  • 消息传送部分(mtp)
    Message Transfer Part (MTP)
  • 转移一个由能导致遗传信息从dna子上转到信使rna上的dna模板合成信使rna的过程
    The process by which messenger RNA is synthesized from a DNA template resulting in the transfer of genetic information from the DNA molecule to the messenger RNA.
  • 这些实验是约里奥先生和我共同进行的,为了方便起见,我们俩把演讲内容进行了工处理。
    These experiments have been made together by Monsieur Joliot and me, and the way in which we have divided this lecture between us is a matter of pure convenience.
  • 我们吃的食物在体内不停解产生代谢变化.
    Our bodies constantly metabolize the food we eat.
  • 新陈代谢维持生命所必需的,发生于存活细胞中或生物体中的物理和化学过程的总和。在此过程中,一些物质被解从而为生命过程提供能量,而另一些维持生命所必需的物质则被合成
    The complex of physical and chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized.
  • 金属成形的塑性分析
    plastic analysis of metal forming
  • 冶金部系统可以增加几千个工程师,铁道部也可以这样做,包括提拔工人当中的优秀子。
    Enterprises and departments under the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry could add several thousand engineers to their staff, as could the Ministry of Railways, including those promoted from among outstanding workers.
  • 方毅同志告诉我,冶金部有些司局长很不错,年龄在四十到五十岁之间,都是六十年代或五十年代毕业的大学生,知识子。
    Comrade Fang Yi related to me that we have fine directors in the departments and bureaus of the Ministry of the Metallurgical Industry.These intellectuals are between 40 and 50 years old and graduated from universities and colleges in the 1950s or 1960s.
  • 任何能裂为薄片的变质岩。
    any metamorphic rock that can be split into thin layers.
  • 辉石一种晶体硅酸盐矿物,广泛布在火成岩与变质岩中,含有两种金属氧气物,例如镁,铁,钙,钠或铝
    Any of a group of crystalline silicate minerals common in igneous and metamorphic rocks and containing two metallic oxides, as of magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, or aluminum.
  • 变质的因变质作用而导致的结构变化或成变化。用于指岩石
    Changed in structure or composition as a result of metamorphism. Used of rock.
  • 与诸如(面向)对象和客户机/服务器等最新趋势不同,cbd不只是一种布计算新花样,而是一种广泛的体系结构,支持整个生命周期计算的理念,包括设计、开发和部署。
    Unlike recent trends such as objects and client/server, it is not just another flavor of distributed computing, but an extensible architecture to support a full lifecycle computing metaphor, including design, development and deployment.
  • 本体论对自然存在的研究,属于形而上学理论的
    The branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being.
  • 后生动物属后生动物亚界的一种多细胞动物,此亚界是动物界传统的两界区系统内的一个
    A multicellular animal of the subkingdom Metazoa, a division of the animal kingdom in traditional two-kingdom classification systems.
  • 钱只有仔细点过之后才发。
    The money was meted out only after it had been carefully counted.
  • 严惩反革命分子
    Mete out severe punishment to a counter-revolutionary
  • 现在这样一大批犯罪子不严肃处理,那还说什么法制?
    When we fail to mete out stern punishment to so many criminals, can we even speak of having a legal system?
  • 自己无权处理的,应当向同级或者上级人民政府的行政监察机关提出行政处建议书,有关行政监察机关应当依法予以处理。
    Whereas they do not have the right to handle the cases, they should put forward proposals for administrative punishments to the administrative supervision organs at the same level or at a higher level. The related administrative supervision departments shall mete out punishments according to law.
  • 行星学天文学的一个支,研究太阳系中的行星、卫星和流星
    The branch of astronomy that deals with the planets, satellites, and meteors of the solar system.
  • 研究者们知道至少少量能形成膜的化合物是在宇宙中形成的:从1969年坠落在澳大利亚的陨石中提取的富碳化合物在水解时会自然地释放出小泡泡来。
    And investigators knew that at least small amounts of compounds that can give rise to membranes are created in space: carbon-rich compounds extracted from a meteorite that fell in Australia in 1969 spontaneously formed vesicles when the compounds were dissolved in water.
  • 毫微米十亿之一米(10-9)
    One billionth(10-9) of a meter.
  • 煤矿中形成的一种气体混合物(主要成是甲烷),与空气混合后具有爆炸性。
    a mixture of gases (mostly methane) that form in coal mines and become explosive when mixed with air.
  • 象甲烷、烃这类在其它慧星上发现的含碳子极易挥发。它们只能在极低的温度下以固体的形态存在。
    The carbon-bearing molecules found on other comets, such as methane and certain other hydrocarbons, are highly volatile, meaning they only stay solid in extremely cold temperatures.
  • 为了解释形成细胞膜的子如何轻而易举地在宇宙中产生,多肯和他的同事将太阳系中的基本物质:水,甲醇,氨及一氧化碳混合在一起,将他们置于一金属片上。
    To see how readily molecules that are precursors to such membranes could be synthesized in space, Dworkin and his colleagues mixed together the basic materials of the solar system: water, methanol, anunonia and carbon monoxide.
  • 成部或基本要素来确定整体性质;用方法检验
    To separate into parts or basic principles so as to determine the nature of the whole; examine methodically.
  • 说它是科学,因为它可以通过结果来衡量,并须经方法论来析。
    It's a science in that it can be measured by results and is subject to methodological analysis.
  • 无微不至负责筹划的日本人,已经试图掌握所有情况――从天气以至左翼极端子――以确保87岁的天皇最后几个典礼圆满度过。
    Meticulous Japanese planners have tried to control everything from the weather to left-wing radicals to make sure the last rites for the87-year-old monarch come off without a hitch.
  • 故作风雅极端讲究或过文雅的实例
    An instance of extreme meticulousness or overrefinement.
  • 造作在语言、品味或风格方面的极端讲究或过文雅
    Extreme meticulousness or overrefinement, as in language, taste, or style.
  • 约翰与比尔跑到500米时还不上下,但500米后约翰便把比尔远远地抛在后边。
    They two were neck and neck up till the 500 metre mark, but after that John began to draw away from Bill.
  • 所有米制单位都是以国际米制标准为基础的,至少部是如此。
    All metric unit systems are based, at least in part, on the International Metric Standards.
  • 英国引进米制度量衡制度的工作正在阶段进行。
    The introduction of the metric system in Britain is being phased.