  • 有些书还可以由人代读,即读旁人作的节录,但这只适用于次要的论点和较平庸的书;否则缩本像通俗的蒸馏饮料一样,华而不实。
    Some books also may be read by deputy and extracts made of them by others, but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy tings.
  • 她把面团压平。
    She pressed the dough flat.
  • 用手把生面团压平.
    Flatten the dough with a press of the hand.
  • 小盒子被这本厚厚的书扁了。
    The small box is flatten by the pressure of the heavy book on it.
  • 它们把作物都平了,使你没法用联合收割机将作物收割上来,”他说,“如果你的农田在树林附近,那它们出现的次数会更多。
    They flatten it so much that you can't get under it with a combine harvester,” he said. ‘If you have a field adjacent to a wood, they come out and play in it more often.
  • 工厂没有大型的机械,每日自附近农场收集1万6000升牛奶,经过巨型的冷却器、缩器等各种步骤,收藏在储藏室,又用精细的制作方法调以色、味、热度、密度,再加上当地特有的酒、香料和药草,构成“亚本塞尔”乳酪——瑞士三大名牌的乳酪之一。
    The factory is equipped with large-scale modern machines to process fresh milk, which is collected at the amount of 16,000 litres a day from the farms in the neighbourhood. The milk goes through an elaborate process: cooling, pressing and finally properly preserved. Highly sophisticated methods are used to control the temperature, procedural consistency, colour and flavour during the manufacturing of the cheese.In addition, a mixture of local products, such as wine, herbs and spices are added to the process. After five months of preservation, the final product of Appenzell cheese is ready for the world market.
  • 冲水阀一种冲洗抽水马桶或便池用的阀门,是一种使用供水系统的力而非利用重力冲洗马桶的装备,为了比传统冲水马桶节水而设计
    A device for flushing toilets and urinals that utilizes pressure from the water supply system rather than the force of gravity to discharge water into the bowl, designed to use less water than conventional flush toilets.
  • 箱子里垫有泡沫塑料以免货物受
    Each case is lined with foam plastics in order to protect the goods against press.
  • 气溶胶弹式容器在力作用下喷射气雾、泡沫或气体的可移动的手工操作的容器
    A portable, manually operated container that ejects a spray, foam, or gas under pressure.
  • 梁智强的最新电影——《小孩不笨》尖锐地说出许多社会弊病,重点描述了三个em3学生所面对的力和不公平待遇。
    Focusing on the pressure and unfair treatment faced by three EM3 pupils, Jack Neo's latest movie “I Not Stupid”, puts many negative social consequences of our education system under the spotlight.
  • 横挡在击剑中把自己的剑用力向对方的剑柄
    To slide one's blade with pressure toward the hilt of the opponent's foil in fencing.
  • 窗框在大梁的重下垮掉了。
    The window frame folded up under the heavy weight of the beam.
  • 一个从不屈服于力的球队
    A team that never folded under pressure.
  • 架子在重下坍掉了。
    The frame folded up under the heavy weight.
  • 皱折一条通过紧、折叠或起皱纹而形成的线痕
    A line made by pressing, folding, or wrinkling.
  • 轻拍抚弄天真或顽皮地轻拍或挤,特指拍下巴
    To pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin.
  • 禁止以氟利昂为工质的设备进口国家环保总局、外经贸部、国家质检总局、海关总署联合发布禁止进口以氟利昂为空调制冷工质的汽车和以氟利昂为制冷工质的空调(含缩机)的公告,规定从2002年1月1日起禁止进口上述产品。
    Forbidding of Import of Equipment with CFC as Refrigerating Agent State Environmental Protection Administration, MOFTEC, State Quality Inspection Administration and State Customs Administration have jointly issued the notice on forbidding the import of the vehicles with CFC as refrigerating agent of the air-conditioners and the import of the air-conditions (including air compressors) with CFC as refrigerating agent, and stipulating the above-mentioned products should be forbidden to be imported from 1 January 2002.
  • 对物体施加力;施加力。
    do forcibly; exert force.
  • 不匆忙或者没有力。
    not hurried or forced.
  • 物质在力下的有力注入。
    the forceful insertion of a substance under pressure.
  • 这次她使出所有的力气下去再向上推。那块肉终于吐出来了。
    Mustering all her strength,she gave Bill a forceful thrust,and the piece of meat dislodged at last.
  • 为了使某物不移动而施加力。
    press against forcefully without being able to move.
  • 反暴动,反叛乱用来反对或有力制叛乱的政治和军事策略或行动
    Political and military strategy or action intended to oppose and forcefully suppress insurgency.
  • ……西蒙不热衷处理日常业务。他强调财政部的观点,但从不靠官阶人。
    …Bill Simon wasn't interested in running the day-to-day operation. He forcefully presented Treasury's view but never pulled rank.
  • 用力压,强力驱动
    To impress or drive in forcibly.
  • 在“治外法权”下,西方一些传教士以帝国主义侵略势力为后盾,深入中国内地建教堂,设教区,霸占田产,欺官民。
    Taking advantage of extraterritoriality some Western missionaries, backed by the aggressive imperialist forces, went to inland China to build churches and set up parishes. They forcibly occupied land, and bullied and oppressed Chinese officials and civilians.
  • 弄成粉的咖啡豆通过蒸汽加煮出的咖啡。
    brewed by forcing steam through powdered coffee beans.
  • 用通过施将金属熔化铸成的模子而铸造成形。
    formed by forcing molten metal into a die.
  • 通过撞击驱动或强某物的一种工具。
    a tool for driving or forcing something by impact.
  • 力下产生的或屈服于力的:暖风供暖。
    produced by or subjected to forcing: forced-air heating.
  • (指玻璃)施将空气注入熔化的球体内而形成。
    (of glass) formed by forcing air into a molten ball.
  • 在通路中通过施加力使之成形;用于钢铁。
    form or shape by forcing through an opening; as of metal.