  • 法国人奥布里在邦迪森林中遭暗杀,他的狗dragon怀疑凶手是里查德,一见到他就狂吠,并扑向他的喉咙。法庭判决里查德与那条狗格斗,结果他被狗咬死。临死前他承认了自己的杀人罪行。
    Aubry of Montdidien was murdered in 1371 in the forest of Bondy. His dog Dragon excited suspicion of Richard of Macaire by always snarling and flying at his throat whenever he appeared, Richard, condemned to a judicial combat with the dog, was killed, and in his dying moment, confessed the crime.
  • 潜行或偷偷四处转悠的人;通常怀有非法的目的意图。
    someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentions.
  • 我甚至偶尔暗暗这么怀疑是指挥把施工图纸拿走了。
    I even had an occasional sneaking suspicion that the director had taken away the working drawing.
  • 相信人性和动机是最坏的;如对他人的无私持嘲笑怀疑态度的。
    believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of others.
  • 怀孕的妇女经常患鼻炎--流鼻涕--结果就可能打喷嚏。
    Pregnant women also often have rhinitis -- a runny nose -- and may sneeze as a result.
  • 怀孕有关的激素能引发打喷嚏。
    The hormones associated with pregnancy can cause sneezing.
  • 孩子偎依在母亲怀里。
    The child snuggled into its mother's arms.
  • 母亲把婴儿紧抱在她的怀
    The mother snuggled the baby in her arms.
  • 我想有些社会学家会怀疑这种情况对于人类是否也是相同的。
    I think some sociologists wonder whether it might not be the same for men.
  • 她对着怀里的孩子轻声低语。
    She murmured softly to the baby in her arms.
  • 母亲对着怀里的孩子轻声低语。
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly.
  • 怀特:说不准哪一天你会碰到她的。
    Perhaps you'll meet her someday.
  • 非常好的论据;有根据的怀疑。
    a soundly based argument; well-founded suspicions.
  • 马文对于这家公司是否可靠有怀疑,所以决定趁早退出。
    Marvin had doubts about the soundness of the company, so he decided to pull out before it was too late.
  • 发源于怀俄明州西部的一条河流,向南流经犹他州,最后成为科罗拉多河的一条支流。
    a river that rises in western Wyoming and flows southward through Utah to become a tributary of the Colorado River.
  • 没有人怀疑女王的至高无上的权力。
    No one questions the queen's sovereign authority.
  • 他的话已在他们心中播下怀疑的种子。
    His words had sowed the seeds of suspicion in their minds.
  • 每次离开医院之前,我总是先把儿子抱上床,听着他喃喃祈祷,将他抱在怀里等他入睡。因为返回车站的时间还比较宽余,所以我经常在横跨泰晤士河的大桥上小想片刻,凝视着那宽阔的、奔腾不息的河流。
    After putting my little son to bed in the ward, hearing his prayers and holding him in my arms while he fell asleep, I usually had plenty of time to make my way to the station. I frequently paused on the bridge spanning the River Thames to watch the broad river flowing along on its never-ending journey to the sea.
  • 因养殖或者其他特殊需要,捕捞有重要经济价值的苗种或者禁捕的怀卵亲体的,必须经国务院渔业行政主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府渔业行政主管部门批准,在指定的区域和时间内,按照限额捕捞。
    Catching fry of aquatic animals of important economic value or spawning aquatic animals under protection for artificial breeding or for other special purposes must be approved by the department of fishery administration under the State Council or by departments of fishery administration under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and it must be conducted in the designated areas and times and strictly in accordance with the quotas assigned.
  • 处于一种怀疑状态中或表示怀疑并思索;我想知道这是否是该做的事情。
    place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; I wonder whether this was the right thing to do.
  • “仓蜘蛛由e.b.怀特‘夏洛特之网’一书而闻名”。
    the barn spider was made famous in E. B. White's book `Charlotte's Web'.
  • 她那样做是怀有恶意的。
    It was spiteful of her to do that.
  • 你告诉他那件事是怀有恶意的。
    It was spiteful of you to tell him that.
  • 恶意的,怀恨的以意图伤害为标志的或因意图伤害而产生的;怀恨的
    Marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt; spiteful.
  • 既有人为国捐躯,亦有人捐脾气[怀恨]。
    Some men give their blood to their country; others their spleen.
  • 韩国期望通过共同举办世界怀来促进他们同北朝鲜发展关系。
    They hope the joint sponsorship of World Cup would promote closer ties with DPRK.
  • 比尔很焦急,因为他以为他的女朋友怀孕了。
    Bill is worried because he thinks his girlfriend is up the spout.
  • 他已经坐了一年的牢,所以他发现妻子怀了孕是高兴不起来的。
    He's been prison for a year, so he's not going to enjoy finding out that his wife is up the spout.
  • 我脑中产生了一些怀疑。
    In recent years, new buildings sprung up like mushrooms in the city.
  • 这个怀疑是间谍的人立即被处死了。
    the suspected spy was summarily executed.
  • 当时,护士的地位比看门人高不了多少,而医院又是肮脏不堪无人关怀的地方。
    In those days,nurses were little more than janitors,and hospitals were pits of squalor and neglect.
  • 那老人把文瑞克抱在怀里摇了一会儿,之后他睁开了眼睛,正视着我,以一种坚定的命令般的口气说:“你好好照看这孩子。”
    The old man rocked and cradled Erik in his arms for a moment, and then his eyes opened arid set squarely on mine. He said in a firm commanding voice, "You take care of this baby."