  • 不,我不会你钱去买一杯茶喝,你走吧!
    No, I won’t give you any money for a cup of tea. Shove off!
  • 狄弗带来的耻辱即令丑闻满天飞的里根政府也不寻常。他对伪证的判决几乎未加辩护。他应尝尝铁窗滋味,而非联邦法官他聊备一格的惩罚。
    Michael Deaver brought special shame even to Reagan Administration abloom with scandal. Convicted of perjury after offering almost no defense, he deserved a taste of prison, not the slap on the wrist he has received from a Federal judge.
  • 要是你比尔一块钱,叫他把你那条人行道上的雪铲掉,他会飞快地去做。
    Offer Bill a dollar to shovel your sidewalk, and watch his smoke!
  • 尼娜:我做给你看。
    Let me show you.
  • 请给我看看别的。
    Show me some others.
  • 给我看看你的手。
    Show me your hand.
  • (复)演职人员的报酬或重演的酬金。
    (often plural) a payment that is made to a performer or writer or director of a television show or commercial that is paid for every repeat showing.
  • 因为他的浮夸,我们不能将任何重要的任务委任他。
    Because of his showiness we cannot trust him with any important assignment.
  • 表现出或予慈悲的。
    showing or giving mercy.
  • 我看了她的集邮册。
    She has shown me her stamp collection.
  • 她把那些东西她所有的朋友都看过了。
    She has shown them to all her friends.
  • 那件甲克让铁丝网挂碎了。
    The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
  • 要我在一个星期内完成这项工作,所的时间太少了。
    To expect me to get the work done in a week is to give short shrift.
  • 麻烦您我搛点虾仁色拉好吗?
    May I trouble you for some shrimp salad?
  • 我再你一调羹青豆虾仁好吗?
    Can e get you another spoonful of fried shrimp with green bean?
  • 希腊人把一座庙奉献神。
    The Greeks dedicated a shrine to the god.
  • 神龛表示崇敬并以求指引的奉先知神灵的场所,如特尔斐的阿波罗殿
    A shrine consecrated to the worship and consultation of a prophetic deity, as that of Apollo at Delphi.
  • 另有一些父母允许他们的孩子去要礼物(“我糖果,否则我会把卫生纸挂满你的灌木丛”)——但又害怕有人会蓄意破坏,于是把糖果拿到机场或警察局做x光检查,以免有异物。
    Other par-ents allow their children to go trick-or-treating (code for 'give me some candy or I'll drape toilet paper all over your shrubbery' ) - but then, fearing sabotage,take the candy to the airport or police station so it can be X-rayed for foreign objects.
  • 其时,英国的维新党政府下台,新上任的保守党外务大臣阿巴甸勋爵于一八四一年修改予砵甸乍爵士的训令,撤回割地的要求。
    In the meantime, the Whig Government in England had fallen and, in 1841, the new Tory Foreign Secretary, Lord Aberdeen, issued revised instructions to Pottinger, dropping the demand for an island.
  • 不要闪烁其辞,一个明确的答复。
    Do not shuffle , give a clear answer.
  • 不要把你的责任推诿他人。
    Do not shuffle your own responsibility onto others.
  • 他总是把责任推别人。
    He always shuffles off responsibilities on to others.
  • 他连续反击的方式我留下了很深的印象。
    The way he kept returning the shuttle really impressed me.
  • 她备介绍客人时有些害羞。
    She was shy at her introduction to the guests.
  • 她怕上镜,因此不愿意让别人她拍照。
    She's camera-shy and hates being photographed.
  • 这个剧本里的商人夏洛克借安东尼奥3000块金币。
    According to that script,the merchant,Shylock,lent 3,000 ducats to Antonio.
  • 她腼腆而又有点害怕地把它交了他们。
    Shyly and a bit frightened, she handed it to them.
  • “不错。”他怯生生地说,“这不,上周,我确定假释要获准时,我又她写了封信。
    “ Yeah,” he said shyly. “ Well, last week, when I was sure the parole5 was coming through,I wrote her again.
  • 我是一个普通的中国妇女,现在躺在病床上流着眼泪您写信。
    I’m an ordinary Chinese woman writing you this letter in tears on my sickbed.
  • 爱德华三世后创造了立宪政体使他退位的美国离婚者。
    American divorcee whose marriage to Edward VIII created a constitutional crisis leading to his abdication.
  • 老板工作了几星期后,我对他的那套方法便讨厌极了。
    After a few weeks' working for the boss I sickened of his method.
  • 自己买了一把锄头和一把镰刀。
    She brought herself a hoe and a sickle.