  • 他英语考了满分。
    He got full marks for English.
  • 他们在学校得到数很好。
    They made good marks at school.
  • 考试中他得了满分。
    He gained full marks in the examination
  • 这些数远在一般水平以上[以下]。
    These marks are well above/below average.
  • 广泛布于北美洲的藤蔓植物,有紫色至褐紫红色的总状花序,在地下结类似花生的一个种子的豆荚。
    vine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon flowers and abundant usually subterranean edible peanutlike one-seeded pods.
  • 她的婚后生活十幸福。
    Her married life was exceptionally happy.
  • 你十肯定是在火星上没有生物吗?
    Are you quite sure there is no living beings on Mars?
  • 沼泽蕨;在一些类系统中被认为是鳞毛蕨科的鳞毛蕨属的一部
    marsh ferns: in some classification systems considered part of genus Dryopteris in family Dryopteridaceae.
  • “究竟为什么我也不十清楚,我只是在执行莱克勒船长最后的一个命令而已。他在临终的时候,要我送一包东西给贝特朗元帅。”
    "I do not know, sir; it was to fulfil the last instructions of Captain Leclere, who, when dying, gave me a packet for Marshal Bertrand."
  • 这一部人比较第一部人大不相同,他们也想发财,但是赵公元帅总不让他们发财,而且因为近年以来帝国主义、军阀、封建地主、买办大资产阶级的压迫和剥削,他们感觉现在的世界已经不是从前的世界。
    They are quite different from the people in the first section; they also want to get rich, but Marshal Chao never lets them. In recent years, moreover, suffering from the oppression and exploitation of the imperialists, the warlords, the feudal landlords and the big comprador-bourgeoisie, they have become aware that the world is no longer what it was.
  • 沼泽和水沟里的多年生草本植物,叶子宽大;布于欧洲和北美。
    perennial grass of marshy meadows and ditches having broad leaves; Europe and North America.
  • 香蒲属植物一种多年生香蒲属草本植物,广泛地布于沼泽地区,有长条带状的叶子和浓密细小的圆形花朵和果实
    Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Typha, widespread in marshy places and having long, straplike leaves and a dense, cylindrical cluster of minute flowers and fruits.
  • 这批貂皮大衣的包装十精美。
    These marten overcoats are tastefully packed.
  •    (十六)决定省、自治区、直辖市的范围内部地区的戒严;
    To decide on the enforcement of martial law in parts of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government;
  • 殉道这部演得真是到家了
    Played the part of the martyr to a fare-thee-well.
  • 那是个奇迹,如果这抢劫发生在我们国家,警方最早也得在十钟赶到。
    That's a marvel. If the robbery had happened in my country, the police would have arrived in ten minutes at the earliest.
  • 嗯,那真是一顿美餐。十感谢。
    Well, that is a marvelous meal. Thank you very much.
  • 列宁说:马克思主义的最本质的东西,马克思主义的活的灵魂,就在于具体地析具体的情况。
    Lenin said that the most essential thing in Marxism, the living soul of Marxism, is the concrete analysis of concrete conditions.
  • 马克思主义者看问题,不但要看到部,而且要看到全体。
    In approaching a problem a Marxist should see the whole as well as the parts.
  • 鲍威,詹姆斯1796-1836美裔墨西哥籍殖民者,在争取从墨西哥离的独立战争中他加入得克萨斯军队,在阿拉莫保卫战中丧生
    A city of west-central Maryland northeast of Washington, D.C. It is primarily residential. Population,37, 589.
  • 巴尔的摩马里兰州北部一城市,位于华盛顿特区东北面的切萨皮克湾的一个支处。自18世纪以来一直是繁忙的港口。人口736,014
    A city of northern Maryland on an arm of Chesapeake Bay northeast of Washington, D.C. It has been a busy port since the18th century. Population,736, 014.
  • 一个过地依附他妈妈的男孩;缺少男子汉气概的男孩。
    a boy excessively attached to his mother; lacking normal masculine interests.
  • 关注雄性或男性性特征的。
    overly concerned with masculinity and male sexuality.
  • 阳刚的关于阳刚的或对男子气概过感兴趣的
    Relating to or overly concerned with masculinity.
  • 微波辐射和空气子互相作用的微波发射器。
    a maser in which microwave radiation interacts with gas molecules.
  • 我想来一浓汤,然后是烤鱼和土豆泥。
    I'll have the cream soup, followed by the fried fish and mashed potatoes.
  • 超过隐蔽的卡车行驶到另一条路上-t.h.怀特;隐蔽条是一个背景屏或者幕布用来挡住部舞台不让观众看到。
    speeding down the other lane beyond the masking truck- T.H.White; a masking piece is a flat or curtain that hides part of the stage from the audience.
  • 你可以在洗印照片时遮住底片的底部以去掉那不需要的部
    You can get rid of the unwanted detail by masking out the bottom of the negative during processing.
  • 美国东部各州美国阿勒格尼山的东面及梅森-狄克森南北界线以北的地域
    The region of the United States east of the Allegheny Mountains and north of the Mason-Dixon Line.
  • 石造物中用砖和灰泥垒的那一部
    masonry done with bricks and mortar.
  • 砌体结构房屋的静力
    statical analysis of masonry building structure
  • (化妆舞会的)面具布做面具,上有孔可露出双眼、全部或部地遮住面部,尤在假面舞会上佩戴
    A covering, as of cloth, that has openings for the eyes, entirely or partly conceals the face, and is worn especially at a masquerade ball.