外的一个或多个音节。
    (verse) having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a metrically complete verse or in a metrical foot.
  • 本港五个次区域别为都会区、新界东北部、新界西北部、新界东南部和新界西南部。
    The five sub-regions are the Metro Area, North-East New Territories (NENT), North-West New Territories (NWNT), South-East New Territories (SENT) and South-West New Territories (SWNT).
  • 这些策略把长远的全港概括性整体概念和目标,演绎为本港五个次区域的地区规划目标,五个次区域别为都会区、新界东北部、新界东南部、新界西北部和新界西南部。
    They translate long-term, broad-brush territorial concepts and goals into district planning objectives for the five sub-regions of Hong Kong: the Metro area, North-East New Territories (NENT), South-East New Territories (SENT), North-West New Territories (NWNT) and South-West New Territories (SWNT).
  • 公制长度单位等于一亿之一厘米(或(待查表)微米;用来测量电磁辐射波长的单位。
    a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
  • 外毒素由微生物泌并排入其生长的介质中的有毒物质
    A poisonous substance secreted by a microorganism and released into the medium in which it grows.
  • 不用显微镜对身体与身体部结构的研究。
    the study of the structure of the body and its parts without the use of a microscope.
  • 生物学中研究动植物组织的精微结构的支。
    the branch of biology that studies the microscopic structure of animal or plant tissues.
  • 碳纳管是由日本nec公司的电子显微镜专家sumiolijima在1991年发现的,当时他在研究合成富氏碳子(由纯碳原子组成的铁丝笼状结构的子)工艺过程中沉积的残余物。
    Carbon nanotubes were discovered by electron microscopist Sumio Lijima at NEC Corp. in Japan in 1991, when he was investigating the residue deposited during a process that synthesized fullerenes (a molecular form of pure carbon noted for its cagelike structures).
  • 建筑材料的微观结构
    microstructure analysis of building material
  • 把饼放进微波炉中加热两钟。
    Put the pie in the microwave for two minute to heat it yap.
  • 一种双向的无线电通讯系统(通常是微波);较广阔的长途通讯的一部
    a two-way radio communication system (usually microwave); part of a more extensive telecommunication network.
  • 多年来led已用于辨率和色彩要求不高的显示器中,如闹钟和微波炉上的显示器。
    LEDs have been used for years in displays that require only limited resolution and color, such as found on alarm clocks and microwave ovens.
  • 每百户城镇居民拥有家用电脑、家用摄像机、微波炉、影碟机由前几年的几乎空白状况别提高到1999年的5.91台、1.06台、12台、25台。
    Not so long ago, almost no Chinese family owned a household computer, video camera, microwave oven or VCD player. In 1999, however, for every 100 urban households there were 5.91 household computers, 1.06 video cameras, 12 microwave ovens and 25 VCD players.
  • 广泛布于中深度及深斜坡水域的海生鱼。
    marine fishes widely distributed in mid-waters and deep slope waters.
  • 他们把比赛开,一直进行到10中旬。
    They spread out the urnament over till told mid October.
  • 它们中午时回来了。
    They went home at midday.
  • 约翰醒来发现屋内阳光灿烂;已是中午时
    John woke to bright sunlight filling his room; it was already midday.
  • 中午时我们驶入一条小路,在那儿停下来吃中饭。
    The train drew in at About midday we drew a side road, where we stopped to have lunch.
  • 床单的中间部磨薄了。
    The sheets have worn thin in the middle.
  • 他的腰围不小于五十公
    He is no less than fifty centimetres round the middle.
  • 请在中间分头路。
    Part in the middle, please.
  • 上午10时左右早晨中间的部
    The middle of the morning.
  • 仲夏夏季的中间部分
    The middle of the summer.
  • 请中分。
    Please part it in the middle.
  • 中流溪流中间的部分
    The middle part of a stream.