  • 对一人来说,别说在水里,就是在陆地上走120公里也是不容易的。
    For ordinary people, needless mention of being in water, even walking on land for 120 kilometers is not easy.
  • 这孩子歌唱得同夜莺婉转
    The child sang as sweetly as a nightingale.
  • 这是一个极为恐怖、梦魔一的电影脚本。
    This is the ultimate nightmare scenario.
  • 虽然屏幕中出现的是很多熟悉的面孔,斯皮尔伯格却使电影看着那样真实,把观众置身于恶梦战争的中心。
    Even though the screen is filled with the faces of familiar actors, Spielberg makes it seem real, thrusting the viewer[6] right into the center of the nightmarish action.
  • 情况下,其他的父母可以有9个月的时间给孩子起名。我们好像只有9分钟左右的时间。
    Other people take nine months to name babies we had more like nine minutes.
  • 在北美的草本,一开夜花。
    chiefly North American herbs with usually nocturnal flowers.
  • 2000年10月,作为"非法买卖及暴力受害者保护法案"的一部分,国会采取措施修改法律,创立了一种"u"签证,允许那些遭受"百身心虐待"的没有公民资格的外国居民无限期地在美国居留和工作--如果她们和执法机关合作并起诉虐待她们的人。
    In October 2000,as part of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act,Congress took a step toward amending the law by creating a “ U” visa,which allows nonresident aliens who have suffered “ substantial physical or mental abuse” to remain and work in the country indefinitely--if they cooperate with law enforcement authorities to prosecute their abusers.
  • 平常的;普通的;一
    Wa normal; an ordinary
  • 暑假一放在7月底开始。
    Summer holidays normally start at the end of July.
  • 地,合同价格中已经包括了包装费用。
    Normally, packing charge is included in the contract price.
  • 你还比较害羞,一不喜欢与人打交道。
    You're shy and you don't normally like meeting people.
  • 阔鼻猴的属于或代表西半球的猴的,与东半球猴之区别在于有一开向侧方的相隔很远的鼻孔
    Of or designating the New World monkeys, distinguished from the Old World monkeys by widely separated nostrils that generally open to the side.
  • 它们的口和鼻的尾端隆起,在鼻子下面形成一个巨大的门腔。这就意味着这种鳄鱼有着超强的嗅觉以及非同一的叫声。
    The swollen end of the snout houses an enormous cavity under the nostrils, meaning this croc may have had an enhanced sense of smell and a most unusual call.
  • 就目前一汽车而论,它们是好汽车。
    They are good cars as cars go nowadays.
  • 她还是觉得死一的麻木。
    She still felt numb, dead.
  • 李:你们美国人一都吃营养很丰富的食物。
    You Americans usually have nutritious food.
  • 核桃象下阵雨从树上落下。
    Nuts showered down from the tree.
  • 蠢人;丑角的人物被认为是笨拙愚蠢的人;笨蛋
    A person regarded as awkward and stupid; an oaf.
  • 老练的桨手将篙一撑,船就似箭一离开了岸。
    The practised oar pushed off and the boat left the like an arrow.
  • 老练的桨手篙一撑,船就似箭离了岸。
    The practised oar pushed out and the boat left the tank like an arrow.
  • 燕麦是一种谷物,在英格兰一用来喂马,但苏格兰则靠它来养人。
    Oats: a grain which in england in generally give to horse, but in scotland support the people.
  • 市场稳定且有上升趋势,一观察认为,该趋势将持续。
    Market firm upward trend generally observe to continue.
  • 迟钝得永远也不理解我对他说的任何话;从来没碰到过这么笨的人;尽管在传统的学习上迟钝,但在数学上他却不一的敏捷——撒克里;愚蠢的官员做出了一些非常愚蠢的决定;他不是一性的愚蠢,就是故意的反应慢;对一些迟钝的学生起作用。
    so dense he never understands anything I say to him; never met anyone quite so dim; although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick- Thackeray; dumb officials make some really dumb decisions; he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse; worked with the slow students.
  • 为什么他们会干这种一没有什么技术和知识的零工呢?
    Why do they want odd jobs - jobs usually requiring little skill and knowledge?
  • 很多isp以各种不同的商品名称提供vpn(甚至客户都叫vpn,但有的厂家不说他们提供的是vpn)。一这些vpn完全是在isp的主干网上传送数据,而不是利用范围更广的因特网。他们称,这种方法提高了性能。
    A number of ISPs offer VPNs under a variety of trade names.(Some don't call their offerings VPNs, even though that's what their customers call them.) These VPNs typically transport data entirely within the ISP's backbone rather than across the wider Internet -- an approach they boast enhances performance.
  • (指官员)在一的官员之外执行不寻常的或者特别的任务。
    (of an official) serving an unusual or special function in addition to those of the regular officials.
  • 诗人表达了他对所爱的女子火一的激情。
    The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.
  • 杰夫:刚开始只有希腊人,随着发展,其他地方的人从陆路、海上都有来参赛的,奥林匹亚就像过节一
    Jeff: Yes, there was only Greek at the very beginning. With the development of the Olympics, people came to participate in the Games from the land and sea of other places. The atmosphere of Olympia was like a celebration of a festival.
  • 来说,参加网上讨论的只占读者的一小部分。
    These participants represented only a very small portion of Zaobao Online's readers.
  • 商店一在九点钟开始营业。
    The shops usually open at nine o'clock.
  • 说明所属(即包含)的内容,或者一性地讲,是“指定”和“特定”的反义词。
    Inclusive or generally-opposed to specific and special.
  • 努力在管弦乐唱片里获得干净的低音;像瀑布一样干净的笑声;干净的红蓝色;像银铃干净轻脆的声音。
    efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings; clear laughter like a waterfall; clear reds and blues; a light lilting voice like a silver bell.