Chinese English Sentence:
  • 今早我们帮他开这里。
    We checked him out this morning.
  • 今天早上我们帮助他们开这里。
    We checked them out this morning.
  • 莱特先生星期一在旅馆办理登记,星期二晚付账开。
    Mr Light checked in at the hotel on Monday, and checked out on Tuesday.
  • 你办了住宿[开旅馆]登记手续了吗?
    Have you checked in [out]?
  • 我今天结账离店。
    I'm checking out today.
  • 您什么时候将离店?
    When are you checking out?
  • 我明天一大早结账开。
    I am checking out early tomorrow morning.
  • 我是913号房的安格斯·豪斯,想结账店。
    I'm Augus House in 913. I'm checking out.
  • 您可以把它们留在我们的寄存处,等您开中国时再取走。
    You can leave them at our checkroom and pick them up when you leave China.
  • 他们兴致勃勃地问别人,并彼此告知他们的某件物品花了多少钱,以及他们挣多少钱(尽管后者常常被夸大以在众人面前炫耀),而且还会说些这样的话,“你为婚向律师支付了多少钱?
    They cheerfully ask and tell each other what possessions cost and how much they earn (though the latter figure is often inflated for public consumption),and have conversations like, "How much did your lawyer charge you for your divorce?
  • 猎豹产地为非洲及西南亚的一种腿长、善奔的野生猫科动物(猎豹),毛为黄褐色带黑斑,爪为不可缩回式。猎豹是陆地上行动最快的动物,短距奔跑速度可达每小时96公里(60英里)
    A long-legged, swift-running wild cat(Acinonyx jubatus) of Africa and southwest Asia, having black-spotted, tawny fur and nonretractile claws. The cheetah, the fastest animal on land, can run for short distances at about96 kilometers(60 miles) per hour.
  • 比赛结束只有两分钟时,切尔西队已领先3分,因而基本上大功告成。
    With only two minutes to go before the end of the game, Chelsea had a three-goal lead and were virtually home and dry.
  • 输送通过消耗以化学形式储存的能量把(子或分子)输送到一个集中倾斜度
    To transport(ions or molecules) against a concentration gradient by the expenditure of chemically stored energy.
  • 我们必须使这些化学品远火烛。
    We must keep the chemicals away from the fire.
  • 阿雷尼乌斯,斯凡特·奥古斯特1859-1927瑞典物理学家和化学家。因其电解质的电理论获1903年诺贝尔奖
    Swedish physicist and chemist. He won a1903 Nobel Prize for his electrolytic theory of dissociation.
  • 旧家已十四年,但当年在15层楼高长长的公共走廊上的温馨回忆,却依然清晰地印在脑海里。
    IT HAS been 14 years since my family moved out of our old flat, but I still cherish a vivid and sweet memory of life in the long common corridor high on the 15th floor.
  • 但这家餐馆我的办公室很远,所以我就穿上雨衣,跑过街道,改到对面的皮埃尔饭店去了。
    But it's a long way to Chester's from my office, so I put on my raincoat and ran across the street of Pierre's instead.
  • 叛乱头目众叛亲离。
    The rebelion chieftain was opposed by the masses and deserted by his followers.
  • 他们组成了一个卖国贼营垒,在他们面前没有什么当不当亡国奴的问题,他们已经撤去了民族的界线,他们的利益同帝国主义的利益是不可分的,他们的总头子就是蒋介石⑼。
    They have formed a camp of traitors, for whom the question of whether to become slaves of a foreign nation simply does not exist because they have already lost all sense of nationality and their interests are inseparably linked with imperialism. Their chieftain is Chiang Kai-shek(9).
  • 摩西率领以色列的子民开了埃及。
    Moses led the children of Israel out of the Egypt.
  • 应当看到,在中国尤其是在农村地区、落后地区和边远地区,一部分育龄夫妇的生育意愿同现行的计划生育政策要求有一定距,在计划生育工作中也难免会有这样那样的缺点,但是,由于计划生育政策从根本上符合中国绝大多数人的利益,而且在实际执行过程中,注意照顾一部分群众的实际困难和正当要求,坚决维护公民的合法权益,因而计划生育政策得到了广大人民群众的理解和认同。
    We should see that in China, especially in rural, backward and remote areas, there is a gap between the desire for childbirth of some couples of childbearing age and the demand of the present family planning policy, and shortcomings of one kind or another are unavoidable in family planning work. However, as the family planning policy fundamentally conforms to the interests of the majority of the Chinese people and, during its actual implementation, the actual difficulties and reasonable demands of some people have been taken into consideration and the legal rights and interests of the citizens are strongly protected, the family planning policy has won understanding and recognition from the broad masses of the people.
  • 分娩室妇女生孩子时的隔
    The confinement of a woman in childbirth.
  • 智利最大的岛屿,也是唯一有人定居的岛屿;远智利中南部的位置上。
    the largest Chilean island and the only one to be settled; located off south-central Chile.
  • 一名保育人士周四表示,乌干达西部的人民因邻国刚果长达两年的内战而流失所,饥民被迫以小型黑猩猩果腹,此举已威胁到黑猩猩族群的生存。
    Hungry refugees displaced by the two-year civil war in neighboring Congo and forced to eat small apes threaten to wipe out the chimpanzee population in western Uganda, a conservationist said Thursday.
  • 查利交进筹码兑换了现金而去。
    Charlie cashed in his chips and left.
  • 我依然记得亚洲学生起先组织的几次聚会,邀请了许多美国人来参加、但只有部分美国人到场了,而他们很快又借口去,因为他们既不能参与我们关于食物的闲聊,也不喜欢我们做的炒菜。
    I still remember the first few get-togethers for the Asian students to which many Americans were also invited. Those who showed up soon left since they could not join our chitchat about great food, nor could they enjoy the stir-fried food we made.
  • 氯酸(含氯子)形成的任何一种盐。
    any salt of hydrochloric acid (containing the chloride ion).
  • 电解(溶)液一种子,如钠,钾或氯化物,细胞用以调节穿越细胞膜的电荷和水分子流
    Any of various ions, such as sodium, potassium, or chloride, required by cells to regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across the cell membrane.
  • 他给她两种选择:嫁给他或远他。
    He put two choices before her to marry him or to go far away from him.
  • 舒伯特开唱诗班学校以后,当上了学校教师以避免被征人伍。他在他父亲执教的学校教了三年,当他只有17岁时,就谱写了第一首优美的歌曲《纺车旁的格雷卿》,在这以后的两年当中,他写了许多他最好的歌曲,包括《魔王》在内。
    On leaving the choir school, Schubert became a schoolmaster to avoid being sent into the army, and he taught at his father’s school for 3 years. When only 17, he wrote his first great song Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel, and during the next 2 years he wrote many of his finest songs including The Erl King.
  • 我想说再见,却喉头哽咽我想转身开,却步履艰难我想要掩饰,然而我无法否认没有你我的世界全然崩溃
    I try to say goodbye and I choke Try to walk away and I stumble Though I try to hide, it's clear My world crumbles when you are not near— Maria Karey “I Try”
  • 盖尔号的船员鲍比正要为婚案支付律师费,还要和新女友克利斯蒂娜建立新生活。
    One of the crewmembers of Andrea Gail, Bobby Shatford, has a divorce lawyer to pay off and a new life to build with his girlfriend, Christina. Chris Cotter.