  • 在抗日方面,顽固派又有两面性,我们对其尚抗日的方面是加以联合的政策,对其动摇的方面(例如暗中勾结日寇和不积极反汪反汉奸等)是进行斗争和加以孤立的政策。
    Moreover, the die-hards have a dual character with regard to resistance to Japan, and our policy is to unite with them, in so far as they are still in favour of resistance, and to struggle against them and isolate them in so far as they vacillate (for instance, when they collude with the Japanese aggressors and show reluctance in opposing Wang Ching-wei and other traitors).
  • 新老师可被分派到电脑教学刚刚启步的学校,大家必须从头学起,一齐开步走;资深的老师空有丰富的教学经验,在运用电脑教学的大前提下,却突然无法施展,不但士气受挫,也可影响教学表现,得不偿失。
    Hence, all teachers -- including the seniors who are very experienced in teaching, but who are suddenly at a loss when it comes to computers -- will have to start from scratch and will have to progress together.Eventually, they will become frustrated and their teaching performance may be adversely affected. Based on this scenario, the cons seem to outweigh the pros.
  • 新加坡早期致力于在政治和经济上求存,经过多年努力才进入发达国家行列。新加坡领袖和人民目前正努力确保新加坡社会继续维持开放、人民够对政府的政策发表意见、有更多的途径让人们公开辩论和要求纠正对他们造成不良影响的政策。
    From its earlier obsession with political and economic survival to its hard-earned First World status, Singapore leaders and people are increasingly striving to ensure that it remains an open society, in which the citizenry has a voice in good governance and that more avenues are available to debate and seek redress on public policies adversely affecting them.
  • 第四,由于中国人口基数很大,在今后相当长的一个时期将面临就业压力,这必然会影响到贫困人口的就业,使很多本来够奏效的扶贫措施难以发挥出应有的作用。
    Fourth, because of its large population, China will face employment pressure for a long period to come. This pressure is bound to adversely affect the employment of the impoverished population, so much so that many effective aid-the-poor measures will not play the roles they should play.
  • 在现实面前他们只明智的选择随遇而安,有一份稳定的收入和一个优越的生活条件,仅此而已,夫复何求。
    They have no choice but to bow reluctantly to reality and be content with a regular income and comfortable living conditions.
  • 学生发言时似乎不掌握要点。
    The students seem incapable of speaking ad rem.
  • 从人体自动补偿损失掉的“眼球快动睡眠”的事实来推测:很明显,我们需要“眼球快动睡眠”。
    Judging from the fact that our bodies automatically compensate for a loss of REM sleep, we apparently have a need for REM sleep.
  • 改造新加坡不应只是一句标语口号,它应当既实实在在地急民之所急,以人为本;
    As we strive to remake Singapore, we should be mindful that the term “remaking Singapore” should not be reduced to just a slogan.
  • 因为重塑是关系国计民生的大事,它更应该依赖具有独立思考力和自由精神的国民(或他们利益的忠实代表)而不是时时处处为他们包办一切的保姆。
    The process of remaking Singapore is a colossal task that should involve everyone. The inputs from Singaporeans who are creative and independent-thinking (or people who represent their interests) are more important than the “nanny” who has always taken care of almost ever
  • 在报章上读到,不久前成立的“改造新加坡委员会”的目标之一,是重新思考迈向成功的传统途径,鼓励国人从事文化、体育、和科研工作及创业。不过,如果委员会无法争取到为人父母者的合作,我怀疑它在这方面够取得多少成果。
    So when I read of how the new Remaking Singapore Committee had set one of its goals as challenging the traditional roads to success, encouraging Singaporeans to realise alternative careers in the arts, sports, research or as entrepreneurs, I had my doubts about its success in this area, if not coupled with help from parents themselves.
  • 这些地区都存在着危险的可性。
    Those all remain possibilities.
  • 尽管加入世界贸易组织可使贫困地区现有产业受到冲击,但从长远看,有利于贫困地区劳动力转移和劳动密集型产品的出口。
    Though the existing industries in those areas may be adversely affected after China enters the WTO, in the long run this will be good for the transfer of their workers and the export of their labor-intensive products.
  • 经济长期处于停滞状态总不叫社会主义。人民生活长期停止在很低的水平总不叫社会主义。
    If the economy remains stagnant and the people's living standards remain at a very low level for a long period of time, we cannot say that we are building socialism.
  •  各级气象主管机构所属的气象台站应当加强对可影响当地的灾害性天气的监测和预报,并及时报告有关气象主管机构。
    Meteorological offices and stations subordinate to the competent meteorological departments at different levels shall improve their monitoring and forecast of severe weather which may adversely affect the local community, and promptly report to the competent meteorological departments concerned.
  • 如果过早地宣布人民币资本项目可兑换,不仅对本国不利,对外国投资也是不利的,还有可会殃及他国。
    An early announcement of the convertibility of the Renminbi under capital accounts is not only disadvantageous to China but also to overseas investment. Moreover, it may adversely affect other countries.
  • (数学)不没有余数的被除尽。
    (mathematics) cannot be divided without leaving a remainder.
  • (数学)够被除尽,通常是没有余数的。
    (mathematics) can be divided usually without leaving a remainder.
  • 在计算机安全学中,使对一自动系统的操作或功的恶劣影响力及意图得以实现的手段。
    In computer security, the means through which the ability orintent of a threat agent to affect adversely an automated system facility or operation can is manifest.
  • 被其它的两个整数之差整除的整数。
    an integer that can be divided without remainder into the difference between two other integers.
  • 我卖给你一本新的地理书,其余的钱你可以够还的时候还我,
    I'll let you have the new geography and you may pay me the remainder of the money.
  • 本章意在说明,在想像致富的整个哲学付诸运用之前,还有一个目标必须达成。
    The remainder of this chapter describes an end which must be attained before the philosophy, as a whole, can be put into practical use.
  • 使数据记录的关系和数据项的内容在并行处理时不受影响的一种保护力。
    The ability to ensure that data record relationships and the contents of data items are not adversely affected by concurrent processes.
  • 如果你不说服他人与你合作,而且又无法遵守严格标准的话,一样不会成功的,在后面几章中将详细说明这些标准。
    You will not succeed if you cannot convince other people to cooperate with you and if you do not live in accordance with strict standards. Those standards form the remainder of this book.
  • 在战场上关键时刻有几发炮弹打不响,就可影响整个战斗。
    An entire military operation may be adversely affected if a few shells misfire on the battlefield at a critical moment.
  • 你可总是感到疲劳、焦虑或易怒;你的记忆力和集中注意力都可受到不良影响。
    You may feel permanently tired,anxious or irritable,and your memory and ability to concentrate may be adversely affected.
  • 迷走神经过敏迷走审经过分兴奋或过敏,对血管,胃和肌肉的功有不利影响
    Overactivity or irritability of the vagus nerve, adversely affecting function of the blood vessels, stomach, and muscles.
  • 依然是一种有利也有弊的原。
    Nuclear energy remains a double-headed creature.
  • 自找麻烦采取一个可会产生负面效果的不必要的行动
    To take an unnecessary action that will probably engender adverse effects.
  • 青少年犯拘留所的拘留看做是教育吗?
    Can detention in a remand home be regarded as educational?
  • 糖尿病会影响神经功
    Diabetes can have an adverse neurological effect.
  • 一种技的非凡的表演。
    a remarkable show of skill.
  • 存活真是不简单。
    That she survived was remarkable.