  • 她们称:“让我们成为绝顶的俄狄浦斯式人物。”
    " Let us be the ultimate Oedipal figures," they declare.
  • 反英传触犯了众怒。
    The anti-British propaganda gave (ie caused) much offence.
  • 审布判决;布对罪犯审判
    Pass judgment; pass sentence on an offender.
  • 被剥夺公民权及财产在古代习惯法中,对重罪的判下来时犯罪者所陷入的状况
    In the ancient common law, the state into which an offender was placed when a sentence against him for a capital offense was handed down.
  • 中国法律还规定了死刑缓期二年执行的制度,即:对于应当判处死刑的犯罪分子,如果不是必须立即执行的,可以判处死刑,同时告缓期二年执行,实行劳动改造,以观后效;
    China's law also provides a system allowing a two-year reprieve in carrying out a death sentence. That is, in cases where criminals should receive the death penalty but the sentence need not be carried out at once, capital punishment can be announced with a two-year reprieve and reform through forced labor, in order to observe the offender's behavior.
  • 慰使司下面还辖有管理民政的十三个万户府、千户所等。
    Under the jurisdiction of this office were 13 wanhu offices and more qianhu offices handling civil administration.
  • 慰使司下面还辖有管理民政的十三个万户府、千户所等。
    Under the jurisdiction of this office were 13 wanhu offices (myriarchies each in command of 10,000 households) and more qianhu offices (chiliarchies each in command of 1,000 households) handling civil administration.
  • 陪审团宣誓了吗?
    Has the jury been sworn (ie officially appointed by taking an oath)?
  • 告,公告正式地或通过官方使…为人所知
    To make known formally or officially.
  • 从那以后,他完全主宰了这项运动--他4次荣获宇宙先生称号,6次连续获得奥林匹克先生称号--7年之后他布退役,因为他认为他“没有给别人获胜的机会”。
    There after, he dominated the sport so thoroughly--he won four more Mr. Universe titles and six consecutive Mr. Olympia titles--that he retired after seven years because he felt he "wasn't giving others a chance to win."
  • 官方的伊拉克机构对促进核查活动的做法进行批评,充满恶意地公开称,用他们的话说就是"任何要接受采访的人都不能离开伊拉克"。
    The official Iraqi organization charged with facilitating inspections announced, announced publicly and announced ominously that, quote, ``Nobody is ready to leave Iraq to be interviewed. ''
  • 他打断正在进行的讨论,读了一项通知。
    He interrupted the ongoing discussion and announced a notice.
  • 它不单标志着香港政制的稳步发展,亦是我们向全世界示对落实『港人治港』这承诺的决心的重要时刻。
    This election is not only testimony to the progressive development of Hong Kong's political system, but also an opportune moment for us to demonstrate to the whole world that we are fully committed to implementing successfully the concept of "Hong Kong people running Hong Kong".
  • 现时,分区委员会的工作是鼓励市民参与地区事务,协助筹办社区活动和政府的传运动,并就有关的地区问题提出意见。
    Nowadays, the functions of Area Committees are to encourage public participation in district affairs, help organise community activities and government campaigns, and advise on issues of a local nature.
  • 现时,分区委员会的工作是鼓励市民叁与地区事务,协助筹办社区活动和政府传运动,并就有关的地区问题提出意见。
    Nowadays, the functions of Area Committees are to encourage public participation in district affairs, help to organise community activities and government campaigns, and advise on issues of a local nature.
  • 几星期前牧师向他的妻子、风琴手及两个主持会务的干事讲那一天的教义时,会众的人数降到了最低点。
    A few Sundays ago it reached rock bottom when the minister preached his wife, the organist and the two presiding officers for that date.
  • 结果,传和组织工作,都成了被取消的状态。
    As a result, both propaganda and organizational work are abandoned.
  • 〔21〕东方文化主义,是排斥近代科学文明,标榜和扬东方落后的农业生产和封建文化的一种反动思想。
    [21] "0riental Culture" was a reactionary doctrine which rejected modern scientific civilization and favoured the preservation of the backward mode of agricultural production and the feudal culture of the Orient.
  • 当局对此事秘而不,以免引起公众抗议。
    The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry.
  • 被剥夺公民权布非法的行为或过程或被剥压公民权的状态
    The act or process of outlawing or the state of having been outlawed.
  • 通过布垄断为不合法的方式以促进自由竞争的立法。
    legislation intended to promote free competition in the market place by outlawing monopolies.
  • 三个月前,中国民政部布“法轮大法研究会”及其操纵的“法轮功”组织为非法组织,并予以取缔。
    Three months ago, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China declared illegal the Falun Dafa Research Society and the Falun Gong organization under it and outlawed them.
  • 如果没有转化来赋予性渴望这种出路,性渴望会借由肉体的管道寻求泄。
    If not given this form of outlet, through transmutation, it will seek outlets through purely physical channels.
  • 那个候选人花得过火了:他已经领先他人却又花了一百万元在传费上。
    The candidate used overkill: he is way ahead in the poll but spend another million dolly on campaign ads.
  • (四)同时,在传工作上,忽视传队的重要性。
    4.At the same time, in propaganda work they overlook the importance of propaganda teams.
  • 法官宣布撤销原判。
    The judge overruled the previous decision.
  • 该报告将对全世界不同区域各城市内的水与卫生情况提供详细概述,并将侧重讨论优先关键政策问题,以达到《千年言》内制订的与水和卫生有关的目标。
    The report will provide a detailed overview of the situation of water and sanitation in cities in different regions of the world, and will focus on key policy issues with priority to meet the water- and sanitation-related goals set out in the Millennium Declaration.
  • 为响应联合国把二零零一年定为国际义工年,社署在年内推广义工计划和举办传活动。
    To echo the International Year of Volunteers 2001 proclaimed by the United Nations, promotional volunteer programmes and activities were held throughout the year.
  • 只有明确认识到这一点,我们才能主动地去培育和传这种现代意识。
    Only clearly realizing this can we volunteer to nurture and publicize the new concept of nationalism.
  • 回信免费邮寄至牛津牛津大学出版社传部
    Reply to Publicity Department, FREEPOST, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • 在西藏地区成立了地方军政机构,名为“慰使司都元帅府”,隶属于政院。
    In the Tibetan region, local military and administrative organs were set up under the name of the High Pacification Commissioner's Office, which was under the Xuanzheng Yuan.
  • 这两个国家的通商协定告结束。
    The trade pact between those two countries came to an end.