  • 一種從可樂堅果裏提取來的調味品。
    a flavoring extracted from the kola nut.
  • 茶紅素比茶黃素更容易泡
    Thearubigins are more readily extracted than theaflavins.
  • 警方從囚犯口中套了情況。
    The police extracted information from the prisoner.
  • 醫生從他的手指裏取一根刺。
    The doctor extracted a splinter from his finger.
  • 牙齒突並且需要要矯正。
    The tooth erupted and had to be extracted.
  • 這顆子彈是從一個傷員體內取的。
    The bullet was extracted from a wound in his body.
  • 可以從水果和蔬菜中提取來的液體部分。
    the liquid part that can be extracted from fruits and vegetables.
  • 科學家已經從婦女體內提取細胞,培育人造子宮原型。
    Scientists have created prototypes made out of cells extracted from women's bodies.
  • 從高爐中毯蠖的鐵叫生鐵。
    The iron extracted from the blast furnace is known as pig iron.
  • 牙齒拔掉後,那個男孩吐了許多血。
    After the tooth had been extracted the boy spat a lot of blood.
  • 鐵是通過用焦碳和石灰石加熱鐵礦石而提煉來的。
    Iron is extracted from iron ore by heating the ore with coke and limestone.
  • "這個挖掘來的箱子已很破舊,一個工人一提起來就散開了。"
    The extracted case was so old it just disintegrated when a worker picked it up.
  • 數組,陣列(可經某種程序取的一係列數據)
    Collection of data arranged so that it can be extracted by means of a special program
  • 水冶金術通過液體過程,象過濾,提煉,沉澱等方法處理金屬,從礦石中或礦石濃縮物中分離金屬
    The treatment of metal or the separation of metal from ores and ore concentrates by liquid processes, such as leaching, extraction, and precipitation.
  • 作為課外活動的戲劇演
    participation in theatrical productions as an extracurricular activity.
  • 當值律師計劃又安排大律師及律師負責下列工作:嚮面臨引渡的被告提供意見、監察警方以單嚮觀察鏡進行認人程序,以及擔任小販的代表律師嚮文康市政上訴委員會提上訴。
    The scheme also assigns barristers and solicitors to advise defendants facing extradition, to monitor the one-way viewer identification parades conducted by the police, and to represent hawkers upon their appeals to the Municipal Services Appeals Board.
  • 胚胎從受精到生期間任一階段産物的通稱,它包括了合子或胎兒甚至胚胎膜
    The product of conception at any point between fertilization and birth. It includes the embryo or the fetus as well as the extraembryonic membranes.
  • 聲稱目擊這衹美洲獅的人們所描述的情況竟奇的相似。
    The descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.
  • 因為聲稱目擊這衹美洲獅的人們所描述的情況竟奇的相似。
    For the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.
  • 中國社會福利制度是指政府資為那些生活睏難的老人、孤兒和殘疾人等特殊睏難群體提供生活保障而建立的制度。
    The social welfare system is a system established by the Chinese government to provide funds to ensure the livelihood of senior citizens, orphans and the handicapped persons who are in extraordinarily straitened circumstances.
  • [東北異常寒冷]東北和內蒙古東部地區鼕季現了異常嚴寒天氣,鼕季9個旬中除2000年12月中旬和2001年2月下旬外,其餘7個旬氣溫明顯偏低。
    Extremely Cold in Northeast: Extraordinarily cold weather occurred in northeast and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia. Except mid December 2000 and late February 2001, the temperature in the rest seven months of the nine winter months is on the low side.
  • 從一間屋子的量度可以推斷整座建築物的大小.
    One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.
  • 關於地球外生命的詳細論證
    Presented a careful argument for extraterrestrial life.
  • 地球外存在生命的理論是根據隕星上存在碳化合物這一事實得的。
    One theory about the existence of extraterrestrial life rests on the presence of carbon compounds in meteorites.
  • 總之,多年來,第一次有更多的人真誠地希望對探索地外生命諸問題,應撥更多的資金,給予更多的重視。
    In short, for the fist time in many years there was widespread and genuine willingness to commit funds and reputations to exploring a range of issues related to the search for extraterrestrial life.
  • 他為自己的新體係提了極其過分的要求。
    He makes the most extravagant claims for his new system.
  • 做作的,誇耀的表示顯而易見的誇張的,炫耀的;炫耀的
    Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious.
  • 美國最特別的一些性格特點——好風頭、宗教極端主義、妄想狂以及貪婪——到了萬聖節前夜都一起參加慶祝或抗議,也有人以此發財。
    Some of the nation's most distinctive character traits - exhibitionism, religious extremism, paranoia, and greed - all come together on Halloween to celebrate, protest, and turn a profit.
  • 一些回教徒提,在他們接受吳總理的呼籲遠離極端主義的同時,回教社群領袖也應該盡力教育非回教徒群衆,認識一些回教徒需要履行,但卻經常被誤解的宗教義務。
    Some members of the Muslim community have voiced out that Muslim leaders need to do their part to educate the non-Muslim public about basic practises of Muslims which are often misunderstood even as they take up PM's call to steer the community away from extremism.
  • 那些極端主義者在大黨外已組成了分裂來的小派別。
    The extremists have formed a splinter group outside the main party.
  • 要把小鳥從網中救出.
    The bird had to be extricated from the netting.
  • 把自己從睏難中解脫
    to extricate oneself from difficulties