  • 一对对等染色体的各成独立离导致随机结果。
    each member of a pair of homologous chromosomes separates independently of the members of other pairs so the results are random.
  • 一对对等染色体在形成配子时离并布于不同的配子,这样每个配子只得到一个染色体。
    members of a pair of homologous chromosomes separate during the formation of gametes and are distributed to different gametes so that every gamete receives only one member of the pair.
  • 三唑几种成是c2h3n3的任何一种化合物含有一个由两个碳原子和三个氟原子组成的五元环
    Any of several compounds with composition C2H3N3, having a five-membered ring of two carbon atoms and three nitrogen atoms.
  • 王平;大部是会员制的。
    Wang Ping: Most of them are membership.
  • 高分子分离膜
    polymeric membrane for separation
  • 隔膜,隔板一个开的膜和薄隔板
    A membranous part that divides or separates.
  • 处女膜一种膜性的褶皱组织,部或全部闭塞阴道
    A membranous fold of tissue that partly or completely occludes the external vaginal orifice.
  • 菌幕,缘腊一种由薄膜组织构成的覆盖物或隔物,如蘑菇的菌幕或脑膜
    A covering or partition of thin membranous tissue, such as the veil of a mushroom or a membrane of the brain.
  • 这封便函我们需要50份。(给每个行送5份。)
    We need 50 copies of this memo.( Send five copies to each branch office.).
  • 比如,他为了你上班仅迟到5钟或打错了一个字便大发雷霆,那么你就要尽量避免这类疏忽,不论它们看起来多么微不足道。
    For example, if he snarls when you arrive just five minutes late to work or make one typo on a memo, avoid these slipups no matter how trivial they seem.
  • 尤其值得纪念的是,那一天维克多在获得182之后,仍未被判出场。
    Memorable, above all, was the day on which Victor carried his bat, after having put together a score of182.
  • 最精彩或最值得怀念的部
    the most interesting or memorable part.
  • 尤其值得纪念的是,那一天维克多在获得182之后,仍未被判出场。
    Memorable, above all, was the day on which Victor carried his bat, after having put together a score of 182.
  • 圣方济各会修士或修女1209年由圣方济各建立、现已作三个独立支的一宗教行乞修道团的成员
    A member of a religious mendicant order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in1209 and now divided into three independent branches.
  • 在修补这个小洞时,他过于强调困难,可实际上他只用了几钟便完成了。
    He made terribly heavy weather of mending the puncture; it only took a few minutes when he finally did it.
  • 使用女性性荷尔蒙治疗,似乎可预防心脏病及骨骼松软症,可是也似乎会增加患乳腺癌及子宫癌的危险。现在仅在百之十五停经以后的美国妇女服用女性性荷尔蒙补充剂,在其余的当中一般的想法可能是——服用不好,不服用也不好。
    Estrogen therapy appeared to offer protection against heart attacks and osteoporosis. But it also appeared to increase the risk of breast and uterine cancer. Now only 15 percent of post-menopausal American women take estrogen supplements; and "dammed if you do, damned if you don't" may be the thought that prevails among the remainder.
  • 她情绪十分稳定.
    Mentally she's very stable.
  • 精神病学中有关不正常心理状态与行为的支。
    the branch of psychology that studies abnormal mentation and behavior.
  • (指在维护即将过时的风俗习惯等的热忱、忠心和严格态度方面)(不应力求)超越自己的样板、领导者、良师益友,(不应该想要)比极端子还极端,比国王还保皇。
    (one should not strive to) outdo one's model, leader,mentor in enthusiasm, loyalty, strictness, in adhering to dying customs, etc.
  • 侍者:这是菜单,我几钟后回来请您点菜。
    Here are the menus. I'll come back in a few minutes and take your order.
  • 几乎没有一种叫声因为叫得愉快而又急迫得到高
    Rarely did a meow receive high marks for both pleasant and urgent.
  • 硫醇一种含硫磺的有机化合物,其子式为rsh,其中r可以是任何种类的基,尤其指乙基硫醇,其化学式为c2h5sh
    A sulfur-containing organic compound with the general formula RSH where R is any radical, especially ethyl mercaptan, C2H5SH.
  • 红军士兵大部是由雇佣军队来的,但一到红军即变了性质。
    The majority of the Red Army soldiers come from the mercenary armies, but their character changes once they are in the Red Army.
  • 折价物只需部付款的商品
    Merchandise accepted as partial payment for a new purchase.
  • 为中三及中五离校生而设的全日制训练课程包括:营销实务、纸样制作、时装设计及制作、资讯科技,以及实用技术训练等。至于部时间制课程,则主要为现职制衣业从业员而设。
    Full-time courses targeted at Form 3 and Form 5 school leavers include merchandising, pattern making, fashion design and co-ordination, information technology and practical skills training while part-time courses cater for those currently employed in the industry.
  • 至于与贸易有关的服务,离岸贸易及采购服务占服务输出总额的28%和服务输入总额的7%,而金融及银行服务业则别占6%及3%。
    As to trade-related services, offshore trading and purchasing/merchandising services took up 28 per cent of the total value of exports of services and 7 per cent of the total value of imports of services. The respective shares for financial and banking services were 6 per cent and 3 per cent.
  • 同时,这句话也是使我宽容忍耐的不尽源泉。认识到这一点,就能安心地缓减那易于使人气馁的沉重的责任感,并使我们不至于对自己对他人都过苛求;
    This realization mercifully mitigates the easily paralyzing sense of responsibility and prevents us from taking ourselves and other people all too seriously;
  • 中国禁毒执法机关严格执法,对一切毒品犯罪活动严厉打击,对一切毒品犯罪子严惩不贷。
    China's anti-drug law enforcement organs enforce the laws strictly and are waging a fierce battle against all drug-related criminal activities, administering merciless punishment to those involved in such activities.
  • 不过是个孩子;每小时仅50美
    A mere child; a mere50 cents an hour.
  • 原始热带裸子植物,活跃于中生代,现在退化为一些散的热带形式。
    primitive tropical gymnosperms abundant in the Mesozoic, now reduced to a few scattered tropical forms.
  • 将一条报文解成多个报文的处理过程
    The process of separating a single message into several messages.
  • 因此,如果某条消息大于超过所允许的最大尺寸容量,这条消息被成几个较小的消息来传送。
    Hence, if a message is larger than the maximum allowed size, it is broken into several smaller messages for delivery.