  • 的话都不听,你只是在白费口舌。
    He won't pay attention to anybody. You're just wasting your breath.
  • 的话都不听,你只是白费口舌。
    He won't listen to anybody. You're just wasting your breath.
  • 这是谁的手表?
    Whose is this watch?
  • “我知道你在那儿。不管你是,”看守喊道,“你要不马上出来,我就放狗咬你。”
    "I know you're there, whoever you are," the watchman called. "and if you don't show yourself his minute I'll set the dog on you."
  • 都知道,拿破仑在滑铁卢一时沉不住气,把整个帝国给断送了。
    Everyone knew that Napoleon blew his cool and his empire at Waterloo.
  • “是的,先生,我几乎可以肯定你说的是,”他向我保证说,“她总是在大桥一带活动。
    “Yes, sir, I am almost sure I know to whom you refer,” he assured me, “She was regularly in the vicinity of Waterloo Bridge.
  • 执行这个婚礼仪式。
    Who will perform the wedding?
  • 他的父母的结合是非正式的,所以他的母亲不愿告诉他父亲是
    He had been born out of wedlock, and his mother refused to tell him who his father was.
  • 主演的呢?中国人还是西方人?
    Who plays the hero, a Chinese or a Westerner?
  • 毫无疑问,但是愿意贯彻执行呢?
    There's no doubt whatsoever, but who will be willing to carry it out?
  • 毫无疑问,但是愿意贯彻执行呢?
    There's no doubt whatsoever, but who would be willing to carry it out?
  • 毫无疑问,但是愿意贯彻执行呢?
    There 's no doubt whatsoever, but who will be willing to carry it out?
  • 不管是,有两件事情可以相信,其中之一就是他于沉湎杯中物。
    There are two things that will be believed of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he has taken it drink.
  • 不管是,有两件事情可以相信,其中之一就是他于沉湎杯中物。
    There are two things that will be believed of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he has taken it drunk.
  • 不管是,有两件事情可以相信,其中之一就是他沉湎于杯中物。
    There are two things that will be believed of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he has taken to drink.
  • 不管是,有两件事情可以相信,其中之一就是他于沉湎杯中物。
    There is two thing that will is believe of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he have take it drink.
  • 也不知道她从何处来。
    No one knows whence she came.
  • 你指望的是谁?
    W-is your trust?
  • 你们之中随便要,我就给
    I'll give it to whichever of you wants it.
  • 你们第一就能得奖。
    Whichever of you comes first will receive a prize.
  • 他们中得分最多就赢得这场比赛。
    Whichever of them gains the most points wins the competition.
  • 你看见谁了?
    Whom did you see?
  • 谁能说不会这样呢。
    Who knows but (that) it may be so?
  • 那人是谁?
    Who is that man?
  • 谁给你的那本书?
    Who gave you that book?
  • 扮演医生的那位是
    Who's the actor who plays the doctor?
  • 我忘记这话是说的了。
    I forget who it was who said it.
  • 你能分清这些姑娘中吗?
    Can you tell who is who among the girls?
  • 谁会把它拿走呢?
    Who can take it?
  • 这能是谁呢?
    Who can that be?
  • 谁做了这个?
    Who have do it?
  • 谁喜欢去?
    Who likes to go?