  • 但绿表申请人,其中主要是公屋租户,以及房委会辖下临屋区、平房区及中转房屋的民、住所被清拆以供发展的寮屋民和天灾灾民,则不受这些条件所限制。
    These restrictions, however, do not apply to Green Form applicants who are principally public rental tenants, residents of temporary housing areas, cottage areas and interim housing managed by the HA, households displaced by the clearance of squatter areas for development and natural disaster victims.
  • 初步预计,上半年城镇民人均可支配收入2952元,增长5.9%;
    According to preliminary estimation, in the first half of this year, the per capital disposable income of urban residents is 2,952 yuan, up 5.9%;
  • 2000年,城镇民人均可支配收入6280元,比上年实际增长6.4%;
    In 2000, the disposable income per urban resident came to 6,280 yuan, or an increase of 6.4 percent over that of the previous year, in real terms;
  • 全国城镇民人均可支配收入7703元,考虑物价下降因素,比上年实际增长13.4%;
    The annual per capita disposable income of urban households was 7,703 yuan in 2002, a real increase of 13.4 percent with decline in prices taken into consideration.
  • 城镇民家庭人均可支配收入,由1997年的5160元增加到2002年的7703元,平均每年实际增长8.6%。
    The per capita disposable income of urban dwellers went up from 5,160 Yuan in 1997 to 7,703 Yuan in 2002, an average annual increase of 8.6% in real terms.
  • 一季度城镇民人均可支配收入1752元,同比增长7.5%,扣除价格上涨因素,实际增长6.9%;
    In the first quarter, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 1,752 yuan, up 7.5% over the same period last year; the real growth was 6.9% after deducting price factor.
  • 城镇民人均可支配收入11578元,比上年增长11.9%,扣除价格因素,实际增长8.5%;
    The per capita disposable income of urban resodemts reached 11578 yuan on a yearly basis, up by 11.9 percent over the previous year, a real increase of 8.5 percent if eliminating the price factor.
  • 预计全年城镇民人均可支配收入为5859元,考虑价格因素,比上年实际增长9.3%。
    It is estimated that the per capita disposable income of urban and township residents was 5859 Yuan. The real increase was 9.3 per cent compared to the previous year after taking prices into consideration.
  • 完善收入分配宏观调控体系,保持合理的收入分配关系,城镇民人均可支配收入和农村民人均纯收入年均增长5%左右;
    improve the macro regulation and control system of income distribution, work out a rational income distribution relationship, and achieve an approximately 5 percent annual increase in both the per capita disposable income of urban residents and the net per capita income of rural residents;
  • 大多数人不会为了实现移他国的理想,而中断孩子的学业。
    Most of us will not want to disrupt our children’s education by uprooting to another country.
  • 该署安排外展活动,包括学校讲座及教育活动,宣传个人卫生和食物安全方面的信息,以及有关保持住环境卫生的措施。
    Outreaching programmes, including school talks and educational activities, are organised to disseminate messages on personal hygiene, food safety and measures in maintaining a hygienic living environment.
  • 当作国民文化的方针来说,于指导地位的是共产主义的思想,并且我们应当努力在工人阶级中宣传社会主义和共产主义,并适当地有步骤地用社会主义教育农民及其他群众。
    So far as the orientation of our national culture is concerned, communist ideology plays the guiding role, and we should work hard both to disseminate socialism and communism throughout the working class and to educate the peasantry and other sections of the people in socialism properly and step by step.
  • 我邻的狗死于犬瘟热。
    My neighbor's dog died from distemper.
  • 放荡不羁文化人的聚
    The district in which bohemians live.
  • 选区民一个选区的
    The residents of an electoral district.
  • 新老历史已经教育了这些人,因此他们对邻极不相信。
    History, ancient and modern, has taught these people an intense distrust of their neighbours.
  • 我不想打扰我的邻
    I don't want to disturb my neighbor.
  • 噢,如果你这么做,你会妨碍邻的。
    Well, if you did that, you'll disturb your neighbours.
  • 一九六七年更发生连串社会骚乱事件,使本港民的生活全面受到影响,本港经济也暂时陷于瘫痪。
    During 1967, this developed into a series of civil disturbances, affecting all aspects of life and temporarily paralysing the economy.
  • 南非白天活动的穴海岛猫鼬;经常被当作宠物养。
    burrowing diurnal meerkat of southern Africa; often kept as a pet.
  • 是一间相当大的卧室兼小起室,有一张坐卧两用沙发。
    It's a fairly large bed-sitting-room with a divan.
  • 分散,扩展到新的聚地传到新的产地从而分散或变化。用于组织群落
    To spread into new habitats and thereby diverge or diversify. Used of a group of organisms.
  • 一个地带或地区的分割为不同目标而保留例如住和交易。
    dividing an area into zones or sections reserved for different purposes such as residence and business and manufacturing etc.
  • 和天堂有关或住在天堂中。
    relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven.
  • 史密斯听到儿子与一位离异的有钱女人同,显得十分惊慌。
    Smith flung his arms up is horror at the news that his son was living with a rich divorcee.
  • 吉布提的土著或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Djibouti.
  • 然而,台湾的《壹周刊》不介意以狗仔队自,并以狗吠剪影为标志,这样的做法还是足以让台湾媒体耳目一新,成功在饱和的市场另辟蹊径。
    The Next magazine in Taiwan does not mind being known as the weekly with the most famous or infamous paparazzi, better known as the “doggie teams”. It even uses an outline of a barking dog as its symbol. Yet the strategy has worked in giving people something different to look forward to - and it has managed to find a niche for itself in an already squeezed Taiwanese media market.
  • 我的邻由于酒醉回家,受到妻子冷落。
    Our neighbour got in the doghouse with his wife by coming home drunk.
  • 非洲南部和东部强壮的狗类哺乳动物,成大群捕食;现在在其定的地区很少。
    a powerful doglike mammal of South and East Africa that hunts in large packs; now rare in settled area.
  • 精神科医院的社区工作和出院辅导组,为出院病人提供精神科社康护理服务和家职业治疗服务。
    Community work and after-care units of psychiatric hospitals offer community psychiatric nursing service and domiciliary occupational therapy service to discharged patients.
  • 3.如果任何一成员有理由认为作为另一成员之国民或民的知识产权所有人正从事违反前一成员的有涉本节内容之法规的活动,同时前一成员又希望不损害任何合法活动、也不妨碍各方成员作终局决定的充分自由,又能保证对其域内法规的遵守,则后一成员应当根据前一成员的要求而与之协商。
    3. Each Member shall enter, upon request, into consultations with any other Member which has cause to believe that an intellectual property right owner that is a national or domiciliary of the Member to which the request for consultations has been addressed is undertaking practices in violation of the requesting Member's laws and regulations on the subject matter of this Section, and which wishes to secure compliance with such legislation, without prejudice to any action under the law and to the full freedom of an ultimate decision of either Member.
  • 有最大的权力或影响;於统治地位
    Have the greatest power or influence; be dominant