  • 审美家对诸如艺术及自之美具有异乎寻常高敏感度的人
    One who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature.
  • 后,她把这些传感器插在墙上的电源插座上。
    Then she plugs the sensors into a wall outlet.
  • 正在试验的由轨道科学公司制造的太空船将安装视像感应器,它将试图靠近一颗通讯卫星,在距后者15米左右的地方停留,进行一系列避免相撞的演习,后飞往另一轨道--全程无需人工干预。
    The spacecraft in this test,being built by Orbital Sciences Corp.,will have on board video sensors for eyes as it attempts to approach a communications satellite,park some 15meters away,run through a series of collision-avoidance maneuvers,then fly to another orbit--all with out human intervention.
  • 癫痫以伴有或不伴有昏迷或痉挛的突、重量的运动神经、感觉或心理失常为特征的神经混乱中的一种
    Any of various neurological disorders characterized by sudden, recurring attacks of motor, sensory, or psychic malfunction with or without loss of consciousness or convulsive seizures.
  • 那可爱的女郎使他飘飘
    That gorgeous girl sent him.
  • 他踩下油门,卡车象重型轰炸机似地轰开过。
    He bore down on the accelerator and the truck roared through its course like a heavy bomber.
  • 于是他们走遍天涯海角,到处寻觅这样一个倾国倾城的美女。戈孔德的女王,特雷比宗德的公主,鞑靼大可汗的千金,等等,等等,他们一一没看中,后,耕作和教士,贵族和商品,一起来到司法宫这张大理石桌子上面休息,对着老实的听众,口若悬河,警句格言不绝,当时要是有人捡一点去应付文学院的考试,诡辩也罢,决断也罢,修辞也罢,行文也罢,定能捞到学士帽戴一戴的。
    Accordingly, they were roaming the world in search of this Fair One, and, after rejecting successively the Queen of Golconda, the Princess of Trebizonde, the daughter of the Grand Khan of Tartary, etc, etc., Labour and Commerce, Clergy and Nobility, had come to rest themselves awhile on the marble table of the Palais de Justice, and to deliver themselves before an honoured audience of a multitude of sententious phrases, moral maxims, sophisms, flowers of speech, as were freely dispensed in those days by the Faculty of Arts or at the examinations at which the Masters took their degree.
  • 为了维护包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民的利益,也为了维护亚太地区的和平与发展,中国政府仍坚持“和平统一、一国两制”方针不变,仍坚持江泽民主席提出的发展两岸关系、推进祖国和平统一进程的八项主张不变,仍尽一切可能争取和平统一。
    To safeguard the interests of the entire Chinese people including compatriots in Taiwan and maintain the peace and development of the Asia-Pacific region, the Chinese Government remains firm in adhering to "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems;" upholding the eight propositions put forward by President Jiang Zemin for the development of cross-Straits relations and the acceleration of the peaceful reunification of China; and doing its utmost to achieve the objective of peaceful reunification.
  • 在幻想和感伤的作品中,格律在写作中只是偶的。
    In works of imagination and sentiment meter is butadventitious to composition.
  • 这里有一个故事讲述了人类的这种普遍自的感情。
    Here is a story that tells about this common and natural human sentiment.
  • 战争开始,反对声浪自沉寂。此时爱国的美国人——不论他们开战前的情绪如何——都团结一致支持作战以及那些出生入死的人。
    The opening of hostilities naturally silenced much of the opposition, as patriotic Americans—whatever their prewar sentiment—closed ranks behind the war effort and those endangered by it.
  • 读了12年传统华校,虽最终在理科班毕业,我对中华文学仍有深厚的感情。
    For twelve years, I was educated in a traditional Chinese school. Even though I graduated from a science class eventually, I still profess a profound sentiment for Chinese literature.
  • ,现代汽车公司占有了韩国国内小汽车市场,但在具有决定性的海外市场,它的声誉不佳,质量低下:咬合不紧的车门,发出抖动响声的框架,发动机加速无力,而且正处于亏损状态。
    True, Hyundai Motor dominated the car market at home, but in crucial overseas markets, it had a reputation for poor quality -- doors that didn't fit properly, frames that rattled, engines that delivered puny acceleration -- and it was losing money.
  • 分析家说,虽朕邦储备委员会不大可能改变货币政策,不景气已在减缓而全盘通货膨胀却在加速的现象可能给联邦储备委员会一个警讯。
    The acceleration in wholesale inflation as the recession winds down may send warning signals to the Federal Reserve Board, although a change is its monetary policy seems unlikely, analysts said.
  • 江西“瓷园”,融村居野里、陶瓷作坊为一体,再现人与自和谐相融的古朴田园情调;
    The Ci Garden in Jiangxi exhibition area has gathered together rural and village houses and ceramic workshops merging into one organic whole, and shows a simple and unsophisticated sentiment of man and nature in harmonious coexistence;
  • 而,这天晚上他却充满柔情。这天晚上,他简直成了世上最温情的丈夫、天下最慈爱的父亲。
    But tonight he was sentimental. Tonight he was the husband and father to end all husbands and fathers.
  • 因特网的成长和在家办公人数的急骤增加,突把isdn推到了人们关注的中心。
    What suddenly propelled ISDN back into the limelight is the growth of the internet and the rapid acceleration of telecommuting.
  • 树底火的热量不断升腾,使果球干裂,后树种得以传播。
    The rising heat of a fire beneath a giant sequoia dries the cone and causes the scales to open.And the seeds are able to release.
  • 红杉虽逃过了伐木工人的威胁,但还得勇敢面对大自的风风雨雨。
    Sequoias survived the loggers,but they still have to brave the elements.
  • 为了生存,红杉还必须依靠另外一种强大的自力量,那就是火。
    And sequoias also rely on another powerful element to ensure their survival--Fire.
  • 备解素,血清灭菌蛋白血清中与防御素协同参与身体的免疫反应的人体血液的天蛋白
    A natural protein in human blood serum that participates in the body's immune response by working in conjunction with the complement system.
  • 随后米卢,这名塞尔维亚籍教练告诉记者说:"当,看到这样的结果我很难过,但是这就是足球运动的一部分。
    "Of course, I am not happy with the result but this is part of football," the Serbian told reporters the day after Costa
  • 随着c组另一场小组赛的结束,哥斯达黎加1比1战平土耳其,中国队已经无望进入第二轮比赛。随后米卢,这名塞尔维亚籍教练告诉记者说:"当,看到这样的结果我很难过,但是这就是足球运动的一部分。
    "Of course, I am not happy with the result but this is part of football," the Serbian told reporters the day after Costa Rica's 1-1 draw with Turkey in group C had ruled China out of reaching the second round.
  • 不管你学的是自科学还是社会科学,你学习的目的都是为人民服务。
    No matter whether you study natural or social science, the object of your study is to sere the people.
  • 尽管人心惶惶,但她却泰自若。
    In spite of the panic, she remain serene and in control.
  • 我现在要看见它对宗教泰虔诚奉献的意大利文艺复兴前期作品到狂热梦幻的现代派作品。
    More splendid still, the whole magnificent world of painting would be opened to me, from the Italian Primitives, with their serene religious devotion, to the Moderns, with their feverish visions.
  • 站在静静的天空下,眺望广袤的田野——这些即将从逝去的岁月的劳作中得到休息的田野,看到隐隐约约耸立在我们面前的雄伟的阿勒格尼山脉,注视我们脚下同胞们的坟墓——这一切使我犹豫不决,不知该不该提高我那微不足道的嗓音,去打破上帝与自界雄辩的沉默。
    Standing beneath this serene sky, overlooking these broad fields now reposing from the labors of the waning year, the mighty Alleghenies dimly towering before us, the graves of our brethren beneath our feet, it is with hesitation that I raise my poor voice to break the eloquent silence of God and nature.
  • 我们不知道究竟哪一样最使人肃起敬,是他面色的惨白呢,还是他神宇的宁静。
    They did not know which was most worthy of admiration, his pallor or his serenity.
  • 上周末,有十多人,其中包括两名新泽西州卡特雷市的警官共同目睹了这一景象,金光在空中盘旋了片刻,后消失了。
    More than a dozen people, including two Carteret, N.J., police officers, saw the lights last weekend, and several of the witnesses described a sense of serenity that seemed to emanate from the celestial display.
  • 左岸区日报《解放》的编辑塞尔日·朱莉说:“显,这部电影的主题不是一艘著名轮船的沉没,而是分裂成阶级的社会在大西洋中部的自杀。
    "The subject of the film is not -- this is obvious -- the sinking of a famous ship, but the suicide in the middle of the Atlantic of a society divided in classes," explained Serge July, the editor of Liberation, the Left Bank daily.
  • 信息化是我国加快实现工业化和现代化的必选择。
    IT application is a logical choice if industrialization and modernization of our country are to be accelerated.
  • 汽车突然加速。
    The car suddenly accelerated.