  • 埃琳晚上外时,除了在唇、眼睑和脸颊上抹些“凡士林”护肤品外,什么都不用。
    Erin wears nothing but Vaseline on her lips, lids and cheeks for evenings out.
  • ”bodyshop(国外一家专门经营化妆品、沐浴产品的连锁店)售的冰蓝护发素是埃琳的选择,因为“它能刺激头皮,还有宜人的薄荷香”。
    " Body Shop lce Blue conditioner is Erin's pick, because "it makes your scalp feel tingly and has an amazing mint smell."
  • 从山顶上流下的水在山坡上冲蚀一条沟渠。
    The running water from the mountain top eroded a gulley along the slope.
  • 在这里,如何板结表面复沙和加固风蚀崖顶,便成了突问题。
    Here the problem of the utmost importance is how to harden the composite sand on the cliff face and strengthen the wind eroded cliff top.
  • 中国的竞争优势看来不会显着减弱,特别是在国际间的贸易壁垒仍未撤除的情况下,中国的口订单将不会大幅转移至亚洲其他经济地区。
    It is difficult to see this dominant position being significantly eroded particularly with the existence of international trade barriers which limit the extent of the possible shift of export orders from China to other Asian economies.
  • 中国在多种产品方面已确立市场领导地位,要使这种优势严重受损殊不容易,特别是因有国际贸易壁垒存在,要把中国的口订单转往其他亚洲经济体系会有一定限制。
    China has established market leadership in a variety of products. It is difficult to see this dominant position being significantly eroded particularly with the existence of international trade barriers which limit the extent of the possible shift of export orders from China to other Asian economies.
  • 男孩手里握着钱快速地跑去买东西。
    The boy quickly went on an errand with money clasped in his hands.
  • 去干一些愚蠢的差事
    Off on some fool errand or other.
  • 演唱者未唱出水平.
    The singer gave an erratic performance.
  • 使某人从错误的信仰中解脱来。
    free somebody (from an erroneous belief).
  • 难道报告中的结论就是依据这些错误事实得的吗?
    Are these erroneous facts the basis for the report's conclusion?
  • 讨论当中可能会来一些错误的意见,也不可怕。
    Erroneous views may crop up during discussions, but that is nothing to be afraid of.
  • 使纯洁在版前删除(如书籍)有错误的、粗俗的、淫秽的或其它不妥的东西
    To remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material from(a book, for example) before publication.
  • 〔2〕一九二七年革命失败后的短期间,在共产党内曾经现一种“左”倾盲动主义倾向,认为中国革命的性质是所谓“不断革命”,中国革命的形势是所谓“不断高涨”,因而不肯去组织有秩序的退却,错误地使用命令主义的方法,企图依靠少数党员和少数群众在全国组织毫无胜利希望的许多的地方起义。
    [2] For a brief period after the defeat of the revolution in 1927, a "Left" putschist tendency arose in the Communist Party. Regarding the Chinese revolution as a "permanent revolution" and the revolutionary situation in China as a "permanent upsurge", the putschist comrades refused to organize an orderly retreat and, adopting the methods of commandism and relying only on a small number of Party members and a small section of the masses, erroneously attempted to stage a series of local uprisings throughout the country, which had no prospect of success.
  • 他没有看第一页中有个拼写错误.
    He overlooked a spelling error on the first page.
  • 匆忙出差错。
    Error is always in haste.
  • 判断中经常现的错误
    Frequent errors of judgment.
  • 错误百出的书
    A book full of errors.
  • 请指出我的错误。
    Please point out my errors.
  • 你必须留意以免错。
    You must guard against errors.
  • 校正显示或标出错误
    To indicate or mark the errors in.
  • 他开始错,并失去了优势。
    He stated making errors and lost momentum.
  • 博学的具有或显示深奥并通常是系统的知识的;有学问的
    Possessing or demonstrating profound, often systematic knowledge; erudite.
  • 我的背上出满了疹子.
    A rash has erupted all over my back.
  • 中国人的智慧就会象火山一样释放
    The wisdom of Chinese people will erupt like a volcano.
  • 一些与他共事过的人认为他在研究生院时病症征兆就显现来了,但一直到他30岁时,症状才全面爆发。
    Some of his peers were convinced that the early stages of the illness manifested themselves in graduate school, but the full-blown symptoms did not erupt until he was 30.
  • 皮疹被皮疹感染,如丘疹
    To become affected with a skin eruption, such as pimples.
  • 痒疹一种由各种原因引起的慢性皮肤病,症状为现小疹和引起严重瘙痒的穹状的丘疹
    A chronic skin disease having various causes, marked by the eruption of pale, dome-shaped papules that itch severely.
  • 像喷发的火山那样,他倾泻形式繁多的作品:油画、水彩画、树胶水彩画;
    Like a volcano in eruption, he poured forth an endless variety of forms: oil paintings, water colors, gouaches;
  • 柏辽兹是一位真正的浪漫派艺术家,他表现的一切都是激烈的、夸张的和热情奔放的——人们称他为一座“喷发着的火山”。
    He was a true Romantic. Everything with him was violent, exaggerated and Passionate they called him a volcano in eruption.
  • 一种慢性皮肤病主要现在岁的妇女。
    a chronic skin disease occurring primarily in women between the ages of 20 and 40; characterized by an eruption of red lesions over the cheeks and bridge of the nose.
  • 有清晰内白外红的斑痕的皮肤发痒和疹:通常由于对虫咬,食物或药物过敏引起。
    an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs.