  • shòu yòu wáng chǎn de guǎ
    A widow who holds a title or property derived from her deceased husband.
  • duì de cái chǎn chéng quán gēn tōng guǒ yòu chéng quán de hái shì zài jié hūn jiān suǒ shēng duì de cái chǎn xiǎng yòu zhōng shēn quán
    The life tenure that by common law is held by a man over the property of his deceased wife if children with rights of inheritance were born during the marriage.
  • shuō běn · dēng de wáng de shǒu hǎn · ā xiāng xìn 'ā hàn de zhì shí yàn shì néng zhì zào zhè xiē shēng huà zhì
    He says bin Laden and his top deputy in Afghanistan, deceased Al Qaida leader Muhammad Atif (ph), did not believe that Al Qaida labs in Afghanistan were capable enough to manufacture these chemical or biological agents.
  • zhè shí zhàng jiù xiǎng xiǎng liǎo
    Now he must decide.
  • nóng jué dìng ràng xiū gēng nián
    The farmer decided to leave the land fallow for a year.
  • guǒ bān xiǎo jiě míng 'ér zǎo jiù háo jiù shàng qǐng zhōng lái
    and it was settled that Mr. Jones should be sent for early in the morning if Miss Bennet were not decidedly better.
  • 'ěr · luò wéi 1893 1930 lián shī rén shì 'é guó wén xué wèi lái pài de zhù yào dài biǎo rén kēng qiāng yòu dekāng kǎi 'áng de shī piān zàn sòng liǎo gòng chǎn zhù zhě de mìng
    Soviet poet. A leader of futurism in Russian literature, he wrote forceful, declamatory verse praising the Communist revolution.
  • de běn shū xiàn gěi liǎo zhàng
    She dedicated her first book to her husband.
  • dāng xīn tàn shí de zhàng chū de bǎi wàn wēng zhèng shū zhāng mǎi zhù de míng dān wèn dào :“ kàn kàn zhè xiē shì shénme ?
    The instant she lets go a defeatist sigh,he pulls out her certificate from he Million Dollar Club and a list of previous sales she's made."Who name do you see here?
  • zuò de shì shìdōu yào cóng zhàng zhè fēng jiàn guān niàn bèi fěn suì liǎo
    The feudal concept that the wife should defer to her husband in everything has now been shattered.
  • dàn shìdōng dào zhù liǎo jiě xiǎo zài lián zhèng zhì shēng huó zhōng wèi de zhòng yào xìngsuǒ réng rán gěi liǎo zhè wèi chéng yuán xún cháng de
    Their hosts, however, knew the importance of Khruschev's position in the Soviet politaical life so they accorded this delegate special treatment.
  • jìn guǎn dāng qiáo zhì dài biǎo de shēn fèn qián wǎng fèi chéng cān jiā 'èr huì shí , réng rán liú zài liǎo wéi 'ěr dàn zài zhàn zhēng nián dài , cháng cháng péi bàn zhàng qián wǎng lìng .1775 nián , zài zhàng shè zài shěng jiàn qiáo de lìng guò liǎo dōng ,1776 nián chūn yòu péi qián wǎng niǔ yuē
    Even though Martha remained at Mount Vernon when George went to Philadelphia as a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, she frequently accompanied him to his headquarters during the war years. She spent the winter of 1775 at his headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in the spring of 1776 she accompanied him to New York.
  • míng shàng 'ěr jiā níng shì lián dài biǎo tuán de tuán cháng xiǎo zhǐ shì dài biǎo tuán de chéng yuán
    Nominally Bulganin was the head of the Soviet delegation and Khruschev was only one of the members of the delegation.
  • dài 'ěr jīng táo shàng yòu táo de zhǒng lèi xíngtōng cháng lán bái xiāngjiànzuì chū shì zài lán de dài 'ěr zhì zào
    A style of glazed earthenware, usually blue and white, originally made in Delft, Netherlands.
  • zhù yào lùn wénzhù zuòzǒng jié děng 33 piān zhōng yīng wén wén piān cún lán 'ěr xué liào shì
    He has written 33 pieces of scholarly works including dissertations, books and summaries. One work in English and another in Dutch are keptin the Technische Hogeschool Delft library in the Netherlands.
  • jié : hěn zhè xiē zuò liǎo sān qiān gōng de huǒ chē xíng liǎo xīng cái gǎn dào xīn de xiàngyóu méi dào huì wěi huì de tóng zhǐ néng zài kāi shì shàng zhàn zhàn duì xíngquè néng biǎo yǎn jié
    Jeff: The pity thing was that those elephants had traveled 3000 kilometers by train, and when they arrived in New Delhi, since they did not get permission from the Organizing Committee, they were not allowed to give the performance in the opening ceremony, but standing in line instead.
  • jié hěn zhè xiē zuò liǎo sān qiān gōng de huǒ chē xíng liǎo xīng cái gǎn dào xīn de xiàngyóu méi dào huì wěi huì de tóng zhǐ néng zài kāi shì shàng zhàn zhàn duì xíngquè néng biǎo yǎn jié
    Jeff: The pity thing was that those elephants had traveled 3000 kilometers by train , and when they arrived in New Delhi , since they did not get permission from the Organizing Committee, they were riot allowed to give the performance in the opening ceremony , but standing in line instead.
  • gěi zhàng zuò liǎo dùn hǎochīde fàn
    She cooked her husband a delicious meal.
  • dài 'ěr shì gōng de rénér dài 'ěr shì chōng mǎn 'ài xīn de zhàng hái de qīn
    Dell the corporate titan is also Dell the love-struck husband and father of four.
  • yòu shí zhàng chí yòu zhǒng miù jiàn shǐ shì shí zhèng míng men de xiǎng shì cuò de men hái shì rèn wéi men shénme dōunéng gān
    sometimes husbands live under the delusion that they can do anything even when they have been repeatedly proved wrong.
  • běn lái gāi kàn chū shuāng fāng de nián líng xiāngchà tài xiàng shì gài shí liǎozhèng shì jīng jiàn zhuàng de shí nán rén zài zhè shí hěn shǎo huì huái zhe hái men shì yóu 'ài qíng 'ér jià gěi de wàng xiǎng zhǒng mèng shì liú gěi men dào lǎo nián liáo wèi de
    I might have seen there was too great a disparity between the ages of the parties to make it likely that they were man and wife. One was about forty: a period of mental vigour at which men seldom cherish the delusion of being married for love by girls: that dream is reserved for the solace of our declining years.
  • ài tīng zhe gōng rén men yào zhēng gèng duō qián de yào qiú
    Ives listened to the workers' demand for more money.
  • 1996 nián ,《 xīn mín zhù dǎng rén zhì zhōng, aei shēn xué zhě dào .j. bèi shā luò de piān wén zhāng shuōhùn qīng nián rén shù zēngzhǎng dài biǎo zhe " měi guó zhǒng guān de zuì jiā qián jǐng
    Douglas J. Besharov, an AEI resident scholar, said in a 1996 article in The New Democrat that the growing numbers of mixed-race youth represent "the best hope for the future of American race relations."
  • zhàng gōng zuò lái jīng guò rén
    Her husband is a demon for work.
  • zhàng dān gǎn dào diū jìn liǎo liǎn
    My husband, Dennis, was humiliated.
  • jié : duì shì diǎn guó zhèn dòng gèng zǒng ruò pān dūn yòu guān fāng miàn jiā jǐn chǔlǐ shì cháng fēng gōng kāi biǎo shì yào duì wéi jìn yào pǐn de shǐ yòng cǎi tiě wàn zhèng
    Jeff: It was even a greater shock to the French, where the inci-dent took place. The French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin immediately urged the parties concerned to dispose of this matter quickly. The min-ister of sports publicly expressed that an iron hand policy should be im-plemented to'the usage of illegal drugs.
  • zhàng zuó tiān xīn qíng dìng hěn hǎodāng gào chē nòng chū liǎo 'āo hén shí tài wéi tài rán
    My husband must have been in a good mood yesterday, he didn't bat an eyelid when I told him I'd dented the car.
  •   'èr nián de zhàng 'ér cóng dān bān dào shèng men zài nuò zhōu de shí shì jiā tíng chēbān xiē jiā
    The next year, my husband, daughter and I moved from Denver to St. Louis and we stopped at Mom and Dad's house in Rock Falls, Illinois, to pick up some furniture.
  • dài zhù xiàng yīng 'ér bān de lài yóu zhù guāng tóu xiàng liǎo de zhàng
    Her unconscious looks wander to her husband with infantile dependency.
  • bèi xiē rén shuō chéng shì , yòu bèi lìng xiē rén miáo shù wéi guài
    He is variously described as a doctor and a monster.
  • yǒng zhòng jiǎng
    A good dog deserve a good bone.
  • yàn shì zhě de xiǎng de tiān táng : ér zhèng shì fēn xiǎng zhè 'ér huāng liáng jǐng de shì de duì
    A perfect misanthropist's heaven: and Mr Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us.