  • 所有的学生年初都要接受检验,看他们是具有必要的素质。
    All students are put through the hoop at the beginning of the year, to see if they have the right qualities.
  • 他一点也不在乎考试是及格。
    He ddi not care a hoot whether he passed his examination or not.
  • 他一点也不在乎考试是及格。
    He do not care a hoot whether he pass his examination or not.
  • 我根本不在乎该唱片是是每周流行唱片中最好的,声音太响了,放松一点。
    I don't care two hoots if the record is top of the charts, it's much too loud so turn it down.
  • 能在十几年内超越英文或许还言之过早,不过,要达到并驾齐驱、平起平坐的程度,也应该是指日可待了吧!
    While it may be premature to predict victory for Chinese in less than 20 years, it is hopeful that, before long, it will rise onto a par with English in the world of Internet!
  • 你方20日电报价太高应减价百分之二则无法成交。
    Yc 20th price to high two pct reduction necessary otherwise business hopeless.
  • 务必不要向他提及去年发生的不幸事件,则你就会招惹麻烦的。
    For goodness sake, don't remind him of the unfortunate business that happened last year or you'll bring a hornet's nest about our ears.
  • 可提供我一份青年旅馆的目录?
    Can I have a youth hostel list?
  • 有每晚花费在50美元以下的饭店?
    Is there a hotel which costs under50 dollars a night?
  • 有关方面极力认新闻界最近的报道。
    Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied.
  • 这些货物经东海岸长途航行后能平安进入墨西哥湾,然后再抵达休斯顿?
    Would the boxes survive the long journey down the east coast, into the Gulf of Mexico and on to Houston?
  • 你可能只要在每个插座盒接上5个外设,则速度和性能可能会受损。
    You probably only want to plug in five per hub, or speed and performance might be compromised.
  • 孟子指证人性是善的时候说人都有“恻隐之心”,因而都有“仁”的行为。则,就不是人。
    "Mencius, on the other hand, argued that "Man's nature is good at birth" because compassion is common to mankind. Everyone is capable of conduct in line with "ren", those who are not would cease to be members of humankind.
  • 谦卑显然是他的人生座右铭,则今天你问起曾在三四十年前与他接触过的人,他们绝不会对他有那么深刻的印象。
    Obviously, humility is his life's motto. If this were not the case, then he would not have created such a deep impression on people who have come into contact with him thirty or forty years ago.
  • 谦卑显然是他的人生座右铭,则今天你问起曾在三四十年前与他接触过的人,他们绝不会对他有那么深刻的印象。
    Obviously, humility is his life's motto. If this were not the case, then when you asked the people who have come into contact with him thirty or forty years ago, they wouldn't have deep impressions on him.
  • 《考克斯报告》称,美国进行了约1030次核试验,而中国只进行了45次核试验,却研制出在技术上与美国相近的先进的热核弹头,报告在这里闪烁其词,暗示中国是因为“窃缺了美国核技术,才做到这一点,则是不可能的。
    The Cox Report says the United States has conducted about 1,030 nuclear tests, while China has only carried out 45 such tests. But, China has developed advanced thermal nuclear warheads technologically similar to those of the United States. Here, the report, humming and hawing, drops a hint that China has achieved this by "stealing" US nuclear technology, otherwise, the achievement would be impossible.
  • 就在希特勒骨灰的撒放地被发现的时候,德国各界正在就是应该保存希特勒最后藏身的掩体进行激烈的辨论。
    The discovery of the site of Hitler's ashes comes at a time of fierce debate over how and whether to preserve the hunker complex where he killed himself.
  • 她问我是喜欢我的新公寓,我告诉她,到目前为止一切都十分满意。
    She asked me whether we liked our new department, and I told her that so far every thing was hunky-dory.
  • 该消息的通常用法是去检验指定的分类类别或标识符(检查提供的keyvalue属性)是存在于指定的分类法或标识符系统中。
    The normal use is to verify that specific categories or identifiers (checking the keyValue attribute values supplied) exist within the given taxonomy or identifier system.
  • 我们能在加强族群认同时又不会削弱国家认同,创造出一个双赢局面?
    Can we create a win-win situation whereby a gain in ethnic identity would strengthen and not weaken the national identity?
  • 我们能在加强族群认同时又不会削弱国家认同,创造出一个双赢局面?
    Can we create a win-win situation where by a gain in ethnic identity would strengthen and not weaken the national identity?
  • 她问那是否够了。
    She asked if that was enough.
  • 在子女小时不应对他们过于苛吝。则会使他们变得卑贱,甚至投机取巧,以至堕入下流,即使后来有了财富时也不会正当利用。
    The illiberality of parents, in allowance towards their children, is an harmful error; makes them base; acquaints them with shifts; makes them sort with mean company; and makes them surfeit more when they come to plenty.
  • 古德尔认为那些一边用动物的大脑来研究人脑而同时又认动物有感情的科学家是“不合乎逻辑的”。
    " Goodall says scientists who use animals to study the human brain, then deny that animals have feelings, are " illogical.
  • 那末中国开始的时候是确实也有这方面的思想混乱,即完全模仿和学习了苏联社会主义的道路,而不是采取一种中国式的社会主义道路?
    Could China have been so ideologically confused initially as to have completely imitated and adopted the socialist style of the Soviet Union, failing to make it into a Chinese-style socialist road?
  • 英镑能够你急需之用?
    Or your immediate needs?
  • 很难说她的女儿是应该移居意大利。
    It's hard to say if her daughter shall immigrate into italy.
  • 很难说她的女儿是应该移居意大利。
    It 's hard to say if her daughter shall immigrate into Italy.
  • 柏拉图认为“思想”是不朽的,可是个人的灵魂则或贱或贵,依他们是酷爱正义、学问、节制、和美而定。
    Plato thought "ideas" were immortal, but individual souls were either base or noble, according as they loved justice, learning, temperance and beauty or not.
  • 则,只能助长动乱,只能妨碍四个现代化,也只能妨碍民主和法制。
    Otherwise, we will only foster turmoil, hold back the four modernizations and impair democracy and the legal system.
  • 他急于想知道他的期末考试是都及格了。
    He is impatient to know whether he has passed the final examinations or not.
  • 当他的老板问他是迟到时,他承认他是迟到了。
    When his boss asked if he was late for work, he admitted the soft impeachment.