  • 传质分离过程
    mass transfer separation process
  • 岩体的力学分析
    mechanical analysis of rock mass
  • 哈里斯,路易斯生于1921美国民意析家,他于1956年创立了路易斯·哈里斯联合公司,该公司以其竞选投票析而出名
    English publisher and journalist in Massachusetts. His Publick Occurrences was the first newspaper printed in America(1690).
  • 塞勒姆美国新罕布什尔州东南部一城镇,位于纳舒厄以东,1741年以前是马萨诸塞州黑弗里尔的一部。人口25,746
    A town of southeast New Hampshire east of Nashua. It was part of Haverhill, Massachusetts, until1741. Population,25, 746.
  • 拉德洛马萨诸塞州西南部的一城镇,是斯普林菲尔德的工业郊区。它于1774年从斯普林菲尔德划出去。人口18,820
    A town of southwest Massachusetts, an industrial suburb of Springfield. It was set off from Springfield in1774. Population,18, 820.
  • Ⅱ 二次世界大战中德国纳粹子(法西斯子)对犹太人的杀戮
    the massacre of Jews by Nazi in World War
  • 例如边界八月失败,土籍豪绅带领反动军队回宁冈,宣传客籍将要杀土籍,土籍农民大部反水,挂起白带子,带领白军烧屋搜山。
    Here is an example. After the August defeat in the border area, when the native landlords returned to Ningkang, bringing with them the reactionary troops and spreading the rumour that the settlers were going to massacre the native inhabitants, most of the native peasants defected, put on white ribbons and guided the White troops in burning down houses and searching the hills.
  • 国家在洛阳、西安、南京、太原等市开办了盲人按摩医疗专科学校,各省市也别举办培训班,培养了大量盲人按摩医疗人才。
    The state has set up massage medical schools for the blind in Luoyang, Xian, Nanjing and Taiyuan. Each province and city also started courses and trained a large number of blind massage doctors.
  • 我们应当充估计群众的热情。
    We shall take the enthusiasm of the masse into full account.
  • 桅脚,桅座位于甲板下的桅杆部
    The part of a mast that is below deck.
  • 为了使你的智囊团发挥正常功能,你必须给团员清晰而且正确的指示,而团员也必须愿意充与你合作,以下四个简单的步骤,可确保智囊团的正常运作。
    For your mastermind alliance to function properly,you must give clear,unmistakable signals to your crew.They,in turn,need to be willing to cooperate fully with you.There are four simple steps to making sure this is the case.
  • 难度高的课文和考试题目,不一定就转换成一批高华文水平的知识子。
    Tough textbooks and examination questions will not necessarily produce intellectuals with a good mastery of the Chinese language.
  • 语言不应该成为身尊贵与否的判断标准,多语的优势不应只是炫耀,而应是踏踏实实为民服务的媒介。
    Mastery of a language should not be a measure of one's social status. The purpose of knowing more languages is not to show off the advantages one enjoys over others, but to use the languages to serve the people well.
  • 美国东部泉水中的一种弱小多年生草本植物,具不裂的叶和小的荚果。
    mat-forming perennial found in cold springs of the eastern United States.
  • 这裙子和衬衫搭配得十好。
    The shirt and blouse are a perfect match.
  • 太过分了!情侣装!
    Too much! match outfit!
  • 比赛尚未见分晓。
    The match was left undecided.
  • 返回的businesslist包含的businessinfo结构要与所有传入的类类别信息(逻辑与)相匹配。
    The returned businessList contains businessInfo elements matching all of the categories passed (logical AND by default).
  • 返回的servicelist包含的serviceinfo结构要与所有传入的类类别信息(逻辑与)相匹配。
    The returned serviceList contains businessInfo structures matching all of the categories passed (logical AND by default).
  • 正因为如此,这些搜索可以在所有提供的类类别中进行信息匹配(即逻辑与)。
    For this reason, these searches are performed by default matching on ALL of the categories supplied (e.g. logical AND).
  • 包装用高分子材料
    polymer material for packaging
  • 毛泽东同志是彻底的唯物主义者,他充信任群众,历来反对不信任群众、不依靠群众。
    Comrade Mao Zedong was a thoroughgoing materialist. He had complete faith in the masses and always opposed any act that was not in keeping with trust in the masses and reliance on them.
  • 奥运会场馆及其相关设施建设充考虑残疾运动员和残疾人观众的特殊要求,为实现残疾人"平等、参与、共享"的目标创造条件。
    In the construction of the Olympic venues and related facilities, we will give full consideration to the special needs of the athletes and spectators with physical disabilities, to materialize the goal of "equality, participation and sharing".
  • 这个家庭(在很大程度上)是十美满的。
    M-, the family is quite successful.
  • 在成熟裂的前期父方染色体与母方同源染色体的等同的联会。
    the side by side pairing of homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes at the start of meiosis.
  • 孕产妇死亡率从1990年的94.7/10万下降到1998年的56.2/10万,住院娩率1999年达到66.8%以上。
    The maternal mortality rate has plummeted from 94.7 per 100,000 in 1990 to 56.2 per 100,000 in 1998. The hospitalized delivery rate reached over 66.8% in 1999.
  • -在同一日期之前,将目前产妇死亡率降低四之三,将目前五岁以下儿童死亡率减少三之二。
    By the same date, to have reduced maternal mortality by three quarters, and under-five child mortality by two thirds, of their current rates.
  • 我数学得了零分。
    I got zero in math.
  • 取得数学课和英语课的学
    Gain credits in Math and English
  • 数学和自然科学得了高
    Got high marks in math and science.
  • 他的数学数在班上是名列前茅的。
    His mark in math is second to none in the class.
  • 进行数学分析
    To make a mathematical analysis of.