  • 巴东印度尼西亚西部的一个城市,位于印度洋上门答腊岛的中西部沿海,它是一个主要港口,从事茶叶、咖啡和香料交易。人口296,680
    A city of western Indonesia on the Indian Ocean and the west-central coast of Sumatra Island. It is a major port, trading in tea, coffee, and spices. Population,296, 680.
  • 喀拉喀托火山位于门答腊和爪哇之间的一个火山岛。1883年8月,该岛火山的一次猛烈的喷发使该岛裂开,并引发了一场使36,000多人丧生的海啸
    A volcanic island of Indonesia between Sumatra and Java. A violent explosion in August1883 blew the island apart and caused a tidal wave that killed more than36, 000 people.
  • 利南的首都和最大城市,一个主要港口。
    the capital and largest city and major port of Surinam.
  • 苏珊心事重重。
    Susan is in a thoughtful mood.
  • 珊样子很文静, 可别产生误会, 她脾气坏极了!
    Susan seems very quiet, but make no mistake (about it), she has a terrible temper!
  • `可以请珊听电话吗?'
    `May I speak to Susan?'
  • 苏珊开车超快。
    Susan drove exceedingly fast.
  • 苏珊身材很好。
    Susan got it all together.
  • 请问,我和珊说句话行吗?
    Can I talk to Susan , please?
  • 我已经答应把这本书给姗。
    I've promised this book to Susan.
  • 珊:天啊!下雨了。
    Susan : Good heavens ! It is raining.
  • 珊看来对她的工作感到厌倦了。
    Susan looks browned off( with her work).
  • 珊满面羞容地向吉姆道歉。
    Susan said sorry to Jim with confussion.
  • 珊把藏在内心的可怕秘密全盘托出,解除了心理上的负担。
    Susan unburdened herself of her terrible secret.
  • 幸福的泪水滚落在姗的腮边。
    Tears of happiness poured down Susan's cheeks.
  • 汤姆表明他对珊有兴趣。
    Tom's staked out a claim to Susan.
  • 简见到珊高兴极了。
    Jane was thrilled to pieces to see Susan.
  • 珊放声大哭时,约翰就发脾气了。
    John lost his temper when Susan began crying.
  • 珊开车险些遇到意外。
    Susan had a close call in her car.
  • 珊回家来过暑假了。
    Susan has come back for her summer holiday.
  • 珊开车险些遇到意外。
    Susan have a close call in her car.
  • 珊翻遍钱包找点零钱。
    Susan hunted through her purse for some change.
  • 珊封大多数亲戚漠不关心。
    Susan was unenthusiastic about most of her relatives.
  • 珊,你要不要看看我的照片?
    Would you care to see my photos, Susan?
  • 谁也不会把珊当成一个软弱可欺的人。
    No one would take Susan as a weak person.
  • 珊和我都是家里的独生女儿。
    Susan and I were the children of our families.
  • 珊唱那首歌比谁都好。
    Susan put that song across better than anyone else.
  • 英格兰南部塞克斯郡的一个城市,是旅游胜地;布莱登大学所在地。
    a city in Sussex in S England that is a popular resort; site of the University of Sussex.
  • 喀布尔的市井流传着有关塔利班如何处置这批珍宝的种种谣言。这批珍宝是前联占领阿富汗时,一群联人在阿富汗北部的一处皇家墓地发现的。
    Rumours swirl around the bazaars of the capital about what the Taleban has done with the treasure, which was excavated from a royal burial site in northern Afghanistan by a Soviet team during the Soviet Union's occupation.
  • 黎世是瑞士说德语的人的中心。
    Zurich is the center of the German-speaking part of Switzerland.
  • 叙苏友好合作条约
    Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation Between Syria and Soviet Union
  • 他为我缝制了一套格兰粗呢的衣服。
    He tailored me a tweed suit.