  • 烤面包机虽然摔过但可以用剪草机有些钝了但可以用;可用飞机;洗碗机正在用。
    the toaster was still functional even after being dropped; the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable; an operational aircraft; the dishwasher is now in wording order.
  • 我们的诉讼仍未确定
    Our lawsuit is still undetermined.
  • 领导上的软弱涣散状态然存在;
    In some places leadership remained weak and lax.
  • 他们旧开著灯睡觉,那是危险时期留下来的习惯
    They still sleep with the light on, a leftover from more dangerous times
  • 此外,nc也能访问很多机构现在在使用的老的应用程序。
    In addition, NCs are capable of accessing legacy applications, which many organizations still use today.
  • 虽然没有腿,玻璃蜥蜴然是一种蜥蜴,而不是蛇。
    Even though it is legless, the glass lizard is not a snake, but a lizard.
  • 列宁所说的这个真理,现在然有效。
    This truth enunciated by Lenin remains valid today.
  • 经过不到10年的发展,dna计算机是科学之树的一个嫩枝。10年前,美国南加州大学的莱昂纳德·阿德里曼教授使用放入试管中的dna分子解决数学难题,从而开创了dna计算机领域的先河。
    DNA computing is a very young branch of science that started less than a decade ago, when Leonard Adleman of the University of Southern California pioneered the field by using DNA in a test tube to solve a mathematical problem.
  • 目前全世界仅存5000只雪豹,但它们然因为一身珍贵的皮毛而遭到捕杀。
    Only 5,000 remain but the leopard is still hunted for its highly prized pelt.
  • 本届以及历届美国政府搜集的情报充分证明,伊拉克政权在拥有和隐藏人类所发明的最致命的一些武器。
    Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.
  • 手术过後几小时,她然昏睡不醒。
    Several hours after the surgery, she is still in her lethargy.
  •  (b)如果该相同产品极似使用该专利方法所制造,而专利所有人经合理努力未能确定其确实使用了该专利方法。
    if there is a substantial likelihood that the identical product was made by the process and the owner of the patent has been unable through reasonable efforts to determine the process actually used.
  • 她是个滑稽可笑的姑娘,可你会禁不住喜欢她。
    She's a funny girl, yet you can't help liking her.
  • 我父亲快70岁了,但他然身体很健康。
    My father is nearly seventy but he's still sound in wind and limb.
  • 但她仍有一些有足。
    But even so she had limitations.
  • 巡边员没有举旗示意球已出界,所以比赛继续进行。
    The linesman didn’t raise his flag to signal that the ball was out of play, so the match was still going on.
  • 空屋里然飘溢著她的香水味。
    The smell of her perfume linger in the empty house.
  • 传统信仰本身不能解释过时观念为何然在中国普遍存在。
    Traditional beliefs do not in themselves explain the lingering prevalence of outdated concepts in China.
  • 假如有人心中有疑问,且让我向你们说出我充满信心的根据。
    In case anyone has any lingering doubts, let me share with you the basis of my confidence.
  • 由于彼此心目中存有一些不信任,比尔和简开始着手调整他们的婚姻。
    With lingering mistrust on both sides Bill and Jane set about picking up the threads of their marriage.
  • 另外,作为城市生态系统重要组成部分的城乡结合部,在环境面貌、绿化美化、基础设施等方面的建设任务很繁重。
    In addition, the suburban area linking the urban and rural, still needs much improvement in its environmental outlook, green coverage and infrastructure.
  • 在最后着色时,做些改动,可让你所钟爱的口红颜色发挥到极致。
    Your favorite lipstick can go the distance when you change its finish!
  • 我到处在找我的唇膏,但然没能找到。
    I've hunted high and low for my lipstick and I still can't find it.
  • 车尔尼,卡尔1791-1857奥地利钢琴家兼作曲家。贝多芬的学生,李斯特的老师,他写的钢琴练习曲,如左手的学校至今广泛应用
    Austrian pianist and composer. A student of Beethoven and the teacher of Liszt, he wrote piano exercises, such as School of the Left Hand, which remain in wide use.
  • 五月很少下雨;给予很少的考虑;残存很少的希望;只有很短的时间了;我们然只有一点儿钱;残存的一点希望;还有一点时间。
    little rain fell in May; gave it little thought; little hope remained; little time is left; we still have little money; a little hope remained; a little time isleft.
  • 尚在争议的问题;现在然有特卖权。
    a live issue; still a live option.
  • 热门话题;然热门的选择
    A live topic; still a live option.
  • 那时他们然住在那里。
    They still lived there then.
  • 但是,一部分关系国计民生的重要商品价格由国家来决定。
    But the prices of some key commodities having a close bearing on the national economy and the people's livelihood remain under state control.
  • 船仍在上货.
    The boat is still loading.
  • 我们然没有床睡,没有椅子坐。我们没有钱,没有家用电器。但是这些邻居从未把刈草机借我用用,从来没有。
    We still didn't have beds to sleep in or furniture to sit on,we had no money and no utilities,but these neighbors hadn't come to me with the offer of loaning me a lawn mower.No.
  • 托尔若不是以前做过参议员,他[在国会]游说和贩卖武器的活动,可能已经断送了他被通过任命的机会。可是他有其他的弱点。
    If Tower were not a former senator, his activities as a lobbyist and weapons pusher might already have doomed his chances of confirmation. But he had other strikes against him as well.