  • 基本原理一个学科、学或一门科学的正统的、起指导作用的原则
    The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science.
  • 他们彻底摧毁了那已是奄奄一息的反对
    They made hamburger out of the wilting opposition.
  • 在政权交接仪式举行期间,警队共调2000名警务人员在举行官方仪式的香港会议展览中心新翼及东添马舰场地执行任务。
    For the Handover Ceremony, 2 000 officers were deployed at the Extension to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)and the East Tamar site where the official ceremonies were held.
  • 驻交接仪式统筹处的政府新闻处人员负责设立这个面积达9000平方米的新闻及广播中心。该中心在六月十五日启用,至七月九日关闭,期间由政府新闻处负责管理。
    The ISD team in the Handover Ceremony Co-ordination Office was responsible for setting up the 9 000 square metre PBC, which the ISD then managed from the centre's opening on June 15 to its closing on July 9.
  • 像这种时候,男人可真上用场了。
    Men sure come in handy at times like this.
  • 这位技术员被去测量材料的硬度。
    The technician is send to measure the hardiness of the material.
  • 我深信,在新的一年里,特区政府和特员公署一定能够一如既往,保持非常良好而密切的合作。
    In the year ahead, I have confidence that the HKSAR Government and the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR will continue to work closely and harmoniously.
  • 他们匆忙兵搜索了附近一带。
    They hastily dispatched troops to search the neighbourhood.
  • 约翰·史密斯是市长一雇用来破坏他人名誉的作家,他按时攻击所有其他的侯选人。
    John Smith is the hatchet man for the Mayor's Party; he smears all the other candidates regularly.
  • 但是,对莫扎特来说——此时他身体不好,情绪低落,整人想着死——这个陌生人无异是从另一个世界来的使者,来命令他写下他自己的安魂曲。
    But to Mozart- at that time sick, de pressed, haunted by the thought of death-the stranger seemed a messenger from the other world, bidding himi write his own requiem.
  • 但是,对莫扎特来说——此时他身体不好,情绪低落,整天想着死——这个陌生人无异是从另一个世界来的使者,来命令他写下他自己的安魂曲。
    But to Mozart --- at that time sick, depressed, haunted by the thought of death --- the stranger seemed a messenger from the other world, bidding him write his own requiem.
  • 这本书使他得到了鹰的名声。而由于该书获得畅销,他不仅赚了钱,而且使他从此得以出入政府内部的许多机密部门。
    It gave him a hawkish reputation and by becoming a best seller it earned him money and also entry into many governmental inner sanctums.
  • 正当军事版图改写,美国得了渔翁之利,成为20世纪末唯一的强权,但是部分美国人对文化的单向输出问题缺乏反省能力,政坛和舆论界鹰人物对文化的霸权心态,让意识形态的对立仍无法在世纪末缓和。
    As military maps are being redrawn in the world, the United States has emerged as the sole superpower at the end of the 20th Century. However, some Americans lack the ability to reflect on the unilateral export of their culture. The cultural hegemony of the hawkish elements in political circles and the media makes it impossible to soften the impact of the clash between different ideologies.
  • 正当军事版图改写,美国得了渔翁之利,成为20世纪末唯一的强权,但是部分美国人对文化的单向输出问题缺乏反省能力,政坛和舆论界鹰人物对文化的霸权心态,让意识形态的对立仍无法在世纪末缓和。
    As military maps are being redrawn in the world, the United States got the fisherman's benefit and has emerged as the sole superpower at the end of the 20th Century. However, some Americans lack the ability to reflect on the unilateral export of their culture. The cultural hegemony of the hawkish elements in political circles and the media makes it impossible to soften the impact of the clash between different ideologies.
  • 有些人在越南问题上是鸽,在伊朗问题上是鹰
    Some were doves on Vietnam and hawks on Iran.
  • 与会的鹰成员和鸽成员都发表了意见。
    Both hawks and doves on the council had their say.
  • 最后“鹰”将可能被“鸽”所取代。
    At last there is a chance that the hawks of war will be replaced by doves of peace.
  • 中国不谋求世界或地区的霸权,中国不在外国驻军队,不在外国建立军事基地,中国
    China does not seek world or regional hegemony. China does not station any troops or set up any military bases in any foreign country. China's national defense construction is not directed against any country, and
  • 中国不谋求世界或地区的霸权,中国不在外国驻军队,不在外国建立军事基地,中国的国防建设不针对任何国家,不对任何国家构成威胁。
    China does not seek world or regional hegemony. China does not station any troops or set up any military bases in any foreign country. China's national defence construction is not directed against any country, and thus, does not pose a threat to any country.
  • (四)国民党在其统治区域内对我党和进步的压迫政策和反共宣传,决不会放松,我党必须提高警惕性。
    4. The Kuomintang will never relax its policy of oppression of our Party and other progressives or its anti-Communist propaganda in the areas under its rule; therefore our Party must heighten its vigilance.
  • 在我党我军内部,只有坚持对顽固的斗争,才能振奋精神,发扬勇气,团结干部,扩大力量,巩固军队和巩固党。
    Within our own Party and army, persistence in the struggle against the die-hards is the only way to heighten our fighting spirit, give full play to our courage, unite our cadres, increase our strength and consolidate our army and Party.
  • 这样的大土豪劣绅,各县多的有几十个,少的也有几个,每县至少要把几个罪大恶极的处决了,才是镇压反动的有效方法。
    Every county has these major tyrants, some as many as several dozen and others at least a few, and the only effective way of suppressing the reactionaries is to execute at least a few in each county who are guilty of the most heinous crimes.
  • 亨利军人派头十足。
    Henry looked every inch a soldier.
  • 清洁教教徒,阿尔比12世纪和13世纪法国南部的清教徒教成员,在中世纪宗教法庭活动期间作为异教而遭到根除
    The members of a Catharist religious sect of southern France in the12th and13th centuries, exterminated for heresy during the Inquisition.
  • (六)国民党是一个由复杂成分组成的党,其中有顽固,也有中间,也有进步,整个国民党并不就等于顽固
    6. The Kuomintang is a heterogeneous party which includes die-hards, middle elements and progressives;taken as a whole, it must not be equated with the die-hards.
  • 达赖喇嘛和班禅喇嘛两大活佛属于藏传佛教格鲁是两个领导化身。
    The Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Lama are the two leading incarnation hierarchies of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.
  • ,教在同一信仰和名字下统一的、并按一个单一的行政的和法律的等级制度组织的一个大型的宗教团体
    A large group of religious congregations united under a common faith and name and organized under a single administrative and legal hierarchy.
  • 信奉沙克蒂女神的一个印度教流
    a Hindu sect worshiping Shakti.
  • 信奉大神毗湿奴的一个印度教流
    Hindu sect worshiping of Vishnu.
  • 印度的神论教中的教徒。
    a member of a monotheistic Hindu sect.
  • 印度教流中的身体力行裸体主义哲学(特别是裸体主义)的一支。
    member of a Hindu sect practicing gymnosophy (especially nudism).
  • 印度教三大流之一:崇拜毗瑟挐。
    worship of Vishnu one of the 3 chief gods of the Hindu pantheon.