  • 他笑时露了一口漂亮的白牙.
    When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth.
  • 他们指他的计划有风险, 劝他放弃.
    They expostulated with him about the risks involved in his plan.
  • 我提的劝告毫无作用.
    My expostulation(s) had no effect.
  • 我说不我有多么感激。
    I can't express how grateful I am.
  • 从葡萄中挤出汁
    express juice from [out of]grapes
  • "怀特夫人听说自己的儿子被哈佛大学录取了,脸上显非常高兴的样子。"
    Her face expressed great joy when Mrs White knew that her son had been admitted to Harvad.
  • 他总是露忧郁的表情。
    He always shows a doleful expression.
  • 感觉或者表达感谢。
    feeling or expressive of gratitude.
  • 他的脸上露满意的神情。
    His face was expressive of satisfaction.
  • 表现伤人的嘲笑的,有嘲笑人的表现的。
    expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds.
  • 她讲话的态度表露她的愤怒。
    She spoke in a manner expressive of her anger.
  • 欢叫象婴儿似地发表示愉悦或幸福的声音
    To make a sound expressive of pleasure or well-being, characteristic of an infant.
  • 从肺中排出空气
    the expulsion of air from the lungs
  • 他演奏肖邦的作品很色。
    He plays Chopin exquisitely.
  • 他以精湛的技艺演奏着肖邦的作品,好像作品是自他自己之手。
    He plays Chopin exquisitely as his own.
  • 即兴表演即兴说的台词,即兴表演的音乐或即兴完成的动作
    Words, music, or actions uttered, performed, or carried out in an extemporaneous manner.
  • "他向前伸双臂,好象在向上帝祷告求助。"
    He extended his arms in front of him as if he were praying to God.
  • oracle9ilite在整个平台上都提供对odbc和jdbc的支持,这就使得企业愿意对这样的移动应用程序进行投资,因为它利用了开放标准api并且易于根据不断现的商务需要扩展到新的平台。
    Oracle9i Lite offers support for ODBC and JDBC across the platforms, which lets enterprises invest in mobile applications that leverage open standard APIs and are easily extendable to new platforms as the business need arises.
  • 她热情地向我们伸了双手。
    She warmly extended both hands towards us.
  • 在某一物体上伸或展开。
    extended or spread out fully before one.
  • 果树枝伸出墙外。
    Fruit trees extended out over the fences.
  • 我国作了广泛承诺。
    The commitments China has made are extensive.
  • 市长在城市预算上提大范围的削减。
    the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget.
  • 富兰克林中世纪身卑贱的地产所有者,拥有巨大的财富
    A medieval English freeholder of nonnoble birth holding extensive property.
  • 依据外部事件或条件将信息从控制存储器中取的一种线路。
    A circuit that pulls information from the control store memory based upon external events or conditions.
  • 一九九九年有形贸易(包括转口货物、港产品口及进口货物)的总值达27,450亿元,相等于本地生产总值的223%,反映香港经济高度外向。
    In 1999, GDP revived to a 2.9% growth in real terms, in stark contrast to the 5.1% decline in 1998.Trade in goods and services expanded by about nine times and four times respectively over the past two decades. Reflecting the highly externally-oriented nature of the Hong Kong economy, the total value of visible trade (comprising re-exports, domestic exports and imports), at $2,745 billion in 1999, amounted to 223 per cent of the GDP.
  • 它燃烧性能好,热效率达到85%,烟气中一氧化碳含量低于0.01%。此外它还配熄火自动安全保护装置,一旦意外熄火,安全阀便会在规定时间内自动关闭燃气通路,避免燃气漏产生危险。
    It has good combustion power. It's heating efficiency is 85%. Carbon monoxide power. It's heating efficiency is 85%. Carbon monoxide content is below 0.01%. Besides it s equipped with automatic flame extinguishing safety valves-in case of fire. The safety values will automatically shut off the gas passage within the shortest possible time to prevent gas leakage.
  • 逼出来的供词
    a confession obtained by extortion
  • 她从手提包里取了一个小笔记本。
    She extracted a small notebook from her handbag.
  • 从发言中摘出几段话
    extract several passages from the speech
  • 反对新计划的理由。
    educe an argument against a new plan
  • 作为惩罚交的钱款。
    money extracted as a penalty.