  • 达赖在出国后的三十多年里,不顾事实,编造了大量诸如“‘十七条协议’是武力逼迫下强加给西藏的”;“汉人屠杀了120万藏人”;“由于汉人移民,藏族在西藏成了少数”;“共产党在西藏强行对妇女实行计划生育、堕胎”;政府反对宗教自由,迫害宗教人士;藏族传统文化艺术遭到灭绝危险;西藏自然资源受到严重破坏;西藏环境受到污染等等谎言,蓄意挑拨民族关系,煽动西藏众反对中央政府。
    Ignoring facts, the Dalai Lama fabricated numerous lies to sow dissension among the various nationalities and incite the Tibetan people to oppose the central government during his 30-year self-exile abroad. He said that "the 17-Article Agreement was imposed on Tibet under armed force"; "the Hans have massacred 1.2 million Tibetans"; "owing to Han immigration, the Tibetans have become a minority in Tibet"; "the Communists in Tibet force women to practice birth control and abortion"; the government opposes religious freedom and persecutes religious people; traditional Tibetan culture and art are in danger of extinction; the natural resources in Tibet have been seriously depleted; there is severe environmental pollution in Tibet, etc.
  • 如果哪个党组织严重脱离众而不能坚决改正,那就丧失了力量的源泉,就一定要失败,就会被人民抛弃。
    Any Party organization that deplorably loses touch with the masses and doesn't mend its ways is forfeiting the source of its strength and will invariably fail and be rejected by the people.
  • 人们有三种方式部署ip网络电话(voip)服务,每一种都设计来支持特定的网络配置和特定的用户体。
    People have three ways to deploy voice-over-IP (VOIP) services.Each is designed to support a specific network configuration and type of customer.
  • 密林深处有群猴子。
    There is a group of monkeys in the innermost depths of the forest.
  • 嘲笑;发出嘲笑的人;她嘲弄的笑;嘲笑他是‘胆小鬼’、‘娘娘腔’。
    derisive laughter; a jeering crowd; her mocking smile; taunting shouts of `coward' and `sissy'.
  • 武装盗贼袭击了无依无靠的旅客。
    Armed thieves descended on the helpless travelers.
  • 的歌迷一窝蜂地涌向音乐厅。
    Fan have descend on the concert hall in their horde.
  • 羊慢慢地从山上下来。
    A flock of sheep descended slowly from a hill.
  • 夏威夷人夏威夷岛上土著波利尼西西亚人的一员或后代
    A member or descendent of the indigenous Polynesian people of the Hawaiian Islands.
  • 牛正往下朝山谷走去。
    A herd of cattle were descending the valley.
  • 植物志一本专门描写一个地区或一段时间内的植物落的书
    A treatise describing the plants of a region or time.
  • 过去10年,香港的发展一日千里,与此同时,近岸地区的生态环境也经历重大变迁,有些转变难免对动物造成危害。但当局正针对这些转变,采取补救措施,其中包括敷设人工鱼礁,以及划设海岸公园和海洋保护区,以保护易受环境影响的海洋生物落。
    The habitats of Hong Kong's coastal areas have experienced dramatic changes in the last decade, in parallel with the rapid rate of development in Hong Kong. Inevitably, detrimental changes in the fauna have occurred, but counteracting measures are being taken with a view to protecting sensitive aquatic communities. These measures include the deployment of artificial reefs and the designation of marine parks and marine reserves.
  • 达利,萨尔瓦多1904-1989西班牙超现实主义画家,以其色彩艳丽的个人风格和精细地描绘在画布上的怪诞画像的令人不安的说明而闻名,最著名的作品是永恒的回忆(1931年),在一片荒芜的土地上,住着一柔弱感伤的看守者
    Spanish surrealist artist known for his flamboyant personal style and his disquieting interpretation of fantastic images in meticulously rendered canvases. Among his most famous works is Persistence of Memory(1931), a desolate landscape inhabited by limp, melting watches.
  • 有节奏地不断呼喊'打倒暴君'。
    The crowd chanted'Down with the Despot'.
  • 海峡岛是度假的好去处。
    The channel island is favorite holiday destination.
  • 张扬鲜明的音乐人,"命运之子"的主打歌为《不,不,不》。
    Sporting a legion of high? profile musical enablers,Destiny's Child featured a hit single,“ No,No,No,”.
  • 一个体富裕,而另一体则十分贫穷
    One group is rich, while the other is destitute.
  • 破坏者毁坏了这辆公共汽车。
    The group of destroyers damaged the bus.
  • 其具有破坏性的幼虫成迁移的蛾子。
    moth whose destructive larvae travel in multitudes.
  • 警察组成这样一个部门的一人,他们被专门训练来掌握执行法律和防止并侦破犯罪行为的方法,被授予维护一个社区的和平、安全和秩序的职权
    A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.
  • 侦探在人里跟踪那个贼。
    The detective tailed the thief through the crowd.
  • 脱离众,脱离干部,上行下效,把社会风气也带坏了。
    They divorce themselves from the masses and lower-ranking cadres, and their subordinates follow suit, which results in deterioration of the general standard of social conduct.
  • 实际上,那些坚持搞派性的只是少数几个人,百分之九十五以上的人,包括跟着闹派性的众,是厌恶派性的。
    As a matter of fact, those who cling to factionalism are very few in number. Over 95 per cent of the people, including those who go along in factional activities, detest factionalism.
  • 广大人民众和宗教界人士对此深恶痛绝。中国司法机关对这类严重危害社会和公众利益的违法犯罪分子依法惩处,正是为了维护公众利益和法律尊严,为了更好保护公民宗教信仰自由权利和正常的宗教活动。
    The broad masses of the people and personages of the religious circles detest this phenomenon, and so, in order to safeguard the public interest and the sanctity of the law, and to better protect the people's right to freedom of religious belief and normal religious activities, China's judicial organs punish law-breakers and criminals who severely endanger the society and the public interest in accordance with the law.
  • 他们想通过培养和释放改良后的蛾子,使得与之交配的任何野生蛾子都产出无效卵,以此来逐渐地消灭这个种
    Eventually they hope to create and release moths that would cause any wild ones they mated with to produce dud eggs, devastating the population.
  • 一种可以进行穿孔的设备。
    A device that do gang punch.
  • 众拿出他们的全力放到战线上去吗?
    Do we want them to devote their strength to the front?
  • 每年各地众的节庆集会,既有大量的传统节日,如拉萨的藏历新年、萨噶达瓦节、望果节、雪顿节、沐浴节、酥油灯节、达玛节、煨桑节、噶尔恰钦节、赛马会等和拉萨以外其他地区的各种节日,以及许多寺庙的宗教节日,如扎什伦布寺的什莫钦布节、甘丹寺的昂觉节,桑耶寺的经藏跳神节、萨迦寺的七月金刚节、楚布寺的树经幡杆节、热振寺的帕蚌唐郭节等等,又有全国乃至世界性的新兴节庆集会,如三八妇女节、五一劳动节、五四青年节、六一儿童节、十一国庆节等。
    There are many traditional festivals and fairs in Tibet, including the Tibetan New Year, Sakadawa Festival, Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival, Shoton (Yogurt) Festival, Bathing Festival, Butter Lamp Festival, Dharma Festival, Burning Offerings Festival, Garchachen Festival, and Horse Race Fair of Lhasa and the many festivals of other places. Religious festivals celebrated by monasteries include the Shimo Chento Festival of Tashilhunpo Monastery, Nganjo Festival of Ganden Monastery, Collecting Sutras and Religious Dance festivals of Samye Monastery, July Vajra Festival of Sakya Monastery, Erecting the Prayer Banner Pole Festival of Tsurpu Monastery, and Paltung Tanbo Festival of Radreng Monastery. In addition, the Tibetans also celebrate some national and international festivals such as International Working Women's Day (March 8th), International Labor Day (May 1st), Chinese Youth Festival (May 4th), International Children's Day (June 1st) and National Day (October 1st).
  • 共享特定语言或方言的人
    people sharing a given language or dialect.
  • 这个临时行政机构将具有广泛的基础和充分的代表性,由伊拉克所有部族、地区和海外体的代表组成。
    The Interim Authority will be broad-based and fully representative, with members from all of Iraq's ethnic groups, regions and diaspora.
  • 那个独裁者向众声嘶力竭地训话, 我一听就想到, `真像希特勒!'
    `Shades of Hitler!' I thought, as I listened to the dictator haranguing the crowd.
  • 众焚烧退位独裁者的模拟像
    The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.