  • 好讓我檢查下,明天就可給你報價。
    I'll check it and give you a quotation tomorrow.
  • 會兒,我給你把這段引文查出來。
    Wait a moment.I'll look up the quotation for you.
  • 他是個非常愛讀並愛引用狄更斯作品的人。
    He is a great reader and quoter of Dickens.
  • 平靜的日常生活場景;這是平淡的天;沒有什麽能象位現實中的火車售票員那樣為日常的上下班交通綫增加些色彩的了-阿尼塔·戴曼。
    a placid everyday scene; it was a routine day; there's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute- Anita Diamant.
  • 堅持"以科技助奧運,以奧運促科技"的方針,從奧運需求出發,組織全國科技力量,集成全國科技成果,引進、消化、吸收國際先進技術,將北京奧運會辦成屆高科技含量的體育盛會。
    We hold on the policy of science and technology aiding the Olympic Games and the Olympic Games promoting the development of science and technology", starting from the requirements of the Olympic Games organize national S&T force,collect national S&T achievements, introduce and digest and absorb advanced international technologies, and make the Beijing Olympic Games become a magnificent sports meet of High-Tech content.
  • 商將個量除以另個量而獲得的數。在45÷3=15這個等式中,15是商
    The number obtained by dividing one quantity by another. In45?=15,15 is the quotient.
  • 弘志下方說:“每天喝米酒或葡萄酒超過540毫升(1品脫多點)的人,比那些完全不喝酒的人智商要低。適量是非常重要的。”
    " People who drink more than 540 milli-litres [a little over a pint] of sake or wine a day had lower intelligence quotients than those who did not drink at all," Hiroshi Shimokata said, " Moderation is very important."
  • 從受版權保護的作品中引用小部分
    Quoting small section of a copyright work
  • 他結束時引用了段歌德的話。
    He concluded by quoting a passage from Goethe.
  • “出售!”他大聲地讀着剛發現的塊招牌。
    "For sale," he called out, quoting a sign.
  • 三四兩月全區鬥爭最為緊張,農村退押、懲治違法地主和第期土改,鎮壓反革命,抗美援朝三大運動進入高潮。
    The struggle in southwest China was most acute in March and April. The return of security money and the punishment of law-breaking landlords in rural areas as well as the three great movements--embarking on the first phase of agrarian reform, suppressing counter-revolutionaries and resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea --reached a climax.
  • 可以的,我們目前報的是,接到訂單個月內出貨。
    Yes. Just now we are quoting one month from receipt of order.
  • 您能不能報給我們批中性商標的罐頭?
    Would you consider quoting us for the order with neutral packing, in cans?
  • 的確在引用了另人所說的詞或詞組後,用來表示驚訝或嘲諷的感嘆詞
    Used to express surprise or sarcasm, after quoting the word or phrase of another.
  •  在十多年的扶貧開發過程中,少數民族貧睏地區除享受其他貧睏地區扶貧開發的優惠政策外,還享受國傢製定的係列特殊政策:()放寬標準,擴大對少數民族地區的扶持範圍。
    During the help-the-poor efforts in the past decade or so, poverty-stricken minority areas have enjoyed the preferential help-the-poor policy offered by the Chinese government to other poverty-stricken areas, as well as a series of special policies formulated by the state: (1) Expanding the sphere of aiding the minority areas.
  • 對不起,我得打斷下,我必須提醒你,你所引用的統計數字錯了。
    I'm sorry but I must cut in and remind you that you're quoting the wrong statistics.
  • 目前我們的存貨過多,當我方市場再度需求此貨時,本公司定給貴方以報價的機會。
    At present we is rather overstocked; when we are in the market again, we will give you an opportunity of quoting.
  • 我們還可以舉出雲集在這間屋裏的很多人的姓氏起首字母,他們在這裏相遇連他們自己也感到非常驚訝,不過為了不使讀者感到厭煩,恕我不再介紹。
    We could go on quoting the initials of many of those who had gathered in that drawing room and who were not a little astonished at the company they kept; but we should, we fear, weary the reader.
  • 從今年春天開始,這些廣告便陸陸續續地出現在以女性雜志為主的許多法國雜志上。該廣告的策劃商法國巴黎靈智廣告公司指出,他們在廣告中援引了專傢的見解,旨在把麥當勞食品定位成"每周均衡膳食結構的部分"。
    The advertisements, quoting information from specialists, aim to show that "McDonald's meals are part of a balanced weekly diet," said Euro RSCG, the agency that came up with the ads, which appeared this spring, mostly in French women's magazines.
  • 作為本文的結局,我想引用英國哲學家羅素的段話。“我們無法防止他人敵視我們,但是我們卻可以通過諒解和同情,不讓自己敵視他人。”
    I would like to end by quoting from British philosopher Bertrand Russell’s “Principles of Social Reconstruction” - “It is impossible to prevent others from feeling hostile, but it is possible to avoid any reciprocal hostility on one’s own part, by imaginative understanding and the sympathy which grow out of it.”
  • 最後引用下歐盟委員會貿易委員帕斯卡爾·拉米在歐盟方得勝後的番話:(本案極其結果)是個很好的榜樣,展示了我們如何在牢記我們的國際義務和承諾的同時,以種合作的方式處理我們的問題。
    Let's conclude the briefing of this copyright dispute case by quoting the remark made by the EC Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy as saying, "(the case and its result) this is a good example of how we can manage our problems in a co-operative manner, while keeping in mind our international obligations and commitments.
  • 為加快解决在定程度和特定地區仍然存在的貧睏問題,中國於2001年5月召開中央扶貧開發工作會議,對二十世紀前十年中國的農村扶貧開發工作進行了全面部署。
    In order to quicken the pace of solving the problem of poverty, which remains unsolved to a certain degree in certain areas, a meeting on this issue was held in May 2001 by the Central Government.An overall plan for aiding the poor in rural areas in the first ten years of the 21st century was worked out.
  • 以他獨特的方式,他描述了撒切爾夫人、裏根、喜歡引用詩句的中國國傢主席江澤民、已故中共領袖毛澤東(李光耀將他比作中國第位皇帝秦始皇)、正直廉潔的朱(金容)基和中國改革開放的總設計師鄧小平(在李光耀的記憶中,儘管鄧衹有五英尺高,卻是人中之傑)。
    In acerbic Lee Kuan Yew style, he describes Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, China's poetry-quoting Jiang Zemin, the late Mao Zedong (whom he likened to first Chinese emperor Qinshihuang), the incorruptible Zhu Rongji to the bold reformer Deng Xiaoping (whom he remembers as "a five-footer but a giant among men").
  • 我本身活到了42歲纔瞭解這句話的含意,對年輕的學生來說這可說是句金玉良言,我想再補充兩句話來勉勵會上其他參加者,那就是“學無先後、達者為先”以及“活到老、學到老。”
    It took me 42 years to realise this axiom. Prof Kao's words are certainly a gem for the students. I would like to add by quoting the popular saying "it matters not when we start learning, whoever attains shall be the teacher" (xue wu qianhou, da zhe wei shi) and that learning is a life-long experience (huo dao lao, xue dao lao).
  • 我本身活到了42歲纔瞭解這句話的含意,對年輕的學生來說這可說是句金玉良言,我想再補充兩句話來勉勵會上其他參加者,那就是“學無先後、達者為先”以及“活到老、學到老。”
    It took me 42 years to realize this axiom. Prof. Gao's words are certainly a gem for the students. I would like to add by quoting the popular saying "it matters not when we start learning, whoever attains shall be the teacher" (xue wu qian hou, da zhe wei xian) and that learning is a life-long experience (huo dao lao, xue dao lao).
  • 申請入學時,你衹需成為名合格的申請者,但是當你申請資助(助教、助研或研究生資助)時,你就得表明你有能力做這項工作。
    When you are applying for admission, you only need to be a quality applicant.But when you are applying for an assistantship (a TA,RA,or GA), you need to show that you have the skills to do the job.
  • 通過嵌接的方式連在起。
    join with a rabbet joint.
  • 槽口接合通過槽口被連接在
    To be joined by a rabbet.
  • 為進步增強貧睏地區反貧睏的能力,中國政府專項安排科技扶貧資金,用於優良品種和先進實用技術的引進、試驗、示範、推廣,以及科技培訓等。
    In order to further enhance the ability of poverty-stricken areas to fight poverty, the Chinese Government has provided special funds for aiding the poor with technology, which have been used for introducing, testing, demonstrating and promoting improved seed strains and advanced practical technologies, and for conducting technological training.
  • "拉比"詞意味着老師。
    The word “ rabbi” means teacher.
  • 與教士站在起,與傢人坐在塊兒
    Stood with the rabbi; sat with the family.
  • 10月個下雨的早晨,拉比為我和戴維舉行了婚禮。晃16年過去了。
    Sixteen years have passed since the rabbi married David and me on a rainy October morning.