  • 纳米技术是指操纵单独的原子和子,彻底使用子级的构筑原料制造机器或创造材料和结构,通过控制结构来设计性能的能力。
    Nanotechnology refers to the ability to manipulate individual atoms and molecules,making it possible to build machines using molecular building blocks or create materials and structures from the bottom up,designing properties by controlling structure.
  • 这次香港报章亦有析反操控行动的必要性。
    The Hong Kong newspapers have also made analyses of the need for anti-manipulation actions.
  • 他穿着制服十精神。
    He looks very manly in his uniform.
  • 布鲁金斯学会的析家托马斯·曼说:“我不知道她到底是什么人,也不知道她的信条是什么,有什么政治观点。
    " I don't have a clue who she is or what she believes," says Thomas Mann, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, " I don't know if she has any views about politics or public affairs.
  • 有些人60岁就老态龙钟了,而有些人90岁还性情十活跃。
    Some men are old at sixty, others are still as lively as crickets in their nineties.
  • 在这以前,它是旧三民主义,这种三民主义是被人们看成为一部人为了夺取政府权力,即是说为了做官,而临时应用的旗帜,看成为纯粹政治活动的旗帜。
    They were the old Three People's Principles which people regarded as the time--serving banner of a group of men bent on seizing power, in other words, on securing official positions, a banner used purely for political manoeuvring.
  • 曼特耳以一个一垒打和一高飞牺牲打来使二人跑垒得
    Mantle drove in two runs with a single and a sacrifice fly.
  • 随着板块的开,炽热的熔融地幔物质向上流动,以填充空隙。
    As the plates separate, hot molten mantle material flows up to fill the void.
  • 然而即使在极深处,地幔仍保持非常粘滞的液态,即使是在极度的压力下流动也十缓慢。
    Yet even at great depth, the mantle remains an exceedingly viscous fluid, flowing ever so slowly even in response to extreme pressures.
  • 每个板块由一段地壳和一部地壳下部厚层炽热岩石地幔组成。
    Each plate consists of a section of the earth's crust and a portion of the mantle, the thick layer of hot rock below the crust.
  • 地核地球的中心部,地幔以下,开始于深为2,900公里(1,800英里)的地方,大概含有铁和镍。它由一个液体的外核和一个固体的内核组成
    The central portion of Earth below the mantle, beginning at a depth of about2, 900 kilometers(1, 800 miles) and probably consisting of iron and nickel. It is made up of a liquid outer core and a solid inner core.
  • 成带和带扣的生产,交包商承做。
    The manufacture of belts and buckles is put out to subcontractor.
  • 大部的当代书籍给人的印象是:是刚从前一天阅读过的书籍里以一天时间赶制出来的。
    Most contemporary books give the impression of having been manufactured in a day, out of books read the day before.
  • 她想避开销商直接自厂家买进货物.
    She wants to buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman.
  • 相当大一部是代厂家装运到国外的。
    A very considerable proportion was shipped abroad for account of the manufacturer.
  • 对毛泽东同志的评价,对毛泽东思想的阐述,不是仅仅涉及毛泽东同志个人的问题,这同我们党、我们国家的整个历史是不开的。
    The appraisal of Comrade Mao Zedong and the exposition of Mao Zedong Thought relate not only to Comrade Mao personally but also to the entire history of our Party and our country.
  • 我们还要继续坚持毛泽东思想。毛泽东思想是毛主席一生中正确的部
    We will continue to adhere to Mao Zedong Thought, which represents the correct part of Chairman Mao's life.
  • 这张地图的比例尺是四十六万之一。
    The scale of the map is 1/460000.
  • 移动通信应用部(map)--5
    Mobile Application Part (MAP) -5
  • 我来看看……梅普尔街127号……我看大概要开30钟。
    Let me see... Maple... I'd say that it would take about 30 minutes.
  • 112.青年事务委员会已完成一项青年发展研究,制定了青年工作的未来方向,目的是要帮助青年人充发展所长。
    112. The Commission on Youth has completed its study on youth development and mapped out the direction for our young people to follow in order to realise their full potential.
  • 通过绘制遗传图谱,人们利用dna离出来的区域确定某人是否具有独特的特性、遗传因子或其它大量的基因信息。
    By the use of genetic mapping isolated areas of DNA are used to find if a person has a specific trait, inherent factor, or any other numerous genetic information.
  • 几乎二之一的婚姻是以离婚收场。
    Just under half of all mar-riages end in divorce.
  • 那位队长在今年的马拉松赛跑中大部时间领先。
    The captain set the pace for most of the course in this year's marathon.
  • 他的打趣话十枯燥无味。
    His witticism was as sharp as a marble.
  • 心脏停止跳动不得超过四钟——只有很少时间来修补心脏的毛病。
    The heart could mot be taken out of action for mare than four minutes-very little time to repair a heart defect.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见英国首相撒切尔夫人时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom.)
  • 有十之一的人说比较喜欢老牌子的人造黄油。
    One in ten say they preferred their old brand of margarine.
  • 有十之一的人说比较喜欢老牌子的人造黄油。
    One in ten said they preferred their oldbrand of margarine.
  • 有十之一的人说比较喜欢老牌子的人造黄油.
    One in ten said they preferred their old brand of margarine.
  • 这是一个很接近的获胜比
    It 's narrow victory margin.
  • 这是一个很接近的获胜比
    It's a narrow victory margin.