  • 二甲苯混合物一種用作溶劑的含有二甲苯的混合物,用來製作漆和橡膠黏合劑,以及航燃料
    A mixture of xylene isomers used as a solvent in making lacquers and rubber cement and as an aviation fuel.
  • 天文臺於香港國際機場設立的機場氣象所,負責民用航方面的氣象服務。
    The Observatory operates the Airport Meteorological Office (AMO) at the Hong Kong International Airport to provide services for civil aviation.
  • 海軍下轄北海、東海、南海三個艦隊和海軍航兵部。
    Under the Navy, there are three fleets, namely, the Beihai, Donghai and Nanhai fleets, as well as the Naval Aviation Department.
  • 海軍由潛艇部隊、水面艦艇部隊、航兵、岸防兵和陸戰隊等兵種及專業部(分)隊組成。
    The Navy has such arms as the submarine, surface, naval aviation, coastal defense and marine corps, as well as other specialized units.
  • 海軍由水面艦艇部隊、潛艇部隊、航兵、岸防兵、陸戰隊等兵種和專業部隊組成。
    The Navy has such arms as the surface, submarine, naval aviation, coastal defense and marine corps, as well as other specialized units.
  • 哥奇蘭,吉奎琳1910-1980美國飛行員,保持許多國內和國際飛行速度記錄,在第二次世界大戰中領導軍女性駕駛員隊
    American aviator who held numerous national and international speed records and headed the Women's Air Force Service Pilots during World War II.
  • 隨着太項目的發展,航電子技術愈加重要了
    Avionics has become even more important with the development of the space program.
  • 中國有一個蓬勃的自由市場經濟,共産黨給予企業傢大多數人可以接受的發展間。
    Awesome! China has a booming free market economy. Its liberal Communist government has given free enterprise all the latitude that most of the people can live with.
  • 據一些目擊者描述,當時四周異常平靜,似乎是從中這些物體中散發出的一種平靜。
    The gold lights hovered for awhile, according to the witnesses, and then disappeared.
  • 可是天天卻躲在裝有調的房間裏美美地睡午覺去了,睡醒之後自然也會有一頓冰鎮地美味佳餚等着他。
    Tian Tian took a nap in his air conditioned grotto and was to have his frozen treat after he awoke, Spelman said.
  • 相對於一軸綫的能夠確定一個點在間的位置的一個或一組數。
    a number that identifies a position relative to an axis.
  • 於是,他們就出發了,驅車行駛在羅德島北部的鄉村小路上,那種天氣衹有5月中旬纔會有:閃亮的陽光、蔚藍色的晴以及生機勃勃、隨處可見的緑意。
    So off they went, driving the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of day only mid-May can produce:sparkling sunshine, unclouded azure skies and vibrant newness of the green growing all around.
  • 他塑造了各種觀衆喜愛的人物形象,如《十五貫》中的婁阿鼠、《孫悟三打白骨精》中的豬八戒、《長生殿》中的高力士、《枯井案》中的鬍圖、《潘金蓮》中的西門慶,以及《下山》、《相梁刺梁》、《蘆林》、《醉皂》等。
    He protaryed many characters like Lou A-Su in Fifteen Strings Of Coins, Gao Li-Shi in Longevity Palace, Zhu Ba-Jie in King Monkey, Hu Tu in The Case About A Dry Well, Xi Men-Qing in Pan Jin-Lian, etc who were loved by a large number of audience and also performed other plays like Went Down The Mountian, Reeds, etc.
  • 巴比倫空中花園
    Hanging Garden of Babylon
  • 古巴比倫和古埃及的天文學家沒有天文望遠鏡,但這些國傢的天通常晴朗,所以他們能很容易地觀測星體。
    The old astronomers of Babylon and Egypt had no telescopes3; but the sky in those countries is usually clear,and so they could watch the stars easily.
  • 他采納了卡爾·非刊浦·伊門紐爾·巴赫、海頓和莫紮特所鞏固下來的奏鳴麯、交響麯和協奏麯的形式,並使它們成為規模前的、多樣化的“雄壯、偉大和熱情的音樂”。
    He took the sonata, symphony and concerto, consolidated in form by C. P. E. Bach, Haydn and Mozart, and transmuted them into grandiose, great and mad music of unprecedented scope and variety.
  • 他在微生物學的領域裏是唯一的;這一理論在對問題的洞察上是無與倫比的;巴赫在掌握對位音方面是唯一的;手藝無與倫比的工匠;無與倫比的運動能力;歷史上前的對法律的踐踏。
    he is alone in the field of microbiology; this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem; Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint; craftsmen whose skill is unequaled; unparalleled athletic ability; a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history.
  • 那個籃外心球投得離籃板太遠了。
    That air ball went no where near the backboard.
  • 那個籃外心球投得離籃板太遠了。
    That air-ball went no-where near the backboard.
  • 個人的基本技術包括:發球,截擊中球,反手和正手擊落地球,高壓球,挑高球和超身球。
    The basic individual skills include serving, volleying, backhand and forehand ground strokes, the smash, the lob and passing shots.
  • 要說發球、截擊中球、反手和正手擊落地球、高壓球、挑高球、超身球等基本技術,她是這位運動員中最好的。
    When it comes to such basic skills as serving, volleying, backhand and forehand ground strokes, the smash, the lob and passing shots, she is the best among the four players.
  • 我們當然不會由科學的社會主義退回到想的社會主義,也不會讓馬剋思主義停留在幾十年或一百多年前的個別論斷的水平上。
    We will not, of course, backtrack from scientific socialism to utopian socialism, nor will we allow Marxism to remain arrested at the level of the particular theses arrived at as long as a century ago.
  • 被飛機蠃旋槳驅嚮後方的氣湍流。
    the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller.
  • 趨氧性有機體,特別是細菌移嚮或離開氣或氧氣的運動
    Movement of an organism, especially a bacterium, toward or away from air or oxygen.
  • 需要氣或豐富的氧氣生存的有機體特別是細菌。
    an organism esp. a bacterium that requires air or free oxygen for life.
  • 不需要氣或氧氣生存的有機體特別是細菌。
    an organism esp. a bacterium that does not require air or free oxygen to live.
  • 空袋不能直立。
    An empty bag cannot stand upright.
  • 一名男子站在他的屋外不能自已地哭泣,他5歲的兒子在巴格達一個繁忙的菜市場附近玩耍時,被一次襲奪去了生命。
    A man stood outside his home sobbing uncontrollably for his five-year-old son,killed while playing near a busy Baghdad vegetable market when an air raid struck.
  • 最近,巴格達舉世聞名的國傢博物館,許多具有幾千年歷史的文物被暴民洗劫一,令世人感到震驚和悲哀。在這個人類自詡為文明的時代,還發生這樣的事情,委實令人感到難以置信。
    Quite unbelievably, even in this seemingly more enlightened environment of the 21st century, the world was shocked and saddened by the recent massive looting of Iraq's choicest millennia-old cultural properties at the famed National Museum in Baghdad.
  • 把…舀盛滿水的船
    To empty a boat of water by bailing.
  • 用舀的方式弄(船裏的)水
    To empty(a boat) of water by bailing.
  • 丈夫面包師,妻子腹睡。
    She go to sleep hungry, although her husband is a baker.