  • 这一时期双方斗实际上都是试探的性质,直到英美摊出封锁的牌。
    Actually, the struggle between the two sides during this period was of an exploratory nature until Britain and the United States brought the blockade into play.
  • 帝国主义的各种花样直到封锁,其目的在于迫我就范,我们的斗也在于迫使帝国主义就范。
    All the imperialists' tricks, including the blockade, are designed to force us to submit. Similarly, our struggle is aimed at forcing the imperialists to submit.
  • 她正好看见丈夫对那白肤金发碧眼的女人表现得过分的兴奋——那会引起一场激烈的吵!
    She's just spotted her husband drooling over that blonde-that will make the feathers fly!
  • 那里的组织形式是合法的,斗形式是不流血的(非战的)。
    There the form of organization is legal and the form of struggle bloodless (non-military).
  • 不流血的转变是我们所希望的,我们应该力这一着,结果将看群众的力量如何而定。
    A bloodless transition is what we would like and we should strive for it, but what will happen will depend on the strength of the masses.
  • 列宁说:“无产阶级专政是对旧社会的势力和传统进行的顽强斗,流血的和不流血的,暴力的和和平的,军事的和经济的,教育的和行政的斗。……
    Lenin said: "The dictatorship of the proletariat is a persistent struggle -- bloody and bloodless, violent and peaceful, military and economic, educational and administrative -- against the forces and traditions of the old society....
  • 所谓斗,在同资产阶级联合时,就是在思想上、政治上、组织上的“和平”的“不流血”的斗;而在被迫着同资产阶级分裂时,就转变为武装斗
    Struggle here means the "peaceful" and "bloodless" struggle, ideological, political and organizational, which goes on when we are united with the bourgeoisie and which turns into armed struggle when we are forced to break with it.
  • 期间造成了无数的流血牺牲。
    There was a lot of bloodshed during the war.
  • 因此可以说,政治是不流血的战,战是流血的政治。
    It can therefore be said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
  • 是流血的政治,是要付代价的,有时是极大的代价。
    War is politics with bloodshed and exacts a price, sometimes an extremely high price.
  • 用全民族的血肉和日本帝国主义打了两个周年的战,决不容许一部分人的动摇和叛卖。
    No group of people must ever be allowed to undermine or betray the war against Japanese imperialism, a war which has cost the whole nation two full years of bloodshed.
  • 李光耀担心延长危机会带来流血和混乱的局面,马可斯如果走投无路也可能斗到底。因此,他邀请马可斯到新加坡寻求政治庇护。
    In those days, Lee feared a prolonged crisis might cause bloodshed and chaos, he worried that Marcos might fight it out if he had no place to go, so he invited Marcos to take political asylum in Singapore.
  • 人们不久就痛苦地意识到战是血腥的。
    It soon came home to the people that the war was bloody.
  • 我看出他很固执,所以就没再和他了。
    I know bloody obstinacy when I meet it so I quit arguing with him.
  • 人们终于认识到,这场战将是持久的和流血的。
    It eventually came home to the people that the war would be long and bloody.
  • 昨天我与一位朋友论政治问题-他论得很高明,我输给他了。
    I had an argument about politics yesterday with a friend-he argued very cleverly, and I got a bloody nose.
  • 但是,蒋介石只是又一个军阀,他实行法西斯统治,对取民主的民众进行血腥暑杀,使千百万人倒在血泊之中。
    However, Chiang turned out to be just another warlord under whose fascist rule millions of democracy-seeking people perished in bloody massacres.
  • 几周以前;比平常多了一些货车;一个残疾人的快乐是很少的并且是稀有的;很少的玫瑰花还在盛开;很少有女人在战中带领军队的。
    a few weeks ago; a few more wagons than usual; an invalid's pleasures are few and far between; few roses were still blooming; few women have led troops in battle.
  • 美国也违反了国际公约的规定,在战进行的时候,没有设法捍卫和保护文化遗产。美国的国际形象将因此蒙上永远抹不去的污点。
    It is a permanent blot on its international image and violates US obligations under international conventions to safeguard and protect cultural properties in times of war.
  • 这一论又突然开始了。
    The dispute has blown up again.
  • 争论被报章夸大了。
    The argument was blown up by the newspapers.
  • 在经济领域竞外,文化范畴里也几乎同时宣布要成为“国际文化中心”。
    Almost simultaneously, each announced a blueprint recently for its future as "one of the world's cultural centres".
  • 我们的计划尚在酝酿阶段,我们的竞者竟抢先宣布了他们的新模型。
    While all out plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new models.
  • 我们不赞成任何一个抗日战的指挥员,离开客观条件,变为乱撞乱碰的鲁莽家,但是我们必须提倡每个抗日战的指挥员变为勇敢而明智的将军。
    We do not want any of our commanders in the war to detach himself from the objective conditions and become a blundering hothead, but we decidedly want every commander to become a general who is both bold and sagacious.
  • 在国民党统治区和各抗日根据地内,由于只知道联合、不知道斗和过分地估计了国民党的抗日性,因而模糊了国共两党的原则差别,否认统一战线下的独立自主的政策,迁就大地主大资产阶级,迁就国民党,甘愿束缚自己的手足,不敢放手发展抗日革命势力,不敢对国民党的反共限共政策作坚决斗,这种右倾观点,过去曾经严重地存在过,现在已经基本上克服了。
    In the Kuomintang areas and the anti-Japanese base areas, the Rightist views which were once prevalent to a serious extent have now been basically overcome;those who held such views used to stress alliance to the exclusion of struggle and overestimate the Kuomintang's inclination to resist Japan, and they therefore blurred the difference in principle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, rejected the policy of independence and initiative within the united front, appeased the big landlords and big bourgeoisie and the Kuomintang, and tied their own hands instead of boldly expanding the anti-Japanese revolutionary forces and conducting resolute struggle against the Kuomintang's policy of opposing and restricting the Communist Party.
  • 最近欲起诉里根政府高级情报官员,以便再度认真调查的企图,已经陷于停顿,因为机密文件用来作证是否会危及国家安全的问题持难决。
    A more recent attempt to revitalize the investigation by prosecuting top Reagan Administration intellligence officials has a bogged down in disputes over whether classified documents could be offered as evidence without jeopardizing national security.
  • 论恶化,演变成公开的论战。
    The argument boiled over into open war.
  • 欺他兵力不足(从整个战看来),游击队就可以放手取广大的活动地区;
    Taking advantage of the enemy's shortage of troops (from the viewpoint of the war as a whole), the guerrilla units can boldly use vast areas as their fields of operation;
  • 他们不但要有压倒敌人的勇气,而且要有驾驭整个战变化发展的能力。
    Our commanders should have not only the boldness to overwhelm the enemy but also the ability to remain masters of the situation throughout the changes and vicissitudes of the entire war.
  • 后来,他又飞到玻利维亚,为本国夺1997年美洲杯出场。
    He then flied to Bolivia to play for his country at the Copa America 1997.
  • 在这种情形下,“斗的布尔什维克党”的建设,真是难得很。
    In these circumstances it is very hard indeed to build a "militant Bolshevik Party".
  • 该局又致力扩充海外贸易展览会内香港馆的规模,以提升参展的香港公司的形象和竞地位。
    Efforts were devoted to expanding and upgrading the Hong Kong pavilions at overseas trade fairs so as to help bolster the image and competitive positioning of participating Hong Kong companies.