  • 在总线上的每个控制器可以被CPU所单独寻址,这是软件设备驱动程序能写入寄存器并能控制这控制器的原因。
    Each controller on a bus can be individually addressed by the CPU, this is why the software device driver can write to its registers and thus control it.
  • 我一想到要对这样的听众讲话,就有胆小。
    I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience.
  • 一般来说,这类信件首先要告知收信人他的名字是如何被得悉的,然后告知对方一关于发信人所经营的业务范围的信息。
    Generally speaking, this type of letter begins by telling the addressee how his name is known. Then, some general information should be given as to the lines of business being han-died.
  • 她举止稳重,体态婀娜,玫瑰色的鼻翅微微张翕着,大大的眼睛四周有一圈淡蓝色,表明她是一种天性热情的人,在这样的人周围,总是散发着一股逗人情欲的香味;就像一东方的香水瓶一样,不管盖子盖得多严,里面香水的味儿仍然不免要泄漏出来。
    Her confident bearing, her supple waist, her pink, flared nostrils, her large eyes faintly ringed with blue, all pointed to one of those passionate natures which give out a bouquet of sensuality, just as flasks from the Orient, however tightly sealed they might be, allow the fragrance of the fluids they contain to escape.
  • 因为骚动,会议无法进行下去,不得不把那闹事的头子赶出大厅。
    The meeting was marred by a noisy disturbance and the ringleaders had to be turfed out of the hall.
  • 我们怎么能够容忍那一直紧跟林彪、“四人帮”的“造反派”以及继承他们那一套的少数坏头头,再来搞第二次“文化大革命”呢?
    How can we allow those "rebels" who so closely followed Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, or the handful of ringleaders who have persisted in following their evil course, to launch a second "Cultural Revolution"?
  • 菌环破损菌幕的环状残留部分,在某洋菇菌柄周围可见
    The ringlike remains of a broken partial veil, found around the stipes of certain mushrooms.
  • 混杂物;粗劣品一使得别的物质不纯净的物质;劣等的成分或附加物
    Something that renders something else impure; an inferior component or additive.
  • 在滑冰场上做了一潇洒的动作
    Did some handsome maneuvers on the skating rink.
  • 注意务必冲洗掉这盘子上的清洁剂。
    Be careful to rinse the detergent from these dishes.
  • 窗户需要擦洗了。
    These windows need to have rinsed.
  • 游客前来香港,跟他们到巴黎、伊斯坦堡和里约热内卢的理由一样,就是因为这城市各具特色。
    Tourists come here for the same reason they go to Paris, to Istanbul or to Rio de Janeiro - there is nowhere else like it.
  • 另外,有分析人士和用户认为微软公司比很多orb供应商有更多的对象服务供提供。
    Additionally, some analysts and users argue that Microsoft has more deliverables in object services than many of the ORB vendors.
  • 对现实不满的年轻人常以开快车和冒险寻乐。
    Some unsatisfied youths riot in driving fast and taking risks.
  • 那些暴民把门捣碎。
    The rioters battered the door topieces.
  • 他不得不付附加费。
    He had to pay some additional charges.
  • 我们遇见几位朋友,还遇见其他一人。
    We met some friends and other people in addition.
  • 比赛结束后,人们会冲出家门,叫嚷着狂欢庆祝,不过有时只是发生在一酒吧附近的喧闹和骚乱。
    When the game is over, riotous celebrations, or some- times just riots, break out in the neighbourhood with the most bars.
  • 斗争的结果将会是暴力的破坏性的;暴乱时期;这混乱的地区;在他管理下的混乱时期;吵闹的不受规矩的孩童时期。
    effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive; riotous times; these troubled areas; the tumultuous years of his administration; a turbulent and unruly childhood.
  • 我们马上可看到这台发动机是否要好-继续下去,让它转得尽可能地快。
    We'll soon see if the engine runs better now – go on, let her rip.
  • 原田是力倡传统方式的,他认为:"对于那建立在友善与自立基础上并经过时间检验的文化应该有所保留,而不是不加考虑地完全推翻。
    Harada appeals to traditon. " There should be some preservation of time-honored culture based on kindness and dependence, not just a rush to rip down the old system," he says.
  • 但这看起来还不太熟。
    But they don't look quite ripe yet.
  • 爆裂的,如一荚果成熟时
    Bursting apart, as some seed pods when ripe.
  • 苹果不熟,是酸的。
    These apples are not ripe; they are sour.
  • 增加了一战争情节,使故事更加生动了。
    The story is juiced up by adding some battle scenes.
  • 为了使该影片更富有刺激性,他们添加了一战争镜头。
    They juiced up the movie by adding some battle scenes.
  • 通过增加一便宜的物质来增加数量或体积。
    increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance.
  • 你不可以增加例子,把发言拉长一吗?
    Could you lengthen your speech out by adding some examples?
  • 你可以加水把茶弄得淡
    You can weaken the tea by adding water.
  • 歹徒在光天化日之下盗窃了汽车。
    The crooks ripped off a car in broad day light.
  • 瞧那狮子在撕咬那动物的尸体。
    See those lions ripping into the bodies of the animals.
  • 加入一评论的行为。
    the act of adding notes.