  • (《旧约全书》)在古代以色列人埃及时期,上帝赠与以色列人的食物。
    (Old Testament) food that God gave the Israelites during the exodus.
  • 在整个发展中的世界里,退农村而向城市科迁徙的先锋已经到达了城市的边缘。
    All through the developing word the vanguard of the rural exodus has reached the urban fringes already.
  • 载有故事《埃及记》和逾越节家宴仪式的书,在逾越节家宴时诵读
    The book containing the story of the Exodus and the ritual of the Seder, read at the Passover Seder.
  • 逾越节开始于犹太教历七月十四日,并按惯例持续八天的节日,用来纪念犹太人从埃及的奴役下解放
    A holiday beginning on the14th of Nisan and traditionally continuing for eight days, commemorating the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.
  • 在香港居住的美国人,是香港特区内最大的外国商业社群,突显香港是美国在亚洲区内最密切的商业伙伴。
    The American community in Hong Kong - the largest expatriate business group in the SAR - underlines the fact that Hong Kong is America's closest business partner in Asia.
  • 所料销售部经理今天提了辞职要求。
    "As expected, the sales manager gave in his notice at work today."
  • 所料;料到某人要做某事
    Be what one would expect to happen or expect sb to do
  • 我们期望你干得色。
    It's our expectation that you will do well.
  • 这确实出乎意料。
    It is rather beyond our expectation.
  • 这可太出乎意料了。
    It's really out of my expectation.
  • 出乎我预料的结果
    A result that was beyond my wildest expectation.
  • 该处风景之秀丽超我的预料。
    The beauty of the scenery surpassed my expectation.
  • 他所得的薪水乎他的意料。
    The salary he gets is beyond his expectation.
  • 这可真有点乎我的意料。
    This is really something out of my expectation.
  • 乎意料地发现他们在哭。
    I found then in tears contrary to my expectation.
  • 桂林秋色之美大大乎她的意料之外。
    The beauties of Guilin in autumn was far beyond her expectation.
  • 那封信被迅速地传递去。
    The mail is conveyed with expedition.
  • 她对这次行的热劲迅速减低.
    Her enthusiasm for the expedition was waning rapidly.
  • 同时,法院还对被告的违法行为作罚款的民事制裁决定,该案从受理到结案仅用10天时间,受到了美方当事人的好评。
    The court, in addition, adjudged the defendant a civil sanction fine. Ten days passed from the court's acceptance of the case to its resolution, expeditious remedy much appreciated by the American plaintiff.
  • 奉召动的队员接获印的地址后,便能迅速地到达现场。
    With the address printed out, the responding crews can attend to the reported address more expeditiously.
  • 子弹从枪中射出。
    The bullet was expelled from the gun.
  • 避免或逐出
    To void or expel.
  • 驱逐;逐出
    To put out; expel.
  • 把肚子里的气排来。
    expel gas from the stomach.
  • 驱逐境从一个国家中驱逐
    To expel from a country.
  • 流出或喷出泡沫
    To exude or expel foam.
  • 用力扔出;驱逐
    To throw out forcefully; expel.
  • 把气体或气味散发来。
    expel, as of gases and odors.
  • ,流通过外部的小孔排;渗
    To expel through external pores; exude.
  • 我们终於把敌人赶战壕。
    We managed to expel the enemy from the trench.
  • 没收某人的财产;强迫搬
    expel from one's property; force to move out.
  • 将空气吸入肺,并排肺的一个动程。
    draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs.